My Best Wife

Chapter 2297: Positivity

After handling everything, Fang Zhiqiang drove back again. On the way back, Fang Zhiqiang received a call from Li Yonggui.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"Are you on the way back?" Li Yonggui asked in a hurry.


"I heard Jianzhong say that it seems to be a little unpleasant? What's the matter?" Li Yonggui continued to ask.

"What else is going on, that guy hates me for nothing. He yelled at me as soon as he saw me. It seems that it should be impossible to get his forgiveness." Fang Zhiqiang also said helplessly.

In fact, Fang Zhiqiang's apology was originally not sincere. If it were not for the sake of reducing the incident, if it were not for the relationship between Li Yonggui and Liu Jianzhong, Fang Zhiqiang would not do it.

"Well, I also heard what Jianzhong said, saying that Cheng Hao is ignorant and always fights outside. Injuries are also common, but this time it is considered serious. He has no complaints about you, right?"

The question of Li Yonggui moved Fang Zhiqiang's heart. In any case, in Li Yonggui's eyes, it was obvious that he had done something wrong. But now, Li Yonggui still thinks of himself in his heart. This is indeed Fang Zhiqiang's not. Thought-of.

"No dad, he has a good attitude towards me, so you can worry about it." Fang Zhiqiang said sincerely.

"Well, pay attention to safety on the road. Also, when you come back, remember to bring a la carte. There is not much food at home. I guess Jianzhong will come over in two days. You will have to treat others well!"

Fang Zhiqiang immediately agreed without hesitation.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, Li Xiaoxiao of Mingda Group was still conducting an online deduction with Wang Yaxin. They were all very concerned about tomorrow.

And Lin Shan on the side is also making detailed records. She does not need to go to court tomorrow, but she needs to be responsible for technical issues in the group. After Fang Zhiqiang left, the research director’s enthusiasm for work also experienced a great decline. A little bit of Bi Luochun looked in his eyes and took it in his heart.

No matter what you say, the science and technology department is too important. If the science and technology department is paralyzed, it means that the entire Mingda is paralyzed.

But now, seeing new products that have already entered the research and development mode, they are stagnant again. At this time, Mingda needs Lin Shan's return.

Bi Luochun also called Lin Shan once, but Lin Shan refused, saying that he must stay to take care of Wang Yaxin until tomorrow's affairs are over.

Bi Luochun had no choice but to accept it.

As the executive director, the science and technology department is directly under the management of Li Xiaoxiao. Faced with this problem, Li Xiaoxiao is also a little helpless. I don’t know what kind of fascinating soup Fang Zhiqiang poured into this research director. It seems that Fang Zhiqiang is the only one who listens. .

When he was about to get off work, Li Xiaoxiao even received a call from the research director.

"Hey." Li Xiaoxiao answered the phone with some doubts. This was the first time the research director took the initiative to contact him within one day of joining the company.

"Director, I have to take leave tomorrow." The research director said straight to the point without hesitation.

"Ask for leave?" Li Xiaoxiao was stunned. At this time, Mingda was so nervous and short of manpower. At this moment, he asked for leave. Isn't this obviously an emotional disturbance?

"Well, it's a personal matter, it has been delayed for a long time." The research director continued to say briefly.

Li Xiaoxiao fell silent and couldn't continue like this. The influence of the research director was great. If he was not even so active in his work, the entire science and technology department would definitely be sluggish. By then, the loss would be immeasurable. .

"Wait a moment, I will come to you now, let's talk face to face." Li Xiaoxiao said after hesitating for a while.

When the scientific research director heard this, he was stunned. He didn't expect that Li Xiaoxiao would actually ask him to talk to him in person.

Speaking of, his position is not as high as Li Xiaoxiao. Even if it is a leave, he should take the initiative to apply for Li Xiaoxiao's office. After Li Xiaoxiao considers his discretion, whether to approve depends on Li Xiaoxiao's personal meaning.

However, Li Xiaoxiao's answer did surprise the research director.

Soon, Li Xiaoxiao came to the scientific research base. At this moment, everyone was off work, and the workers on the assembly line packed up and left.

When Fang Zhiqiang was in power before, the scientific research department was definitely still working overtime at this time, but now they have gone.

When Li Xiaoxiao came, watching people leave one after another, he did not step forward to stop him, and went directly to the office of the research director.

Seeing Li Xiaoxiao walking in, the research director also subconsciously got up from the office chair, looked at Li Xiaoxiao and said, "Director, why... come here in person?"

