My Best Wife

Chapter 2289: Inauguration storm

Li Xiaoxiao had no idea about Fang Zhiqiang’s psychological activities. At this moment, she was indeed very tired, and she fell asleep soon after lying down. Fang Zhiqiang looked at her sound asleep and couldn’t bear to interrupt again. Had to follow along and fell asleep.

The next day, at a little after seven o’clock, Li Xiaoxiao was woken up by her alarm clock. Today is a very important day for her, so after getting up, she dressed herself quietly and took out the unusual Wear professional attire.

After some freshening up, Li Xiaoxiao put on professional attire, and Fang Zhiqiang woke up when Li Xiaoxiao checked his clothes in the full-length mirror in the closet.

Looking at the back of Li Xiaoxiao's professional attire, he couldn't help rubbing his eyes, perhaps because Fang Zhiqiang subconsciously thought that it was Wang Yaxin who was standing in front of him after waking up!

Even Fang Zhiqiang almost yelled out the two words "Yaxin"!

Fortunately, Fang Zhiqiang reacted after a while, looking at Li Xiaoxiao's long hair, Fang Zhiqiang said softly, "So early?"

Li Xiaoxiao heard the sound, turned around, looked at Fang Zhiqiang on the bed, smiled sweetly, and then said: "How is it? Does it look good?"

"My Xiaoxiao, when it's the best!" Fang Zhiqiang replied without hesitation.

Indeed, Li Xiaoxiao, who often does not wear professional attire, looks quite heroic in this professional attire.

"Come on, you!" Li Xiaoxiao replied casually, then carrying his own bag and laptop, while walking out of the bedroom, he said to Fang Zhiqiang: "Since I'm going, I may come back today. It's late, you don't have to wait for me at home."

When Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, he wanted to stop his exit and retain his tenderness for a while, but looking at Li Xiaoxiao's posture that he had walked out with his head up, and the words that were about to be exported, he could only helplessly become a sentence: "Go on, Xiaoxiao!"

Li Xiaoxiao turned her head again, and after leaving a smile, she walked out of the bedroom, and Fang Zhiqiang heard her farewell to her parents.

Li Xiaoxiao left, leaving Fang Zhiqiang on the bed alone, feeling the warm blanket, but Fang Zhiqiang didn't want to stay any longer. Once, I always felt that there were three people on this bed at any time, Li Xiaoxiao and Xiao Ai Li.

But now Fang Zhiqiang realized that he was a little bit lonely in this huge bed alone.

After getting up, the first thing Fang Zhiqiang did was to bring Xiao Ai Li out of the next room.

Now Xiao Ai Li can barely walk with the help of a walker. Fang Zhiqiang can't help but smile when he sees his soft legs walking hard.

And then, the important task of taking care of Xiao Ai Li naturally fell on Fang Zhiqiang's shoulders.

At 7:40, Li Xiaoxiao had already arrived at Mingda Group. At this time, Mingda hadn't come to work. After contacting Bi Luochun, Li Xiaoxiao went directly to Bi Luochun's office.

This office was Fang Zhiqiang's office before. Now Li Xiaoxiao looked at the furnishings that he was still familiar with. There was even a wedding photo of Fang Zhiqiang and himself on the table.

Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but ask Bi Luochun: "Did Qiangzi take these things with him when he left?"

"He brought some, but he said that this photo was his most satisfied. He brought it to Mingda just after it was taken. After being in Mingda for so long, he hopes it can continue to stay, at least to prove that he was in Mingda. Existed."

Bi Luochun explained patiently.

After Li Xiaoxiao listened, her heart trembled. She hadn't noticed before that Fang Zhiqiang still had such delicate thoughts.

"How? Are you nervous?" Bi Luochun looked at Li Xiaoxiao's thoughtful expression and asked in a relaxed tone.

"Of course! It's the first time I have been in such an important position, so you can help me a lot!" Li Xiaoxiao immediately replied with a smile.

"Are you still so humble in front of me? She was the female president of Yamei before anyway!" Bi Luochun joked.

"I didn't make a joke with you, Mingda is such a big enterprise, I have many things I don't understand, and I need your guidance and help!" Li Xiaoxiao continued to say seriously.

"Actually, I was also a blind man crossing the river, feeling walking, Qiangzi threw this position to me so suddenly, I was also at a loss, I almost exploded one day yesterday!" Bi Luochun was also quite helpless. Said.

"Come slowly, we make progress together!" Li Xiaoxiao continued to smile and said.

