My Best Wife

Chapter 2298: First day of work

Seeing the performance of the scientific research director, Li Xiaoxiao was finally relieved, his influence is so great, as long as he can regain his enthusiasm, then the entire science and technology department will not have to worry about it by himself.

Indeed, the scientific research director deserves Li Xiaoxiao’s trust in him. Since he has been persuaded by Li Xiaoxiao, he will naturally not worry about Li Xiaoxiao anymore. He is solely responsible for the work of the science and technology department, and naturally there is no questionable.

The day’s work seems to be over, but for Li Xiaoxiao, there is still a lot of work to be done. For her at this moment, the most important thing is not the management issues within the group, but the appeal plan for tomorrow. .

After staying in the group for a day, Li Xiaoxiao discovered many problems. Naturally, there are many situations like scientific research director. Although Li Yi's resignation has played a role in killing chickens and monkeys, everyone is still not so relieved of himself and Bi Luochun.

On the surface, nothing seems to be visible, but in fact, they all have their own ideas.

But for this, Li Xiaoxiao is not in a hurry. After all, this is not something that can be solved in three or two days. If you want to convince them, the simplest and rude way is to make some achievements. For Li Xiaoxiao, now What is needed is such an opportunity. Therefore, Li Xiaoxiao regards tomorrow's appeal plan very importantly. If he and Wang Yaxin are beautiful enough in this battle, then he will have a firm foothold in Mingdali.

After that there are a lot of things, and some are opportunities to make them admire themselves.

After finishing the conversation with the research residence, Li Xiaoxiao returned to her office again. Everyone had already left, but she was still sitting on the office chair, looking at the computer files.

It was getting dark, but Li Xiaoxiao didn't even notice it.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Li Xiaoxiao looked up and found that Bi Luochun was walking towards him.

"Why? Still not leaving?" Bi Luochun stepped forward and said.

"Well, about some documents for tomorrow, I'll look at it again." Li Xiaoxiao glanced at the computer screen, then stretched out and said.

"How is it? It should be very uncomfortable to return to work on the first day?" Bi Luochun walked in again and continued to ask.

"It's okay, I think my adaptability is quite strong. In a day's time, except for a little tired, there is no other problem." Li Xiaoxiao smiled and said.

"Why didn't you leave?" Li Xiaoxiao looked at Bi Luochun with a puzzled look, and asked.

"I really want to leave. You don't know how many things are waiting for me to do. Even if I work till now, there are still a lot of things that have not been processed. I see, I will have to work overtime every day from now on! When Qiangzi was around, he felt that he couldn't handle things every day, but he seemed to have a good way, always seemed to be able to do things easily, unlike me, always busy and dizzy. Hey...too much. All tears..."

Bi Luochun said helplessly, now it's time for get off work, so there is no need for him and Li Xiaoxiao to maintain a relationship between superiors and superiors.

And listening to Bi Luochun’s complaining voice, Li Xiaoxiao also stood up, and said to him: "In the beginning, it may be the case. After a long time, it should gradually get better. Don’t you. Too anxious."

"I hope so, I always feel that I am not this material at all. Qiangzi's expectations of me are too high, and I am worried that he will be disappointed then." Bi Luochun looked aside and said in a low voice.

Li Xiaoxiao could naturally hear his lack of self-confidence in his tone, and immediately reassured him: "Don't put pressure on yourself. Even if you really didn't do well in the end, Qiangzi wouldn't say anything. If it weren’t for your relationship with Qiangzi, Qiangzi would not give you such an important task. You have to understand that his original intention was to exercise your abilities, not to hope that you could do such an earth-shattering thing. ,Understand?"

Li Xiaoxiao’s remarks silenced Bi Luochun. After listening to it, Bi Luochun would naturally understand. Fang Zhiqiang did mean this. In fact, he knew very well, but even so, he still felt that if he didn’t If this work is done well, it seems to be sorry for Fang Zhiqiang's trust in him.

"However, even though you say that, you also need to work hard. As your Mingda gets better and better, your grades will naturally get better and better. In the final analysis, this is still something that is good for you. Anyway, You should take this job seriously. It may be really tired, but it is worthy of being tired!" Li Xiaoxiao said repeatedly looking at Bi Luochun's silent look.

After speaking, Li Xiaoxiao sighed slightly, and then continued: "Actually, when I decided to join Mingda, my father opposed me. He didn't want me to get involved in the troubles of business anymore. It is precisely because of this that I made up my mind to work hard and make some achievements, proving that I am not a disadvantaged group in their eyes, and I can also make achievements worthy of their applause!"

Li Xiaoxiao said this very sincerely. After listening to this, Bi Luochun felt quite deep in his heart, and he nodded fiercely, and then said: "We are in the same situation. At the beginning, Yanzi was against me. She thought that I could not do the job well, but then she changed her mind and started to support me, and she also told me that I must work hard, even if it is not for others, at least to test how good I am."

The two people were talking and talking, the time had come to more than eight o'clock, and neither of them noticed the time, and felt that they were hungry. Then they looked at the time. When it was past eight o'clock, both of them couldn't help it. Stunned.

