My Best Wife

Chapter 2296: Come to apologize

After listening to Li Yonggui laughing and talking with each other for a long time, and finally talking about business, Fang Zhiqiang listened carefully again.

"I heard from my son-in-law that when I was playing in the bar two days ago, it seemed that I accidentally injured my nephew?" Li Yonggui still said with a smile on his face.

"What? Your son-in-law? You mean... Fang Zhiqiang is your son-in-law?" Liu Jianzhong's incredible voice suddenly came over.

Li Yonggui nodded slightly and said, "Well, yes."

"This...hey! Isn't the flood rushing into the Dragon King Temple! I am completely unaware of me! Brother Yong, don't blame me for being ignorant!" Liu Jianzhong's tone suddenly changed 180 degrees, facing him Li Yonggui said very politely.

"Haha, after I heard about this, I even talked to my son-in-law. It is indeed because he did not do it properly. How can he be so serious!" Li Yonggui laughed.

"It's okay, young man, who hasn't had the urge to do it! I thought we were..." At this point, Liu Jianzhong suddenly paused, and then changed his words: "Forget it, now I'm an old man, just Let’s not mention the naive things back then, another day, I will definitely come to visit another day, take a good look at Brother Yong!"

Li Yonggui continued to smile and said, "How can I bother you, beating my nephew so hard? How can I say that it should be our visit. Which hospital is the nephew at? I will take my son-in-law over and apologize to you in person! "

"No, no, brother Yong, what are you talking about? Even if you are in good health, I don't dare to toss you like this! You can just wait for my call at home, just these two days, I will go there!"

Liu Jianzhong said repeatedly.

Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but smile when he heard the words. After the two people exchanged a few words again, Li Yonggui told Liu Jianzhong his phone number and then hung up.

"Dad, I didn't expect your prestige in the circle of friends to be so high!" Fang Zhiqiang said with a smile when he saw Li Yonggui hang up.

"What kind of prestige, but it's a few years older than others, they give me face." Li Yonggui waved his hand.

"Then this matter, even if it ends like this?" Fang Zhiqiang asked tentatively.

"Even though I said that, it was the other person's child that was hurt after all. I don't want to go, but you have to take a trip." Li Yonggui said seriously.

"No problem!" Fang Zhiqiang agreed without hesitation. As long as there is no lawsuit, this is a trivial matter.

"Then in the afternoon, you buy some nutrition, and when you arrive, you must be polite. If Jianzhong is not there, you must apologize to the other party. No matter what he says, you must never conflict again." Li Yonggui continued to exhort. .

"Good dad, don't worry, I will be able to handle it well." Fang Zhiqiang promised again and again.

After lunch, Fang Zhiqiang went out non-stop, bought some nutrition, and after getting in the car, he called Wang Yaxin.

"Yaxin, which hospital is that guy in?" Fang Zhiqiang asked on the phone.

"People's Hospital, what's the matter?" Wang Yaxin said suspiciously.

"Well, I'll go and see him." Fang Zhiqiang said truthfully.

"Look...what's the situation?" Wang Yaxin, who didn't understand the situation, said suddenly in astonishment.

This is not like Fang Zhiqiang's style of dealing with things. Is it possible that he has just been talking nice things on the phone with others? Wang Yaxin couldn't believe that Fang Zhiqiang would say anything nice.

"This matter is not clear for a while. In short, there is no need to go to court, so don't worry." Fang Zhiqiang said.

"No, what on earth did you say to others? How come it's so good that you don't need it?" Wang Yaxin continued to ask in confusion.

"Okay, I have to drive, and then tell you in detail, you take a good rest, haven't you already decided to appeal tomorrow?" Fang Zhiqiang said as he started the car.

Listening to Fang Zhiqiang's fire, Wang Yaxin didn't say any more. He simply said a few words and hung up the phone, but she was still at a loss. She always felt that this matter was strange.

Of course, she didn't know the actual situation and couldn't understand how she thought.

Fang Zhiqiang did not stay at all, after arriving at the People's Hospital, he ran directly to the fellow's ward.

As soon as I walked to the door of the ward, I saw a familiar face.

I just searched for his information on the Internet, Liu Jianzhong, the president of Golden Water Bucket.

"Hello, you are Uncle Liu, right?" Fang Zhiqiang said politely when he saw him walking out of the ward.

"Are you?" The other party looked at Fang Zhiqiang with a puzzled look, frowning.

"I'm Fang Zhiqiang." Fang Zhiqiang said with a smile.

When Liu Jianzhong heard this, he reacted, and then he glanced behind Fang Zhiqiang, but did not find Li Yonggui. He immediately looked at Fang Zhiqiang again, and said, "Didn't you say you don't need to come over?"

"That's how it works, anyway, it's the person I hurt, so I should always come and have a look." Fang Zhiqiang picked up what was in his hand and continued smiling.

