My Best Wife

Chapter 2294: Slaughter

For Mingda Group, Zhang Yuman had already written the copy, and after sending it to Li Xiaoxiao, he was very satisfied with it. Before Li Yi left the group’s door, he had already posted it on the public account.

Once it was released, this piece quickly evoked a strong response. Mingda's usual style is clear to everyone. For three consecutive years, the turnover rate has reached the lowest level of all companies in the entire Pearl City. This data is by no means groundless.

Therefore, as soon as the news of someone leaving Mingda came out, it immediately became a major news.

However, it was clearly written on the copy that Li Yi himself asked to resign. Although the group was very reluctant, it still approved his resignation application based on the purpose of respecting the employees' own wishes.

Everyone is naturally also aware that Mingda’s current situation makes him want to recruit more people. How could he easily abandon employees?

But there is another voice, that is about Bi Luochun's appointment.

Although Mingda’s turnover rate was always the lowest before, it was when Fang Zhiqiang was in power at that time. Now the president has been replaced by Bi Luochun. People who don’t understand him naturally have suspicions about him.

However, no one was involved in Li Xiaoxiao's body in this matter, and even many people didn't even know that Mingda had already given an additional executive director position.

At the moment, Li Xiaoxiao in the office is still thinking about what Fang Zhiqiang told him before. For the employees of Mingda, Fang Zhiqiang's idea is to use the meeting to make the cause and effect of this matter clear.

However, Li Xiaoxiao finally thought that this was a little fuss. After all, he was just a deputy minister of a department, and there was no need to mobilize people for him.

Therefore, Li Xiaoxiao simply transmitted the published copy to the private mailbox of everyone in the group. After all, it was only high-level people who participated in the meeting today, and there were not many people. Many people did not know Li Yi's rationality. What is going on.

At this time, Li Yi was still packing things in his office, and soon, colleagues in the same department outside had received the copywriting message sent by Li Xiaoxiao.

"Brother Li, come and see!" A man ran to the door of Li Yi's office quickly and said to Li Yi.

Hearing this, Li Yi followed the man out with a curious look. The man pointed at the content on the computer screen, and Li Yi could see it clearly.

"With regard to today's issue of the internal personnel transfer of Mingda, here is a detailed introduction..."

After reading this copy, Li Yi immediately gritted his teeth with anger. He didn't expect that this copy would have come out before he left the group. This made his previous idea of ​​revenge against Mingda completely frustrated. It is stated that everyone knows that he insisted on leaving the group, not Mingda who voluntarily expelled him. This gave him no chance to put a black spot on Mingda!

At this moment, Li Yi began to regret a bit. He regretted the phone call he made to Fang Zhiqiang before. He was short-tempered, but he forgot that Fang Zhiqiang is Li Xiaoxiao’s husband. How could his husband not support the decision Li Xiaoxiao made? ? Besides, he is just a deputy minister.

Li Yi finally realized that he seemed to overestimate his importance.

When Fang Zhiqiang was in office before, he could indeed tolerate his occasional small willfulness, but now it’s not what it used to be. Not only did the president change candidates, he even re-established a position of executive director. Today’s Mingda, obviously It's no longer the understanding of the original.

"Brother Li, it turns out that you are leaving the job yourself? I thought..." The man looked at Li Yi's silence at this moment, and immediately leaned forward and said softly.

"Why do you still think?" Li Yi suddenly turned his head to look, staring at the speaker, and asked in a very cold tone.

"I thought... the newly appointed director drove you..." The man said tremblingly. Although Li Yi's mood at the moment is very wrong, he feels that what he said is indeed nothing wrong. Li Yi wouldn't lose his temper with himself because of his words?

Moreover, he is no longer a vice minister, so what is there to be afraid of?

Listening to his words, Li Yi suddenly became even more angry. It was this abacus that he had originally made, making everyone think that Mingda took the initiative to expel himself. Only in this way can Mingda's reputation be damaged.

You know, at this juncture, Mingda also took the initiative to expel people. As long as this matter is slightly hyped, it will surely form a huge news. When the time comes, let alone make the entire Mingda insiders panic, at least, it will make those who think Those who want to come to apply are discouraged.

"Yes, Brother Li! Let's just say, how could you be fired if you have done such a good job! It turns out that you are leaving the job yourself!"

"Brother Li, is there any better project? Don't forget us then!"

One by one came forward and talked to Li Yi, but Li Yi's expression became more and more ugly. Seeing that his plan was about to fail, even if he was unwilling to leave, he had no choice but to accept helplessly. This fact is obviously extremely uncomfortable for him.

