My Best Wife

Chapter 2291: New officer takes office

Li Xiaoxiao is right. For each of them, being able to get such a good job at Mingda is indeed something to be proud of. Even if Mingda is in such a crisis, they still reluctant to leave the company. As Li Xiaoxiao said, this is the largest enterprise in China, no matter it is in any industry, there is no enterprise with such a large scale.

In such a company, even if it's just an ordinary position, it's even better than being an executive in some small companies.

At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao looked at the silent people, still did not hesitate, and continued to speak: "I know, you are also concerned about the future development of Mingda, and worry that I will not lead everyone well, and lead not well. I will do anything here. Guarantee, it doesn’t make any sense. Therefore, in the next thought-up process, I accept everyone’s supervision. If you have any comments on me, you can put it forward to me. Of course, you can also directly report to President Bi."

Everyone raised their heads again and looked at the approachable cheeks. They couldn't say a word. They knew very well that the position of executive director was what they all yearned for, or even fanatical, but in this situation, they But they had to accept that even if they didn't want to admit the newly appointed executive director, there seemed to be no way.

Soon after Li Xiaoxiao's voice fell, Bi Luochun suddenly patted his palm.

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

After three consecutive beeps, Bi Luochun looked at everyone again and said: "From now on, she will be your future executive director. Do you have any objections?"

Bi Luochun really did not expect that Li Xiaoxiao, who seemed so gentle on weekdays, would actually have such a tough side. The words just now made Bi Luochun admire from the heart, at least Bi Luochun said no. That's what happened.

Hearing Bi Luochun's questioning, everyone was silent. At this moment, who else would dare to stand up and speak? The quiet crowd lasted for a long time, and Bi Luochun finally spoke again: “Originally, today was President Li’s inauguration ceremony, but after you made such a fuss, the ceremony was cancelled. Now the time is so tight, everyone should hurry and get into work. ."

After speaking, Bi Luochun turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, Li Yi, who had the most opinion before, suddenly shouted, and all the eyes on the scene turned to him again: "I want to resign!"

Faced with today’s situation, everyone knows how to weigh the pros and cons. They have already made full preparations before, but in the end they still dare not make this decision. Resignation at this time is for Mingda. Loss, spread out, is also very bad for your own reputation. On the other hand, losing Mingda’s job is an irreparable loss for them personally.

Bi Luochun was stunned, and when he turned to look at Li Yi, his eyes were already slightly narrowed.

"Li Yi, right? What do you think the people in the industry will think of you when you resign now? Can you still get involved in this industry in the future?" Bi Luochun asked coldly.

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own..."

Li Yi just spoke, before he could finish his words, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly interrupted: "Resign, right? Yes, write a resignation application. I will immediately let the Human Resources Department go through the formalities for you, and then go to the Finance Department to get your salary. , You can leave right away."

Li Xiaoxiao was so decisive, but it was beyond Li Yi's expectation. He actually didn't want to resign in his heart. The reason why he shouted this sentence was to make more people resist with him and make things worse.

But obviously, his idea was completely frustrated. Not only did people not get inspired by him, but Li Xiaoxiao agreed to him so categorically, which embarrassed him.

But the words have been spoken, and the handsomeness is over. What should I do next?

Li Xiaoxiao didn’t care so much. After saying that sentence, he turned and left without stopping. He didn’t give Li Yi a chance to repent. Bi Luochun looked at Li Yi’s embarrassed expression, and naturally understood that he was there. What do you think? In fact, Bi Luochun didn't want him to leave his job like this. After all, it is very important for the marketing department to squat with Mingda. If there is any loss at this time, it is not Mingdal's opinion.

However, today is Li Xiaoxiao’s first day in office. The sentence just now is also Li Xiaoxiao’s first decision. Bi Luochun knows that as long as he keeps Li Yi a little bit, he will definitely stay, but Bi Luochun Did not do so.

Because he knew that once he did this, Li Xiaoxiao's first decision would obviously be useless, which would extremely affect her personal prestige.

Therefore, Bi Luochun also sighed helplessly, then turned and left.

In the conference room, everyone was left looking at each other. Everyone looked at Li Yi at the moment. They all expressed their admiration for the determination and courage Li Yi just showed, but at this time, no one stood with Li Yi. On the one hand, everyone has seen Li Xiaoxiao’s response just now. If they really angered Li Xiaoxiao, then it’s not impossible to expel them in batches today. They don’t want to be the first day the executive director takes office. I was fired.

Everyone showed enough admiration and sympathy for Li Yi, and then left for themselves. Seeing Li Xiaoxiao's behavior style, everyone knew it in their hearts. If you want to stay in Mingda, the next thing is naturally. Work hard, and if you want to face Li Xiaoxiao, the end will be exactly the same as this Li Yi.

