My Best Wife

Chapter 2292: Sequelae

After Li Yi finished packing his things, he felt the weird glances from everyone around him. The more he thought about it, the more he felt unable to swallow that breath. He just said casually, wanting to express his innermost feelings. Dissatisfaction, but just because of this, he was expelled so straightforwardly, in front of so many people, no face was saved!

When Fang Zhiqiang was in power before, when did he suffer such humiliation?

What Li Yi doesn’t know is that Fang Zhiqiang is a person who loves talents. As long as there is nothing wrong with this person, Fang Zhiqiang can tolerate him, and he will even give him a high salary, just like the original research director, even if he has that. However, Fang Zhiqiang still chose to give him a chance.

Li Yi couldn't help taking out his mobile phone and calling Fang Zhiqiang.

After all, his position was once held by Fang Zhiqiang himself.

Fang Zhiqiang, who was at home, saw Li Yi's call, and he was puzzled, and immediately answered the call.

"Hello?" Fang Zhiqiang said on the phone suspiciously.

"President Fang, your wife is really amazing. On the first day after taking office, I was fired as a deputy minister!" Li Yi said angrily.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and then he said again: "Expelled? What's the situation?"

Obviously, Fang Zhiqiang is completely unclear about everything that happened in the group today. He only knows that today is Li Xiaoxiao’s inauguration ceremony. Looking at the time now, it is less than 11 o’clock. The ceremony should not be over yet. Right? Why was this deputy minister fired?

"I just made some comments and suggestions for her appointment, and she expelled me directly in front of all the executives, without saving me any face, even she already knew that I was you in person. The appointment hasn't changed that decision. It seems that she doesn't even give you face!" Li Yi continued to say angrily.

In fact, he didn't want to get something from Fang Zhiqiang, nor did he want Fang Zhiqiang to intercede with Li Xiaoxiao, and let Li Xiaoxiao continue to keep himself, he just wanted to tell what happened today, and then he would say more others……

"Hey, what you said is really right. It's like that at home, and she doesn't give me any face at all, but it really surprised me to make such a decision today. It seems that she doesn't look like that. Cruel people!" Fang Zhiqiang said helplessly.

Li Yi was appointed by him personally. He naturally knew Li Yi’s temperament. Fang Zhiqiang believed only half of Li Yi’s words just now. Li Xiaoxiao’s temperament Fang Zhiqiang naturally knew too. If he was not forced to be helpless, how could he be the first day? Just do something like this?

"President Fang, I am calling you today, not for anything else, just to say goodbye to you, thank you for your trust in me at the beginning, no matter where I go in the future, I will never forget your kindness to me. Of course, I will not forget the cruelty Mingda treated me."

After Li Yi said these words, he hung up the phone and Fei. Fang Zhiqiang wanted to continue to say something, but the other party had already hung up.

At this moment Fang Zhiqiang was sitting on the sofa at home. Li Yonggui on the side also heard the whole conversation. Hearing the other party hang up, Li Yonggui also frowned slightly and said: "This Xiaoxiao, he was such a fool when he took office!"

"Dad, this matter is still unclear. It is not easy to make a conclusion. Speaking of Li Yi, I have actually been dissatisfied with him for a long time. Every time I arrange a job, he is the one with the most problems, but because of him The previous achievements for the group, so I have never talked about him. It seems that Xiaoxiao cannot bear his temperament today."

Fang Zhiqiang explained.

"What position is this person?" Li Yonggui continued to ask.

"The deputy head of the marketing department was appointed by me personally." Fang Zhiqiang replied.

"Listening to his tone just now, it is obvious that he has remembered this enmity. After leaving Mingda, he will definitely find ways to retaliate. Then, Mingda will be an indispensable trouble." Li Yonggui said helplessly.

"Well, judging from Li Yi's temperament, he is very likely to do such a thing." Fang Zhiqiang also said solemnly.

Afterwards, Fang Zhiqiang analyzed what Li Yi had just said from beginning to end, and reconsidered why Li Xiaoxiao made such a decision and the possible consequences of this matter.

Li Yi is a member of the marketing department. He has a lot of customers. If, because of this incident, he inflames the reputation of Mingda, the consequences are naturally unpredictable and even more worrying. Yes, Li Yi is capable of self-reliance. Of course Fang Zhiqiang is not afraid of the small company he just established. What he is afraid of is that he takes away a large number of customers. For Mingda, the trust of customers is the cost of survival for Mingda. .

Although a large number of customers are very loyal to Mingda, under normal circumstances, the kind of situation that they are worried about will not happen, but this kind of thing should be just in case after all.

Therefore, Fang Zhiqiang immediately picked up the cell phone and called Li Xiaoxiao.

"Xiaoxiao, are you busy?" Fang Zhiqiang said softly.

"Well, I just arrived at the office, and it looks pretty good!" Li Xiaoxiao said in a good mood.

"Just now, Li Yi called me and told me roughly what happened today." Fang Zhiqiang said straight to the point.

"What? Do you think I did something wrong?" Li Xiaoxiao suddenly said with some surprise.

She knew that Li Yi was appointed by Fang Zhiqiang himself, but Fang Zhiqiang suddenly called this call. She thought Fang Zhiqiang wanted to preach to her.

