My Best Wife

Chapter 2290: Inauguration storm (2)

At nine o'clock, the meeting started on time.

Bi Luochun in the conference room waited for those who seemed to be lazy to take their seats one by one, and asked without hesitation: "If you have questions about Li Xiaoxiao's appointment as executive director, you can now stand up and ask questions. "

Bi Luochun's voice sounded neither happy nor sad, and everyone did not realize that he was already a little angry at this moment.

After everyone heard it, someone soon came forward and said: "President Bi, you can understand the reason why we disagree when you think about it. Now Mingda is in urgent need of talents, and Li Xiaoxiao’s personal resume is there. We can all see it. Clearly, is a person with no outstanding achievements suitable for such an important position?"

Bi Luochun looked at him, but before he had time to speak, everyone was already talking, and one by one echoed: "Yes!"

Bi Luochun patted the palm of his hand on the table. After everyone calmed down, Bi Luochun stretched his palm to Li Xiaoxiao beside him.

"This is Li Xiaoxiao, the former president of Asian Beauty. Have you understood how she took the Asian American Group back?" Bi Luochun's brief introduction made everyone quiet again. Obviously , No one knows about it.

"It's been a long time, so I won't mention it anymore, but you should also know that she is the wife of Fang Zhiqiang, the former president of Mingda. You should always know this?" Bi Luochun continued.

"So what? Is it because she is the wife of the former president, should she practice favoritism? Our group is so strict in recruitment, whether it is resume or education, every link is strictly controlled, why is it only for her Hiring, but so arbitrary?"

Someone stood up and retorted.

Bi Luochun was not anxious about his rebuttal. He also knew that he shouldn't be anxious now. After a while, he said again: "Then I ask you, who do you think will be the executive director? The position is more appropriate?"

Of course, Bi Luochun knows what they think in their hearts. Before Fang Zhiqiang was in office, Mingda didn’t have the position of executive director at all, so they didn’t even think about it. But now that this position is added, they obviously want to compete. Grabbing this position, after all, in a sense, this position can be regarded as one person below ten thousand people.

As Bi Luochun's words landed, everyone fell silent again. Obviously, no one would jump out at this time and say that he wanted to do this position, which was obviously an act that aroused public anger.

"Since you don't have a suitable candidate, according to your opinion, should we cancel this position again?" Bi Luochun said deliberately, looking at the silence of everyone.

"How do you do it! Previously, this position was not needed because President Fang did everything by himself, but now that President Fang has abdicated, this position is indispensable!"

Everyone quickly refuted it again.

"Then you would recommend someone to come out alone!" Bi Luochun continued to express disapproval.

Everyone was silent again.

"Bi always thinks, how about me?"

After the scene was silent for a long time, one person finally stood up.

This person is the secretary to the president brought by the Kirin Group at the beginning. Kirin has merged with Mingda for so long. From the secretary of the president of Kirin, he became the deputy director of the market headquarters of Mingda. This position was obtained. He relied on his own ability and corresponding By chance, this incident was also appointed by Fang Zhiqiang himself.

Therefore, everyone was quite convinced of his ability and prestige.

Therefore, after his voice fell short, everyone spoke in agreement: "Yes! Vice Minister Li is suitable for this position!"

Hearing this, Bi Luochun smiled helplessly, and then said without hesitation: "Li Yi, right? You are now the deputy head of the marketing department. Do you know the importance of this position?"

"At this time, the importance of the marketing department is even enough to compete with the science and technology department. Do you think that if Li Yi is allowed to be the executive director, who will be the vacant position?"

When Bi Luochun's words fell, someone soon stood up again, claiming that they were qualified for that position.

Seeing this messy scene, Bi Luochun frowned helplessly.

Originally, Bi Luochun wanted to communicate calmly with everyone, even if everyone disagrees, he can reason with them.

However, looking at this situation now, the reason is obviously unreasonable, and Bi Luochun does not want to waste time anymore.


As Bi Luochun slapped the table fiercely, everyone fell silent again.

"I am the president, and I have a veto power. I will decide this matter alone, and let Li Xiaoxiao do the position of the executive director!" Bi Luochun said categorically, without any muddling.

However, everyone once again stood up and retorted: "No! You belong to a dictator. Mingda has always advocated democracy. By doing so, you have broken Mingda's rules for so many years!"

"I believe that when President Fang was in power, he did something like this? Any one of you who is not convinced can talk to me in private later, but there is no room for negotiation on this matter!" Bi Luochun Continue to say without any doubt.

However, everyone's rebuttal voice still did not fall.

At the same time, Li Xiaoxiao who stood beside Bi Luochun finally said suddenly: "Everyone!"

As Li Xiaoxiao's voice fell, everyone fell silent again and looked at Li Xiaoxiao. They were also full of curiosity about the upcoming female director.

"I admit that when I led Yamei, I did not make any dazzling achievements. I did want to go into seclusion, but you should all know that Mingda does not belong to Fang Zhiqiang, nor does it belong to Bi Luochun. It belongs to Wang Xia. Wang Xia is my sister. She asked Fang Zhiqiang to do the position of president. Now Fang Zhiqiang has abdicated and handed this position to Bi Luochun. I know, you may There will be dissatisfaction, but unfortunately, there is no room for negotiation on this matter."

Li Xiaoxiao's words made no one think of it.

They originally thought that Li Xiaoxiao would say something nice at this moment to win everyone's sympathy, but they didn't expect Li Xiaoxiao to be so tough!

"I believe that each of you should attach great importance to your position at Mingda. After all, Mingda is the largest enterprise in China. It is an honor for you to be able to work in such a company!"

This time, even Zhang Zhenguo and Bi Luochun couldn't help but stare.

Although what she said just now is true, no one has ever said it in such a tone.

This is clearly telling people that no matter how hard they work, Mingda will ultimately belong to Wang Xia, and whoever will be the president will not be their turn!

However, in the face of Li Xiaoxiao's tough attitude, everyone continued to remain silent and silent.

At this moment, they don't know what to say.

And Li Xiaoxiao continued: "The reason why I chose to join Mingda is not because I covet a high position, nor is it a rare right, but because this is my sister's group, I want to help it through the difficulties, of course, you can disagree with me, but As long as you stay in the group, you must obey my command, because I am the executive director!"


Everyone on the scene couldn't help taking a breath.

Judging from Li Xiaoxiao's appearance, they thought that Li Xiaoxiao was an approachable woman, but they didn't expect that they had just taken office and said the words that made everyone speechless.

Li Xiaoxiao's arrogance and domineering made them soberly realize that if they offend her now, as long as they continue to stay in Mingda in the future, they will have to suffer endlessly!

"Now, Mingda is in a crisis. You don't want to help Mingda tide over the difficulties. Instead, you are making trouble here for such a position. Do you think it is appropriate? The position is not robbed by you, but by your own. It came from hard work! Fang Zhiqiang, the scientific research director of the Ministry of Science and Technology, once promised him that as long as he wants to become the vice president of Mingda, he can do it at any time. Why? Is it because he is also a friend or relative of Fang Zhiqiang?"

Li Xiaoxiao's last words made everyone bow their heads in embarrassment, and the scene was silent.

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