At this time, if there is nothing wrong with Li Xiaoxiao, he would have already entered the bed. After all, the weather is not particularly warm now, and the bed is the most comfortable. Even if you don't sleep, lying in bed and playing with your phone is a good choice.

"Let's go out to eat something?" Bi Luochun suggested.

"Even if you eat, you go to work on the first day. If it is too late for your family to explain, you should go home early." Li Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

Hearing this, Bi Luochun also nodded, thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the case. It seemed that it was not too appropriate to go out to dinner with Li Xiaoxiao alone.

At the same time, both Xiaoma and Li Yonggui at home have been anxious and wanted to call Li Xiaoxiao several times. If Fang Zhiqiang hadn't stopped them all the time, I'm afraid they had already made several calls.

Fang Zhiqiang is very aware of Mingda’s work. Although the prescribed off-duty time is 6 o’clock, it’s impossible for Li Xiaoxiao not to work overtime, and it’s still the first day to work. There must be many things to be familiar with. In order not to disturb her, Fang Zhiqiang never let them call.

The family has eaten dinner, but none of them slept. They were playing and watching TV in the living room with Xiao Ai Li. Although it seemed that the faces of several people were always smiling, but some of them But his eyes glanced at the clock from time to time, and the anxiety and helplessness in his heart continued.

They hope to see Li Xiaoxiao entering the room in the next moment.

Finally, just after nine o'clock, several people heard the footsteps outside the door getting closer, and they all looked at the door in unison.

Sure enough, the next moment I saw Li Xiaoxiao opening the door of the room.

Seeing Li Xiaoxiao coming back, Fang Zhiqiang and Li Yonggui were still sitting on the sofa, pretending to be calm and watching TV, but Xiaoma couldn't help it at all, and immediately greeted Li Xiaoxiao.

"Have you eaten yet? Why did you come back so late? Is the group so busy?"

For their children, it seems that there are always endless questions to ask. This is not their nagging as parents, but their sincere concern.

But even so, sometimes, children will still be annoyed by those endless words.

Many times, there will be a big quarrel because of these trivial things, but in fact, it is nothing more than the two sides using different ways to vent their inner dissatisfaction.

This emotion may come from pressure at work, or it may come from troubles in life. In short, we always show the worst side of ourselves to the closest people, but show the most perfect side to strangers.

The mother's three consecutive questions made Li Xiaoxiao not know how to answer for a while. Naturally, it is impossible to say in detail about what she was in the group today. Listening to her question, Li Xiaoxiao also smiled helplessly and said: " No, it’s just a little extra shift."

"This is the first day I went to work, and I was so busy until so late. Isn't it the same every day in the future? At this time, it is not safe for you to drive back by yourself? Can you..."

"Mom, don't worry. Many people in the group are like this. What's unsafe when driving a car. Didn't I come back well?" Li Xiaoxiao interrupted her mother's words immediately, and said helplessly. .

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense. Didn't Zhiqiang always stay up all night before? You also know that Mingda is now in a special period and has endless work every day. You let her get off work on time. , So much work, who do you want to do?" Li Yonggui immediately tilted his head slightly as he listened to Xiaoma's words, and said in an unhurried tone.

"Is there anything to eat?" Li Xiaoxiao asked when she heard the words, looked at her mother again.

"Have you eaten yet? Haven't eaten even so late? You are not afraid of starving your body!" Xiaoma couldn't stand Li Xiaoxiao's words, and when she was at home, when would she let herself Your daughter was hungry? But now she just went to work and came back hungry. As a mother, she couldn't get away anyhow.

Li Xiaoxiao immediately said helplessly: "I have eaten, but I am not very full, so I want to eat more."

"I keep it for you in the kitchen. I'm afraid you won't eat well. I'll heat it up for you." Xiaoma said while helping Li Xiaoxiao's coat hang up.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he finally stood up at this moment, then turned around, looked at Li Xiaoxiao and Xiaoma and said, "Mom, let me go, you and Xiaoxiao have a rest."

The dinner was made by Fang Zhiqiang and Xiaoma together. Although Fang Zhiqiang's current craftsmanship is not good, Xiaoma's attitude towards him being able to cook is very gratified and praised Fang Zhiqiang.

However, Fang Zhiqiang’s cooking is naturally not to make others praise herself, but to let Li Xiaoxiao come back and see the food she cooked for her sincerely. In that case, maybe she can forget the troubles at work. Be happier.

Xiaoma heard this, but did not refuse, and then said: "Then remember to shut off your breath after you are done.

After speaking, Xiaoma took Li Xiaoxiao's hand and went to the sofa in the living room. After sitting down, she looked at Li Xiaoxiao seriously and said, "You know, Zhiqiang's meal tonight is personally. Yes, he said that you must have a lot of work troubles in the group. I hope you can have dinner that he made for you when you come back, so that you can be happy!

After listening to her mother's words, Li Xiaoxiao was also taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly turned her head, looking at Fang Zhiqiang who had already entered the kitchen, her heart felt a little sour.

Think about it carefully, when Fang Zhiqiang was working outside, did he ever cook any dinner for him? Even a simple loving breakfast, I couldn't let him eat it.

However, Fang Zhiqiang had never complained about this, and now seeing him doing so much for himself, Li Xiaoxiao felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

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