"Aren't you asking for leave? I'll go over and ask about the situation." Li Xiaoxiao calmly stood still while speaking, and seemed to have no intention of sitting down.

"Sit down first." The scientific research director was obviously somewhat guilty at this moment. Li Xiaoxiao, who was even higher than him, showed such a courteous and corporal attitude, which made him a little bit at a loss.

"No, I can ask, what is it?" Li Xiaoxiao continued to say politely.

When the words came to fruition, the research director was stunned, because he was fine originally, but just made an excuse.

"It's... the blind date introduced by my friend, I have always said that I want to meet, but I haven't been able to meet up until now. I didn't think it was too busy these two days, so I wanted to..."

As the scientific research director was talking, he couldn't go on anymore. I have to say that the fabricated reason is indeed not high-level.

"It's indeed a very important thing." Li Xiaoxiao nodded with a serious face. After saying this, he looked at the research director in silence, and did not speak for a while.

"That..." The scientific research director looked at the silent Li Xiaoxiao, was stunned for a while, and began to hesitate in some confusion.

"If you have made a decision, of course I will approve you, but I still have something I want to tell you." Li Xiaoxiao looked at him heaving and continued.

"You said." The research director said politely.

"As the director, you have always done a good job before. Mr. Fang should have asked your personal opinion before, asking if you would like to be the vice president of Mingda, right?" Li Xiaoxiao said unhurriedly.

"Yes, President Fang did say about this, but I have no plans in this regard." The research director replied without hesitation.

"Of course, for you, what you want is more than a simple position as a vice president. You want to achieve personal value. I know this."

"But now, President Fang has abdicated. You may feel that your heart is empty. The whole group seems to be different from before. You don't have that energy anymore, right?"

Li Xiaoxiao said unabashedly.

The scientific research director did not say anything. All of Li Xiaoxiao's words were accurate, but he did not know how he should answer at the moment to be considered appropriate.

"I understand you very well, but at the same time, you also need to realize that you have a great influence on Mingda, because your own thoughts may affect many people. Although Fang Zong has now abdicated, Mingda It’s still the old Mingda, and President Fang is not going to come back. He should have told you when he abdicated, right?"

Li Xiaoxiao's words caused the research director to nod immediately.

"In that case, you don't have to let yourself be so languid because of his abdication. You can realize your personal value, and you can also lead everyone to create greater glory for Mingda. Everything you have done for Mingda, We all keep in mind that if one day you feel that what Mingda has given you can no longer satisfy you, of course we will not let you stay reluctantly, but now, you can have such a large platform as Mingda to realize your The value of life, why don’t you take the opportunity well? Why do you want to let those insignificant things affect your determination?"

After Li Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he stared at the expression of the scientific research director intently. At this moment, he looked a little shaken.

And Li Xiaoxiao did not hesitate, and continued: "As long as you can stand up again, it means that the entire science and technology department can stand up. Now you should know the situation of Mingda. Without your efforts, Mingda really You can't get past this hurdle."

The scientific research director fell silent. Li Xiaoxiao's words were so sincere and he did not lie at all. Every word was true, which made the scientific research director a little moved.

"Of course, although I am President Fang’s wife, in your eyes, I am not Fang Zhiqiang after all. You can question my ability to work, and you can also make suggestions for my work and President Bi’s work, but we are now To make progress together, on the big platform of Mingda, all of us learn from each other and make progress day by day. Isn't this bad?"

Li Xiaoxiao’s humility finally impressed the scientific research director. In fact, he was nothing more than playing tricks before, because Fang Zhiqiang’s position in his heart is too high. It is impossible to describe Fang Zhiqiang’s treatment of him in Bole. The importance of.

Because Fang Zhiqiang's abdication did make him feel that he had no interest in whatever he did. He lost Fang Zhiqiang's knowledge, as if he had lost his soul.

However, what Li Xiaoxiao said just now is very clear, Fang Zhiqiang is not going to come back, and, without Fang Zhiqiang, Mingda is still Mingda, and he can still stay here to realize his life value!

"Director Li, I understand what you have said. Don't worry, I will work hard from tomorrow!"

After pondering for a long time, the research director finally raised his head again and said firmly.

"No blind date?" Li Xiaoxiao looked at him with a sigh of relief, and then joked.

"Hey, I didn't believe in the object at all." The research director smiled and said embarrassingly.

Li Xiaoxiao speaks to him without concealment, every sentence is the truth, he naturally feels that he does not need to cover up with Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao smiled again after hearing the words, "With your support, I have confidence in my heart!"

Li Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand and shook hands with the research director, and said this sentence, which made the research director feel a little shock again.

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