Liu Jianzhong didn't have a good impression of Fang Zhiqiang. After all, he beat his son like that. Although he said that his son was indeed uncomfortable, he was obviously not happy if he could beat him but others beat him.

The attitude of talking with Li Yonggui on the phone before was so good, because the two of them are old acquaintances, but with Fang Zhiqiang, there is not the slightest affection at all.

"But my son, you shouldn't be welcome now. After you go in, you will be at your own risk." Liu Jianzhong continued to look at Fang Zhiqiang and said.

Fang Zhiqiang nodded, and didn't say much afterwards. Looking at Liu Jianzhong's back, he immediately walked into the ward.

Liu Jianzhong's name is Liu Chenghao, and he is now lying in the hospital bed.

Fang Zhiqiang walked over slowly. There were several people around the hospital bed. They were all at a loss when they saw Fang Zhiqiang coming over. They did not hear the conversation between Fang Zhiqiang and Liu Jianzhong just now at the door, so at this moment, neither of them Know the identity of Fang Zhiqiang.

Fang Zhiqiang stepped forward and glanced at Liu Chenghao on the hospital bed. In any case, he was awake at this moment. He tilted his head a little bit hard and glanced at Fang Zhiqiang. It was just a glance on that guy’s face. His muscles twitched suddenly.

"" Because of the inconvenience of speaking, coupled with the excitement, Liu Chenghao suddenly stammered.

And Fang Zhiqiang smiled and said, "How is your recovery? I'm here to see you."

This scene seems a bit funny. The person injured himself, but now he is saying good things for himself. This is indeed not what Fang Zhiqiang is good at. If it is not for avoiding this lawsuit, and Liu Jianzhong and Li Yonggui are still friends, since Now Li Yonggui has already come forward, and if he can't handle it well, it will even affect the relationship between Li Yonggui and Liu Jianzhong, so Fang Zhiqiang was forced to step forward and say so.

However, Liu Chenghao was very angry. Seeing this person who beat him like this, the anger in his heart suddenly stopped.

"You... get out of here!" Liu Chenghao stretched out his fingers laboriously, pointed at Fang Zhiqiang, and shouted.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't have the slightest embarrassment on his face. He had already expected this scene.

"Don't get excited, I'm just here to see how your recovery is. There is no malice." Fang Zhiqiang continued to say calmly.

At this moment, everyone around him started to pay attention to Fang Zhiqiang. One of the women who looked like Liu Chenghao's wife asked him softly, "Who is this person?"

"He is Fang Zhiqiang!" Liu Chenghao said without hesitation.

"Fang Zhiqiang?!" The woman glared at Fang Zhiqiang when she heard the words, and said coldly: "You still dare to come? Are you really afraid of death or something?"

"Don't get excited. As the saying goes, you don't hit the smiley person with your hand. You see that I'm all carrying things. You won't be able to drive me out, right?"

"Today is to kick you out! Get out!" Liu Chenghao, who was lying on the hospital bed, continued to roar.

But at this moment, a low voice suddenly came from the door: "Naughty!"

Fang Zhiqiang looked back and found that Liu Jianzhong was back.

"Dad! He beat me like this, you..."

"So what? It's because you don't have the skills, and you can't fight in a fight, so you are ashamed to say?" Liu Jianzhong immediately said coldly to Liu Chenghao.

Liu Chenghao suddenly looked helpless when he heard the words. He couldn't understand how he thought about it. What was going on?

Why is his father so protective of Fang Zhiqiang?

"Zhiqiang, Cheng Hao is emotionally unstable now, so go back first, don't worry, what I said to your dad before counts." Liu Jianzhong turned his eyes to Fang Zhiqiang again, and his voice returned to normal again.

Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, nodded, and then said: "Anyway, I did something wrong this time. I am here today to apologize. I hope I can get your forgiveness. I'm sorry."

While talking, Fang Zhiqiang bowed to Liu Chenghao on the hospital bed and sincerely apologized.

When Liu Jianzhong saw this, he nodded again, and then raised his hand to Fang Zhiqiang, signalling Fang Zhiqiang to leave.

After that, Fang Zhiqiang stopped staying at all, and immediately walked out of the ward.

"Dad, just because of his nice words, you are so generous with him? You think I am hurt like this!" Liu Chenghao couldn't swallow this breath, and continued to shout at Liu Jianzhong.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang had already walked out, and Fang Zhiqiang did not hear what they said next.

"You should have a long memory! You always hang around outside, and some fights! Don't you want to fight? Since it is a fight, there is always the injured party. It is impossible for you to hurt others every time! Why is it that you do not have a long memory? Yeah!" Liu Jianzhong really had nothing to do with his son. He was fooling around all day long, and he remained the same no matter what he said.

However, Liu Chenghao also didn't understand his father very much. Taking this incident as an example, he felt that he was already injured so badly, but his father didn't have much caring words for him. Instead, he still helped each other to speak. , This makes the relationship between their father and son more and more rigid.

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