My Best Wife

Chapter 2288: Li Xiaoxiao on the line

When Li Xiaoxiao came back, it was more than six o'clock in the afternoon, and the food at home was ready, but Li Xiaoxiao, who had just returned, said directly: "I won't eat dinner, you don't have to wait for me."

After finishing talking, Li Xiaoxiao ignored everyone's reaction and walked into the bedroom. Li Yonggui and Xiaoma were naturally helpless. Even Fang Zhiqiang sighed. He didn't want Li Xiaoxiao to work hard like this. .

"Look! It's all good things you did, see what your daughter is now!" Xiao Ma couldn't help but said to Xiao Dad again.

Dad Xiao also frowned helplessly and said, "What did I do wrong! I just asked her to work hard, but I didn't let her die!"

Fang Zhiqiang’s previous remarks also made Li Yonggui realize that he might have faulted Li Xiaoxiao. Moreover, when Mingda needed someone, she came forward. This was not a bad thing at first, but because she was selfish to her. His doting has caused unpleasant thoughts in his heart. Now Li Yonggui has almost figured it out, and his tone of speech is naturally very different from before.

Xiao Ma could naturally hear the change in Li Yonggui's tone, and then she said again: "What are you still doing? I have to wait for my daughter's body to get hungry, do you know you are anxious?!"

Li Yonggui's face was also quite embarrassed, but he stood up, and then said: "Go, go, what's your name!"

While talking, Li Yonggui walked towards Li Xiaoxiao's bedroom.

Walking to the bedroom door, Li Yonggui knocked on the door first, and said to Li Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, you haven't eaten for a day today, so it won't work!"

Li Xiaoxiao heard her father's voice, and immediately replied in earnest: "I have eaten before I come back, it's okay."

"What are you doing?" Li Yonggui asked again, still standing at the door.

This is how my daughter is raised, and she is so cautious in her daily life.

Li Xiaoxiao replied again: "What are you doing, I am ready to rest."

"Can I go in and talk to you?" Li Yonggui listened to Li Xiaoxiao's tired voice and couldn't help but speak.

Li Xiaoxiao agreed, and then Li Yonggui walked in.

After entering, Li Yonggui saw that Li Xiaoxiao was still sitting next to the dressing table with a laptop in front of him. Although the computer was closed, Li Yonggui could clearly see that she had just closed it.

"Dad, have you eaten well?" Li Xiaoxiao looked at Li Yonggui at this time, and asked with a slightly restrained voice.

"Not yet." Li Yonggui replied softly, then came to Li Xiaoxiao's side, looked at Li Xiaoxiao's closed computer, and said again: "Work, not work like you, even if you plan to No matter how good it is, if you can’t hold it up, you can’t do your job well.”

Li Yonggui’s remarks were obviously to remind Li Xiaoxiao to pay attention to the combination of work and rest. However, Li Xiaoxiao immediately replied without hesitation: "It's okay, I can still hold it, because this matter is more important, so we are now Hurry up, not only me, but Sister Yaxin and Lin Shan are the same."

When Li Yonggui heard the title of'Sister Yaxin' again, he couldn't help but look at Li Xiaoxiao, and after a moment of indulgence, he continued: "In fact, Xiaoxiao, there are many ways to do a good job, and the most undesirable is to deplete your body. I hope you understand this."

"Don't worry, Dad, I know it in my heart."

"In addition, regarding my previous attitude towards you, I am here to apologize to you today. I just learned about it at the time. I really couldn't accept it. I might have spoken a little bit harder to you, but those are all angry words. Don't take it to heart." Li Yonggui's eyes suddenly looked at the ground, and then he said softly.

Hearing what his father said, Li Xiaoxiao was quite surprised. He didn't often say these things to himself, and it sounded a bit unbelievable.

"Actually, what you said is quite right, I remember it all in my heart." Li Xiaoxiao replied without hesitation.

But Li Xiaoxiao's words made Li Yonggui worry again. The purpose of saying this was to let Li Xiaoxiao relax a little bit, but she wrote down all her previous words.

