My Best Wife

Chapter 2295: Old friend

"How do you say?" Fang Zhiqiang asked nervously.

"The other party has been awake for several days, and has been in the observation period since then. Looking at it now, there should be no major problems and can be completely recovered." Wang Yaxin continued to say solemnly.

After Fang Zhiqiang listened, he continued to ask with some doubts: "This should be a pretty good result. Why do you sound so solemn?"

"If this is the case, of course it is a good result, but the other party's family is very powerful. The golden bucket foot bath chain store was opened by his father. You should know this?" Wang Yaxin continued solemnly.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he couldn’t help but stunned. Speaking of Golden Bucket, it is basically a household name. It is completely different from Mingda. Although Mingda is so large, its flagship stores are very limited. However, this There are countless chain stores in the whole territory of Golden Bucket, with branches in every region.

It is conceivable that as the owner of the golden bucket, he is such a rich man.

In today's society, as long as you have money, you are obviously not an easy owner. When you meet such a person, Fang Zhiqiang also knows that this matter is obviously difficult to solve.

"Then, what did his father say?" Fang Zhiqiang continued to ask.

"I just called me and said that I want to contact you directly, but I didn't give him your contact information. I am worried that he will lose control of his emotions by then, so..."

"Since he wants to take the initiative to contact me, then you give me his number and I take the initiative to call him." Fang Zhiqiang interrupted Wang Yaxin's words and said categorically.


"Don't worry, through the phone, what can he do to me?" Fang Zhiqiang said disapprovingly again.

Helpless Wang Yaxin had to agree. In fact, she didn't want Fang Zhiqiang to contact that person. After receiving the call from that person, Wang Yaxin could also hear that the other party was a very calm and mature man, even if she was herself. His son was hurt so badly, but he was not at all flustered, and his words were justified. Such a calm man is most likely to make incredible decisions.

Moreover, since the other party is such a rich man, he must be able to lock Fang Zhiqiang's mobile phone number and location information through various methods. If the two parties collapsed, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, before the worries in Wang Yaxin's heart had time to tell Fang Zhiqiang, Fang Zhiqiang interrupted her, and she had no choice but to send that person's number to Fang Zhiqiang.

Fang Zhiqiang took a look, and Li Yonggui, who was on the side, also asked aloud: "What's the matter? Or was it because of the fight that night?"

Fang Zhiqiang nodded, and did not speak. At this moment, he was preparing to call the other party.

When Li Yonggui saw this, he didn't continue to speak, looking at Fang Zhiqiang's serious expression, watching TV for himself.

"Hello, I'm Fang Zhiqiang." Fang Zhiqiang said in a hurry, without arrogance or rashness, just after the call was connected.

"You should know who I am?" The other party soon heard a male voice that was equally lukewarm, and it sounded calm and calm.

"Of course." Fang Zhiqiang replied without hesitation.

"I have understood everything before, do you think, how to deal with it is more appropriate?" The other party's voice sounded again, still sounded without the slightest anger, as if this was not what happened to his son.

"Didn't the staff say it already? I belong to the legitimate defense. As long as his injury can be recovered, there will be no problems?" Fang Zhiqiang continued.

"However, such a statement does not work for me." The other party said this unquestionably. Although the voice is not loud, it does not have any power to refute it.

"Then you shouldn't contact me?" Fang Zhiqiang knocked sideways.

"Fang Zhiqiang, right? The former president of Mingda Group has just taken office. If I am not mistaken, it should be related to this matter?"

"We are not discussing this topic right now?"

"I do have a suggestion. If you agree, let's just give up. Otherwise, see you in court." The voice of the other party continued unhurriedly.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment. The other party was able to tell his own information, and he understood his recent situation so clearly, he would naturally know what state Mingda is now, and the current Mingda is the least willing. Those who have seen the lawsuit, even if they have already abdicated now, once involved in the lawsuit, after all, there is no benefit to them and Yu Mingda. No matter what the final result is, there will be some losses in the end.

Therefore, Fang Zhiqiang's original intention was not to let things develop to that point.

"You said." Fang Zhiqiang said lightly.

"My son has three fractures and minor concussions. I asked you to claim 70 million yuan, isn't it too much?" After hearing Fang Zhiqiang's voice, the other party said so without hesitation. This is obviously his earlier. Already thought about it.

After Fang Zhiqiang heard it, he almost couldn't help but laugh, 70 million! This is the big mouth of the lion!

"I understand that you are a very rich person. In your eyes, 70 million is really nothing, but in my eyes, this is an astronomical figure. You name an amount that I cannot afford to repay. Could it be that you are ready to go to court long ago?"