After that, the two people communicated the process and details of today's inauguration ceremony, and at the same time briefly communicated about the appeal.

When Bi Luochun learned that they were going to appeal tomorrow, he couldn’t help but be a little surprised. He hadn’t expected it to be so fast before, and Juying obviously couldn’t react to it for a while, if he could really give more If they strike first, maybe the result will be really different.

At eight o'clock, when it was time to go to work, Bi Luochun asked Zhang Yuman to inform the executives of various departments of the group, as well as Zhang Zhenguo and others.

Zhang Zhenguo and others had obviously already understood something like Li Xiaoxiao's taking office, and all the necessary preparations had already been done.

It’s just that the two presidents of Qilin and Qianshang have different attitudes towards this matter. The departure of Fang Zhiqiang had already made them lose their confidence. Now they see a woman coming to sit as the executive director. For important positions, they have no confidence in continuing to confront Juying.

They are naturally very aware of Juying's abilities. It is difficult for ordinary people to be their opponents. Even the former Fang Zhiqiang can hardly equalize with Juying. Now looking at Bi Luochun and Li Xiaoxiao, they have no absolute confidence in either.

Zhang Zhenguo patiently explained to them their different opinions, but they couldn't listen to anything.

They also know about Li Xiaoxiao's personal resume. The former president of the Asian American Group, shortly after taking over, found a professional manager named Cheng Xun, who is still in position!

Moreover, during Li Xiaoxiao's reign, he did not make any earth-shattering results. For such an under-named president, they naturally disagree with her ability.

As their different opinions sounded, more and more people in the group also had different opinions.

Seeing that Zhang Zhenguo could no longer deal with this matter, he had to tell Bi Luochun truthfully.

After Bi Luochun learned about it, he immediately got a headache again. He had already had such an experience yesterday. It was difficult to adjust. With so many people in the group, it is indeed impossible to satisfy everyone. , Those high-level officials even have to intervene in personnel transfer matters!

Although Fang Zhiqiang repeatedly emphasized that before Bi Luochun came to power, he must manage his temper and not lose his temper from time to time, but he really couldn't bear this matter.

"You inform everyone that the meeting will be held at nine o'clock!" Bi Luochun in the office didn't speak loudly, but said to Zhang Zhenguo very fast.

Zhang Zhenguo looked at Bi Luochun’s expression of suppressed anger. He clearly knew that he was angry at the moment. However, this matter cannot be solved by being angry. So Zhang Zhenguo reminded once again: "Mr. Bi, you should calm down a little bit. , It’s best to discuss it with everyone, I believe they will be able to understand in the end."

"No matter so much! The inauguration ceremony can be dismissed, but the appointment is absolutely necessary. If any of them is unconvinced, let him tell me!" Bi Luochun said again in an indisputable tone.

In this way, Li Xiaoxiao also said embarrassingly: "Or, let's listen to Mr. Zhang's opinions, after all, this is not a trivial matter..."

"I understand Mr. Zhang's meaning. Now that the situation in Mingda is unstable, it is best not to provoke those high-level people who were originally unconvinced. Once trouble is caused, the consequences will be disastrous." Of course, Bi Luochun also knows these truths. Yes, not only did they have opinions about Li Xiaoxiao's appointment, they also had opinions about their appointment, otherwise they wouldn't stand up so blatantly and make trouble.

"But now I am the president. If I don't even have the right to make this decision, what kind of president I am? Sooner or later, they have to understand who is in charge!"

After Bi Luochun said these words, he sat back in his chair angrily. Zhang Zhenguo looked at him with helplessness.

In fact, Bi Luochun’s words also have some truth. After all, he is the president. He has just taken office. Those high-level managers want to intervene in any decision, and they will get involved in big and small things. If this is not set for them now According to the rules, it is indeed difficult for Bi Luochun to progress in the future.

"Well, I will inform them now!" Zhang Zhenguo did not continue to say more, at this moment, he chose to support Bi Luochun in his heart.

Although he still doesn't know how capable Bi Luochun is, judging from how Bi Luochun experienced measures yesterday, there are indeed many people in the group who are dissatisfied with Bi Luochun.

Zhang Zhenguo also thinks that it is time to give them a sack!

If you have been thinking about stabilizing the situation, then when it comes time to do this, people's views on Bi Luochun have already been formed, and it will be difficult to change again by then.

The high-level people who received the notice began to talk again. They didn't see Bi Luochun's true ability in the day yesterday. After such a disturbance today, they are also very curious about what Bi Luochun will do.

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