"I know, you work so hard to make a pity with me, to prove that you can really do this job well, but Xiaoxiao, you don't have to do this. If this goes on, once the body is worn out, it will be a lifetime thing." Li Yonggui continued to say patiently.

"No dad, you have misunderstood. I just want to do this thing well. My sister is in the hospital and no one has dealt with Mingda's affairs. I don't want her to see that Mingda is still a mess after she is discharged from the hospital. "

As the two of them were talking, Xiao's mother also came in. Seeing Li Xiaoxiao's so determined expression, Xiao's mother also said: "Xiaoxiao, your father is the temper. Don't take what he said before, don't follow him. He has general knowledge!"

Not only Li Yonggui, but even Xiaoma felt that what Li Xiaoxiao said at the moment contained anger.

But as Li Xiaoxiao, she really wanted to help Mingda tide over the difficulties.

In the end, Li Xiaoxiao still did not come out to eat. Li Yonggui and Xiaoma walked out again helplessly. After eating, they still couldn't let go of them. Xiaoma whispered to Fang Zhiqiang who was about to get up: "Zhiqiang, come here. ."

Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, followed behind Xiaoma, and walked towards the kitchen.

After entering the kitchen, Xiaoma said softly: "Isn't Xiaoxiao your favorite breakfast of love? How about you make something for her now, maybe she can eat some!"

Fang Zhiqiang heard the words and felt that it made sense, so he nodded and agreed.

After a busy period of work, the breakfast of love was completed, and Fang Zhiqiang sent it to Li Xiaoxiao's room.

But Li Xiaoxiao didn't even look at it in a hurry. No matter what Fang Zhiqiang said, she only had a simple sentence: "Let it go there first, I'll eat it later."

Seeing this scene, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but think about it again. Could it be that when he was in Mingda before, he had the same attitude towards her when he returned home?

Of course Fang Zhiqiang knew that Li Xiaoxiao didn't feel angry with herself, but her attitude did make herself very uncomfortable. After so much effort, she made a loving breakfast for a long time and smoked hotly. But he didn't even look at it.

However, Fang Zhiqiang is not a woman after all. Even so, he didn't think much about it. After putting down the things, he walked out of the bedroom again. He didn't want to disturb Li Xiaoxiao.

In the evening when Fang Zhiqiang was resting, Li Xiaoxiao was still studying the information summarized after the deduction. Fang Zhiqiang still didn't say anything, and went to sleep for herself, while Li Xiaoxiao kept sitting like this, when she finally finished the study. After all the details, I took a look at the time and realized that it was past eleven.

She stretched her waist, her belly was already grumbled with hunger, and when she stood up, Li Xiaoxiao felt a little dizzy. It might be because she had been doing it for too long, or she had been hungry for too long.

Turning around, she saw Fang Zhiqiang's loving breakfast aside. She picked up the cold cake and ate it.

She wanted to see Xiao Ai Li. When she was at home before, she was always by Xiao Ai Li’s side. But after a busy day today, she basically never met him once. Naturally, Li Xiaoxiao at this moment misses him very much. of.

But thinking about it, it was past eleven o'clock, she had to dispel the idea, and after a simple meal, she didn't even bother to repair and wash, and went to rest.

Fang Zhiqiang was actually not asleep. When Li Xiaoxiao came up, he could clearly feel it.

Turning over, Fang Zhiqiang stretched out his arm to take Li Xiaoxiao's body into his arms, and slowly leaned over.

However, Li Xiaoxiao said softly: "I am going to Mingda to hold an appointment ceremony tomorrow morning. I am very tired today, so go to bed early."

Although Li Xiaoxiao touched Fang Zhiqiang's face tenderly when he said this, and his voice was very gentle, Fang Zhiqiang's heart still stunned.

This is not like every time before. Li Xiaoxiao had refused her own request before, but either said it in a joke or shy tone, but she has never used it as seriously as she does now. Said in his tone.

This made Fang Zhiqiang's heart unable to calm for a long time, and suddenly he couldn't sleep even more.

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