My Best Wife

Chapter 2293: Fang Zhiqiang's guarantee

"Roughly these are the contents. After you edit the copy, send it to my private email account." Li Xiaoxiao said after the introduction.

"Okay, Mr. Li, I understand, do you have any other requirements?" Zhang Yuman continued to answer politely.

In fact, as the Deputy Minister of the Finance Department, these tasks did not originally belong to her, but she patiently recorded all Li Xiaoxiao's requirements and answered them very seriously.

For this, Li Xiaoxiao was even more happy.

"Also, this matter must be kept strictly confidential. Before the statement is issued, no one can be known." Li Xiaoxiao reminded again.

The first contact with Zhang Yuman ended with this result. The deepest impression left on Li Xiaoxiao's heart is that Zhang Yuman is a very attractive woman and takes her work very seriously. It’s hard not to be liked and valued by leaders.

Li Xiaoxiao also seems to understand why Fang Zhiqiang was so optimistic about her at the beginning. She and Li Yi are two typical examples.

Both people have a lot of credit, but one is proud of merit and the other is no regrets. Comparing the two, of course the latter is more popular.

At the same time, Fang Zhiqiang and Li Yonggui also had a simple communication.

"Hehe, I have agreed that you will be the shopkeeper. Now it seems that you, the shopkeeper, can't get rid of it!" Li Yonggui joked.

"For me, it's already a throwaway!" Fang Zhiqiang also joked.

"Zhiqiang, looking at Mingda's current situation, Xiaoxiao can't get out of her body for a while, what are your plans?" Li Yonggui continued to ask.

"What? What are you going to do?" Fang Zhiqiang didn't know what Li Yonggui was talking about, so he asked in confusion again.

"I want a second child. Didn't your mother tell you about this before? How did you think about it?" Li Yonggui continued.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, he reacted, and then he smiled and said, “Don’t worry about this matter for the time being. As you said, Xiaoxiao can’t get out of her body for a while, and Xiao Ai Li is only now. I’m less than two years old, so wait."

"But, waiting like this is no way. Seeing that your mother and I are getting older and older, and a few years later, we will have no energy to help you take care of the children. You will have another child. If you have to take care of it yourself, you will have no time to work." Li Yonggui continued.

"It's okay, it's a big deal when the time comes to let a person take care of the children at home full-time, just leave work to me."

"And one more thing, Zhiqiang, don't you think the relationship between Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxiao is a bit awkward? If you have another child, this situation should be greatly improved. At that time, as long as you have a child, Two people can be more one minded."

Li Yonggui is also very concerned about the relationship between Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao. Although sometimes he seems to have nothing to worry about on the surface, in fact, he thinks more than Xiaoma in his heart.

After all, there is only Li Xiaoxiao such a precious girl, and he doesn't want to see what his daughter is wronged.

"Dad, my current thinking is that you and my mother can be in good health. As for Xiaoxiao and I, we already have a little Ai Li. His existence is already a bridge of love for us. With him, Xiaoxiao and I will not easily give up the relationship between us. In addition, there are also work related matters. You have also seen that the current Mingda is indeed inseparable from people. Whether I am or Xiaoxiao, we must have a Personally stay in Mingda."

"Of course, this is only a temporary situation. After Mingda's situation stabilizes, she will be asked to return to Wang Xia. Anyway, her body has completely recovered now."

After Fang Zhiqiang finished speaking, he stared at Li Yonggui's expression intently. Li Yonggui's next answer was also very important to Fang Zhiqiang.

Because Fang Zhiqiang’s remarks just now did not mention that he would return to Mingda. Fang Zhiqiang had worried about this before, thinking that Li Yonggui would have any opinion on himself because of this, so he is here again. So asked.

"Xiaoxia, she probably won't go back. When she decided to hand over the group to your care, she had already let go of her obsession. It's not like it was back then. She used to think of Mingda completely. Just like her mother, once Mingda encounters some turbulence, she can't stand it in her heart, and she is much better now."

Li Yonggui sighed. Speaking of this, he couldn't help but think of Wang Xia again.

"By the way, you said that she is getting older day by day, and she is still not in a hurry to start a family. I told your mother that she has several times, but she doesn't think about it at all. Obviously it won't work anymore. You You can talk to her, otherwise you find a chance and persuade her?"

When Li Yonggui said this, the meaning is not just as simple as it seems. He knows that Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Xia also seem to have those meanings. On the one hand, he said this to see Fang Zhiqiang’s reaction, on the other hand, he really wanted Let's see if he and Wang Xia still have any meaning in that respect.

"I've said it more than once. Think about it. She doesn't even care about what you said, let alone me. I have persuaded her several times, but she has perfunctory every time."

Fang Zhiqiang said helplessly.

Indeed, it is indeed embarrassing to ask Fang Zhiqiang to talk to Wang Xia about this matter, so Fang Zhiqiang rarely mentions this matter to Wang Xia. In the previous few times, he was either asked Li Xiaoxiao to talk about it, or he was told through roundabouts. Wang Xia, in short, Fang Zhiqiang has never actively mentioned this to her.