Fang Zhiqiang's tone became colder.

"Mingda's former president, even if he abdicated, if he didn't even have 70 million, no one would believe it?" The other party still didn't feel anxious and continued to speak slowly.

"Well, let's not say who provokes who first. If you insist on tackling compensation, I can be responsible for all your son's medical expenses." Fang Zhiqiang said this to test the other party. Thinking, obviously, compared with 70 million for medical expenses, it is obviously a world of difference, and Fang Zhiqiang has almost thought that it is impossible for the other party to agree to this condition.

However, for Fang Zhiqiang, there is only so much he can afford.

"Mr. Fang is really humorous, if that's the case, let's meet again!"

After the other party finished speaking, he suddenly hung up the phone. After listening to Fang Zhiqiang, he still felt that there was a cloud of mist, and he didn't know what the other party meant.

It's just that, anyway, I'm already lighter now. If they really want to make a fuss, they can't stay with them to the end, it's just a waste of time and energy.

But if they continue to speak loudly, they will not take him as a dumb loss.

President of Golden Bucket, Liu Jianzhong.

Fang Zhiqiang quickly found relevant information about this person on the Internet. Judging from his appearance, he was a very kind person, but Fang Zhiqiang looked through the deeds he had done before, and suddenly found that this guy But a master who plays guns secretly!

Seeing that Mingda's appeal tomorrow is about to begin, and at this time, if he is involved in a new lawsuit, Fang Zhiqiang is indeed not at ease with Mingda's current situation, mainly because Li Xiaoxiao has now joined Mingda.

"Liu Jianzhong?" At this moment, Li Yonggui inadvertently saw Liu Jianzhong's personal information from Fang Zhiqiang's mobile phone screen, and suddenly shouted in surprise.

Fang Zhiqiang heard this, turned his head, looked at Li Yonggui and said, "You know?"

"Hehe, we slept on the upper and lower bunks together in the staff dormitory back then!" Li Yonggui smiled and said.

"What's wrong? What's the matter between you and him?" Li Yonggui continued to ask.

"The man I injured two days ago was his son. Now he wants me to compensate him 30 million. I think this amount is too high." Fang Zhiqiang said in detail.

"It's his son? That person will definitely not give up easily." Li Yonggui frowned and thought for a while, then said.

Fang Zhiqiang was silent. Li Yonggui’s recognition of Liu Jianzhong’s incident has made Fang Zhiqiang very surprised. Even the original Asian Americans were far less in scale than the golden bucket, and Liu Jianzhong’s age was younger than Li Yonggui Many, they should be in their early sixties today.

"However, if this old man like me came forward, the result might not be easy to say." After Li Yonggui pondered for a while, he suddenly spoke again.

Fang Zhiqiang heard this and immediately said: "Dad, if you are embarrassed, you don't have to. The big deal is nothing more than a lawsuit, nothing."

"Hehe, what's the embarrassment? Speaking of it, the two of us haven't been in contact for a long time!" Li Yonggui said as he stretched out his hand to signal Fang Zhiqiang to give him the phone.

After receiving the mobile phone, Li Yonggui pressed the call record just now without any haste.

"What? Changed your mind?" The other party said immediately after the call was connected.

Li Yonggui smiled when he heard the words, and then said: "Hehe, Xiaojianren, I haven't seen him for many years, now it's just like wind and water!"

Hearing Li Yonggui's words, Liu Jianzhong was stunned. There are only a handful of people who know his nickname. It was a laugh from his friends before he developed.

Moreover, listening to the voice is obviously not alone with Fang Zhiqiang before, Liu Jianzhong suddenly asked in confusion: "Are you?"

"I am your Brother Yong!" Li Yonggui raised his voice and said again.

"Yong... Brother Yong? Brother Li Yonggui?!" The other party's always calm and calm voice suddenly became a little excited at this moment. When he called out the name, he obviously raised his voice.

Li Yonggui immediately smiled again and said, "Finally, we haven't seen each other for more than 40 years, right?"

"Yeah! When you left the steel factory to start a business, you were only 28 years old. This year you are 72, right?" Liu Jianzhong continued to say with excitement.

When Fang Zhiqiang saw this posture, he immediately felt that the matter should be resolved, and he was relieved.

Speaking of it, Li Yonggui’s contacts are really wide, and now that he is getting old, he has already retired from the world, but when connected, these friends are still so polite. It can be seen that Li Yonggui’s prestige in the circle of friends is not a bubbling. Soaked.

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