Among these people, there are many people whose positions are not as good as Li Yi. Since Li Xiaoxiao has the heart to expel Li Yi, let alone them.

After coming out, Bi Luochun caught up with Li Xiaoxiao, asked his assistant to arrange an office for Li Xiaoxiao, and said to Li Xiaoxiao on the other side: "Xiaoxiao, were you a little impulsive just now?"

"No." Li Xiaoxiao turned his head, looked at Bi Luochun seriously, his tone was not arrogant or impatient.

"The marketing department is very important to Mingda now, and Li Yi's personal work ability is indeed very strong. Losing him is a loss for Mingda." Bi Luochun continued.

"Because of this, I must agree to his resignation application so decisively." Li Xiaoxiao replied without hesitation.

"Ah? Why?" Bi Luochun looked blank.

"There are so many people who have made great achievements in the Mingda. If they are not rectified, they will rely on their own merits and do whatever they want. This Li Yi is a typical example. He thought he was great. On many occasions They all want to call on the masses to confront their superiors together. If he continues to ramp up like this, how can our work progress?"

Bi Luochun couldn't help but nodded with Li Xiaoxiao's remarks. It sounded very reasonable, but Bi Luochun still felt bad in his heart for Li Yi to leave Mingda.

"But Xiaoxiao, at this moment, who do you let to fill the position of Deputy Marketing Department?" Bi Luochun continued to look sad.

"There are so many candidates. Just pick a competent and excellent individual from the original marketing department. I believe that after today's incident, there will be fewer and fewer guys like Li Yi doing whatever they want." Li Xiaoxiao said disapprovingly.

"Of course, you are the president. The specifics are up to you to decide. I just give you a suggestion." After Li Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he added again.

Bi Luochun smiled and said: "Xiaoxiao, what you said is inappropriate. I'm just a part-time worker. One day when the strong son is coming back, this position is always his. I don't want to suffer this sin."

In fact, what Bi Luochun said was the truth. He was really tired in this position, and he knew very well that Mingda still belonged to Wang Xia, and even if Wang Xia did not return, he would not belong to him after all.

But when Li Xiaoxiao heard this, he immediately looked at Bi Luochun seriously again and said: "Lao Bi, now there are only two of us. You have to remember the words of the strong son. He has given you this position. He is really selfish. On the one hand, he can’t continue to serve because of special reasons. On the other hand, he also wants to cultivate your leadership. This will be of great help to your future life. You should cherish this opportunity and you should not have such thoughts in the future. Even if you only reign for one day, you are also the president of Mingda. In the group, you are the boss, so you don't need to be so polite when you talk to me."

Li Xiaoxiao's words made Bi Luochun deeply touched. Originally, he was still worried about how he should get along with Li Xiaoxiao, especially in front of the employees. Bi Luochun was also afraid that he would lose his prestige, and then he would manage it. More troublesome.

But as Li Xiaoxiao's remarks landed, Bi Luochun was immediately relieved.

"Xiaoxiao, if you say that, then I will have a bottom in my heart. If there is anything inappropriate to say in the future, don't forget to go to my heart!"

Bi Luochun said lightly for a while.

"Of course! In the group, you will always be the boss, privately, we are still good friends."

Li Xiaoxiao also smiled and replied.

When the two people were talking, Li Yi in the conference room finally walked out with a grudge. Seeing Li Xiaoxiao and Bi Luochun with smiles on their faces, Li Yi suddenly became even more embarrassed. He felt like he was completely Like a clown.

Of course, he knows how much benefit he has created for Mingda. Even when Fang Zhiqiang was in power, he never thought that he would be fired one day, but today’s situation happened so suddenly that he was completely caught off guard. , And no matter what you say, it is too late.

Li Xiaoxiao also turned his head and glanced at him again, but Li Yi quickly dodged his eyes, and then walked to his office to organize things.

"Let's go, I should also go to see my own office." Li Xiaoxiao said to Bi Luochun again.

Hearing this, Bi Luochun nodded slightly. After watching Li Xiaoxiao leave, he turned around again, looked at the people coming out of the conference room and said: "Everyone, go back to their jobs."

Everyone didn't say much at this moment, they scattered.

However, the expulsion of Li Yi still caused great repercussions in the group. After all, Li Yi's personal achievements were kept there, and he created so many benefits for Mingda. One day, when he was in trouble, he was so lonely.

Everyone couldn't help but think of themselves. When they did something similar to Li Yi one day, would they also end up exactly like him?

This incident could not help but chilled the people in the group.

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