"Of course not, you did the right thing. It's just that Li Yi's identity is special. When he called me just now, I listened to his tone and might do something unfavorable to Mingda, so this matter In the follow-up, you have to deal with it carefully." Fang Zhiqiang explained patiently.

"He is a small vice minister, what waves can he make? Qiangzi, are you too careful?" Li Xiaoxiao said suddenly disapprovingly.

"If it's normal, of course we don't need to worry, but now Mingda is in a special period, and this happened again today. Although we did nothing wrong, we can't control other people's mouths. How would he talk to other people? It is said that no one of us can imagine how it will ruin Mingda. Just in case, I think you'd better make a statement. After all, the position of deputy marketing department is not low, and it is worth making a statement ."

Fang Zhiqiang continued patiently.

But after Li Xiaoxiao listened, he still felt that Fang Zhiqiang had made a big fuss, and what statement he had to make was nothing but flies.

"Furthermore, Xiaoxiao, the content of the statement must be written carefully. First of all, it is necessary to affirm the benefits Li Yi has created for Mingda and affirm his personal value. It is best to show that Mingda expresses his deep regret for his resignation. In addition, clearly write down all the causes and consequences of the resignation. In this case, even if he wants to make tricks, he will not have that opportunity."

Fang Zhiqiang’s words made Li Yonggui nodded. He was able to be so careful and control all the details so perfectly. Fang Zhiqiang did a good job. Even Li Yonggui himself might not be able to think about it. So thoughtful.

After Li Xiaoxiao listened to it, she was finally convinced, not to mention whether Fang Zhiqiang’s worries would be fulfilled, only Fang Zhiqiang’s thoughtful considerations made Li Xiaoxiao extremely surprised. After thinking about so much, I directly agreed.

"Also, the statement was announced to the outside world, but for the group, you also need an explanation. You can find an opportunity yourself, or you can say it at the next meeting. After all, Li Yi’s credit is very high. If you don’t give one With a reasonable explanation, everyone will inevitably be chilled."

After Fang Zhiqiang finished speaking patiently and in detail, Li Xiaoxiao realized that a decision he made at random had so many sequelae. If Fang Zhiqiang did not say these things, Li Xiaoxiao would never have thought of it. These, and she has just taken office now, she still has work to do, so she has no spare time to think about it.

"By the way, the copy of the statement can be handed over to Zhang Yuman from the Finance Department. She is very good at this." Fang Zhiqiang reminded again when he was about to hang up.

Li Xiaoxiao agreed again. After hanging up, when he was about to press the landline button to quickly call the Finance Department, Li Xiaoxiao stopped suddenly.

At this moment, Li Yi probably has not left the group. This matter cannot be known to him in advance, so Li Xiaoxiao decided to go to the Finance Department in person to familiarize himself with all aspects of the environment within the group, and on the other hand, he also came into contact with this Zhang Yuman often mentioned by Fang Zhiqiang.

The current Minda Finance Department is not busy, with limited revenue and business operations.

After Li Xiaoxiao came, he directly asked everyone, "Is Zhang Yuman there?"

"Yes!" A woman at the desk suddenly stood up and replied to Li Xiaoxiao.

"I am Zhang Yuman, what is Mr. Li's order?" Zhang Yuman said very politely.

Zhang Yuman is not eligible to participate in today’s meeting, but the notice of Li Xiaoxiao’s appointment has been issued, and when Li Xiaoxiao came to the group, she also met several times. She was very impressed with Li Xiaoxiao, after all, Fang Zhiqiang Woman.

Seeing Zhang Yuman's polite attitude, Li Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded, then said: "Come out."

In full view, Zhang Yuman followed Li Xiaoxiao out of the office.

It stands to reason that Zhang Yuman, as the Deputy Minister of the Finance Department, does not need to do it himself, but only needs to do a good job of management. But when Li Xiaoxiao came, he saw her working at her desk. This made Li Xiaoxiao Also very pleased.

The others in the office looked at this scene with all doubts.

They all know Li Xiaoxiao's background, Fang Zhiqiang's right wife.

As for Zhang Yuman's road to promotion, everyone is happy to hear about it. It took her less than three years from a small accountant to the current deputy minister.

This obviously depends on Fang Zhiqiang's promotion of her, and Fang Zhiqiang's cultivation of her is obvious to all.

And today, on the first day Li Xiaoxiao took office, he couldn't wait to meet the celebrity Fang Zhiqiang once saw. What's the inside story?

"My name is Li Xiaoxiao, and I am the newly appointed executive director." After leaving the office, Li Xiaoxiao made a simple introduction.

Zhang Yuman smiled and said, "I already know, and I have seen you several times."

Zhang Yuman's appearance is not particularly beautiful, but the tone of speech and the smile on her face make her look quite attractive. As a woman, Li Xiaoxiao thinks she is a very attractive woman.

"Well, I came to you to tell you about Li Yi's resignation." Li Xiaoxiao continued.

"Mr. Li, please tell me." Zhang Yuman continued to say politely, and took out pens and notebooks from her pocket. This was a habit she developed when she was an accountant. With these things, she can remember at any time notes.

After that, Li Xiaoxiao gave a detailed introduction to today's incident about Li Yi, and also gave a rough overview of the content of the statement.

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