However, Li Yi could not continue to remain silent in the face of everyone. Although his face was helpless, he still had to pretend to be smiling and said: "It's not easy to say now, take your time! If it is really possible, then I won't forget you!"

In this department, there are indeed many loyal subordinates of Li Yi himself. If Li Yi really has a new good project, someone will follow him. After all, where the treatment is good, where to go is the kingly way, for them. As for the staff, even if they stay in Mingda, there is basically no day in their early days, so it is better to go out and fight with Li Yi.

But helplessly, Li Yi did not have a new good project. This time he announced his resignation so hastily that he himself didn't know what he was going to do tomorrow, so naturally he didn't dare to promise everyone.

"We are relieved with the words of Brother Li, we must keep in touch frequently!"

Everyone looked at Li Yi again, and said with a smiley face.

"Of course!" After Li Yi greeted a few words, he turned and left helplessly.

As soon as Li Yi walked out of the office, those smiling people immediately returned to their disgust.

"Cut! Wasn't it great before? Wasn't it fierce? How come you have become so well-behaved? Isn't it the right that Mingda gave you? You can also be fierce in front of us!"

"Yes, I also said that I voluntarily resigned, but the newly appointed executive director gave him a face, and he really regards himself as an onion!"

"You can do it! Why didn't you dare to say these things when Brother Li was on the throne? Now that people are lonely, you are falling behind you. One day, Brother Li will still be able to sit in the previous position. Then, you will continue. Cry!"

Life is like this, lonely, a group of people watching jokes, the scenery is beautiful, a group of people flattering.

The lonely scene when Li Yi left his post has been in the minds of the employees of Mingda for a long time. Although everyone knows that Li Yi’s usual style is indeed a bit arrogant, everyone also realizes that the newly appointed executive director is not an easy leader. , Once you make her unhappy, any consequences can happen!

And this incident did play a role in killing the chickens and the monkeys. Several people who were jumping and wanting to stand aside with Li Yi have now been born. The whole group is united in an instant.

The new official took office with three fires, and Li Xiaoxiao's first fire was quite successful.

This decision was made by herself temporarily. Before that, she thought that she must have a low-key entry. After some results were made, everyone would naturally be convinced by herself, but she did not expect that she encountered this when she first took office. Tietouwa, Li Xiaoxiao also made such a decision in desperation.

Just like what Bi Luochun said before, the current Mingda is in a time when there is an urgent shortage of manpower. Under normal circumstances, employees will not be fired, but today's situation is indeed an accident.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang has also seen the discussion in the large group within the Mingda Group. Seeing everyone talking about it, Fang Zhiqiang can be regarded as relieved. At least from the current point of view, this Li Yi is indeed unable to turn it over. The waves are up.

It’s just that Li Xiaoxiao’s behavior this time made Fang Zhiqiang a little worried. She was completely different from her previous management methods. Even if she faced repeated provocations by the research director, she did not expel him. intend.

However, Fang Zhiqiang also knows very well that if he said these things to Li Xiaoxiao now, Li Xiaoxiao would definitely not listen, because from this incident, it did not have any negative effects, but also played a role in killing chickens and monkeys. It seems pretty good.

But Li Xiaoxiao didn’t realize that with Li Yi’s expulsion, the internal staff obviously still had some concerns. Although the statement said Li Yi voluntarily resigned, everyone can tell from Li Yi’s expression. His resignation was not reconciled.

This is why Fang Zhiqiang asked Li Xiaoxiao to focus on this matter during a meeting, but Li Xiaoxiao did not adopt Fang Zhiqiang’s opinion. He told all employees by email, but email, after all It's just some cold words, and what everyone can learn from there is really limited.

After Fang Zhiqiang looked at the news of the crowd for a while, he remembered the matter of the appeal tomorrow. Fang Zhiqiang was not fully confident about this matter. When he went there before, he didn't think he would win this time. This time Li Xiaoxiao went with Wang Yaxin.

However, my current identity is no longer appropriate to go with them. Even if I go, I don't have any right to speak. I will delay time and not say it, and it may cause bad effects.

Just when Fang Zhiqiang was thinking about these things, Wang Yaxin called suddenly, which made Fang Zhiqiang stunned.


"Qiangzi, that person's diagnosis has come out!" Wang Yaxin's tone sounded very solemn, which made Fang Zhiqiang nervous instantly.

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