Judging from the current situation, Wang Xia obviously has no plans to start a family for a while, and Li Yonggui's anxiety is also excusable.

So Fang Zhiqiang said again: "But anyway, she is indeed not a child anymore, and she should indeed be a family. Let me find a chance. I will talk to Xiaoxiao about her and see if she can listen. ."

Li Yonggui nodded. From what Fang Zhiqiang said just now, Li Yonggui also saw Fang Zhiqiang's helplessness and anxiety. At least it is certain that Fang Zhiqiang no longer has any thoughts about Wang Xia.

In fact, it is not Li Yonggui’s random thoughts. After all, this involves his own daughter. After nearly a lifetime, Li Yonggui knows very well that the human heart is the most invisible, although on the surface it seems that Fang Zhiqiang is a good person, but In fact, Li Yonggui couldn't see exactly what he was thinking in his heart, and even he and Wang Xia still had the thread of continuous cutting, which could not be seen by human eyes.

"Okay, dad, you don't have to worry so much. Now you only need to stay with my mother and enjoy your old age. Those messy things can be handled by ourselves."

Fang Zhiqiang looked at Li Yonggui's frowning brows and said immediately.

"Haha! Zhiqiang, it's rare for you to chat with me at home. In fact, you don't know. I have a lot of things in my heart that I want to tell you. Xiaoxiao is a girl. Some things are inconvenient to tell her. I don’t have a son, so sometimes I want to talk to you, but you were so busy before, and you didn’t even have a chance to talk. Now you finally have this opportunity, you can’t dislike me nagging!"

Li Yonggui joked.

Fang Zhiqiang immediately said without hesitation: "Dad, what are you talking about? I am also very happy to be able to chat with you. How could I think you are nagging!"

In fact, Fang Zhiqiang knew very well in his heart that, no matter what Li Yonggui said, what he worried about was always those points, either Li Xiaoxiao, Wang Xia, or Wang Yaxin.

Speaking of this, Fang Zhiqiang felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Now Fang Zhiqiang didn't know that Li Yonggui actually knew that he and Wang Xia also had something in that regard.

So Fang Zhiqiang just felt that, except for Wang Xia, the other two of these three women were related to him, so that his parents were worried about these things. Fang Zhiqiang was indeed very guilty.

But if Fang Zhiqiang knew that Li Yonggui had known about Wang Xia and himself, he would blame himself even more.

"Speaking of, I am most worried about you and Xiaoxiao. As long as the two of you can have a good life, for the two elderly people, it is the greatest relief. You have been married for so long, no matter what. Say, what you did to Xiaoxiao before, I and your mother are both in your eyes, we have nothing to say about you, son-in-law, but the days to come will be long, and we can’t always be by your side. In my eyes, Xiaoxiao is still a young child. In many cases, she will do some ignorant things. I hope that you can be more tolerant and caring for her when we are away in the future. She used to choose you in spite of everyone's opposition. I hope you will always remember this."

Li Yonggui’s words were very sincere. Of course Fang Zhiqiang knew these things, but it was difficult to remember these things all the time during the process of getting along. If Li Yonggui hadn’t said it again today, Fang Zhiqiang would indeed have almost forgotten the beginning. Thing.

In fact, the relationship between forgetting and not forgetting is not very big. Even if you remember those firmly, in daily life, two people should have a conflict or a conflict, and it will not be because one party has done some earth-shattering good deeds. Will always be grateful, so that it is impossible not to fight for a lifetime.

Therefore, Fang Zhiqiang did not agree directly to Li Yonggui's remarks.

"Dad, of course I understand what you said. I will do my best to treat Xiaoxiao as much as I can. I know she has done for me. I don't need you to remind me of this."

"But, I have to say that when you get along in your life, you don’t stay quarreling forever because of these things. Even if you and my mother, it’s impossible not to quarrel, right? When you were young, you must There are also many touching deeds, but because of those things, you won’t quarrel for the rest of your life. When a couple gets along, it’s impossible to treat each other as guests for a lifetime."

After Fang Zhiqiang finished speaking, Li Yonggui immediately nodded. Fang Zhiqiang's words were indeed right, and Li Yonggui could not find anything wrong.

"Yeah, what you said also makes sense, maybe I worry too much."

Li Yonggui's tone clearly sounded something wrong.

Fang Zhiqiang knew that he was a little unhappy.

"Of course, what I'm talking about are things that cannot be changed by humans, such as the last misunderstanding caused by Yaxin. No matter how I explain, the misunderstanding in Xiaoxiao's heart has already formed. I can't assure you of that situation. . However, I will definitely do my best to treat her well, and I will never let her be wronged with me.

Li Yonggui smiled again after hearing this.

In fact, what kind of person Fang Zhiqiang is, he knows very well that the reason why he has to listen to Fang Zhiqiang's words again today is to let Fang Zhiqiang remember all the time. He has promised himself this if he wants to. When I lost my temper with Li Xiaoxiao, thinking of these words, maybe my temper could be suppressed.

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