My Best Wife

Chapter 2287: after tomorrow

In Wang Xia’s ward, Wang Xia, who had been in contact with Xu Chao once before, was not reconciled. From Xu Chao’s tone, she naturally heard that Xu Chao’s hatred for Wang Yaxin is not at all apparent, he should be fighting Decided not to help Wang Yaxin.

After all, Wang Yaxin's physical condition is indeed very bad this time. Even a doctor who has never known each other, as long as he feels he has the ability to diagnose and treat in this area, he may be able to help.

"Xiaoya, do you know any other experts in this area?" Wang Xia couldn't bear to watch Wang Yaxin's body getting worse day by day, so she tried every way to contact experts in this area, but she didn't With such a network of resources, I couldn't think of a good way for a while, so I had to leave this task to Xiaoya.

Xiaoya was also righteous. After listening to Wang Xia's request, she agreed without hesitation. She even didn't understand the relationship between Wang Yaxin and Wang Xia, and how far the relationship was.

If she herself has the ability in this area, I believe she will definitely help without hesitation. It's just that Wang Xia's current situation is not very good. Although Xiaoya said that there is nothing serious before, this is indeed true. After all, Wang Xia's body is different from that of ordinary people. Fortunately, she didn't hurt her critically this time. Otherwise, her legs might no longer be able to walk like normal people.

In fact, Xiaoya also knew something about Wang Xia’s previous injuries. In the end, Wang Xia was able to walk as usual, which looked no different from a normal person. This made Xiaoya a little surprised. According to normal circumstances, once she had a leg After the defect, it will be difficult to recover like a normal person in the future. Xiaoya knows this very well, but Wang Xia's body makes her doubt her previous view.

Of course, Wang Xia was able to recover. The main reason was that she kept exercising. She didn’t believe that she would be limping like this all the time, and she was unwilling to do so. So after eating every day, she deliberately stretched herself Ligaments, exercise your leg muscles.

Finally, the effort paid off. Wang Xia now looks no different from ordinary people. Even if there was a car accident this time, she didn't hurt her critically. As long as she rested for a while, she would be able to recover.

Of course, Wang Xia was greatly relieved by the news. She had truly experienced the feeling that her legs could not walk normally. She was more afraid of returning to that state than anyone else, so when this time the car accident After it happened, the moment she felt her leg hurt, her brain was blank.

Fortunately, with the help of Xiaoya, he finally escaped.

However, Wang Xia was not at ease. After knowing that her legs would not have any major problems, she began to consider the feeling of being out of the rivers and lakes and being unable to do anything in the ward, which made her almost crazy, because The recent period is a sensitive period, the appeal is imminent, and there is an urgent need for manpower. At this time, she can't let herself be idle like this.

However, Xiaoya refused her very decisively about the things she wanted to start working, and told her that those things are now being done, and that neither Li Xiaoxiao nor Wang Yaxin is free.

The helpless Wang Xia now has no information, and there are still three bottles of drips to be used a day, and the plaster on her legs has not been removed, so she can only stay in this ward.

At this moment, Bi Luochun is in the office of the president of Mingda Group. The freshness of becoming the president is not over yet. He has been swollen with a lot of things. Looking at the documents on the table, he does not know what to do. , Faced with so many seemingly important documents, he didn't know how to decide.

This is completely different from what he did before, and now he realizes how tired Fang Zhiqiang was before.

At this time, he just received several calls from Wang Yaxin and the others, saying that it was tomorrow to hold an appointment ceremony for Li Xiaoxiao.

This news gave Bi Luochun a sigh of relief. There is indeed a lack of an executive director in the Mingda Group. Just signing these documents is enough to make Bi Luochun bigger, so he does not have the position of executive director anyway. That energy is responsible.

Li Xiaoxiao's arrival can be regarded as sharing some pressure for Bi Luochun, and he is naturally very happy in his heart.

And Fang Zhiqiang also left Baldou's house in the afternoon. Seeing Nan Ling'er and Baldou's relationship are so good now, Fang Zhiqiang was very pleased, at least his original idea was realized. Anyway, this is a good thing.

The sweetness of bald head and Nan Ling'er also reminded Fang Zhiqiang of the time he and Li Xiaoxiao had just been together. However, at that time, Li Xiaoxiao was always behind her, trying to make herself happy, and Nan Ling Er and Bald are just the other way around.

Looking back now, it seems that everything is like what happened yesterday. Fang Zhiqiang is also very clear that the relationship between himself and Li Xiaoxiao has indeed eased a lot during this period of time, but it is more pure than the original one. His love has long gone forever.

After all, love is not marriage, and marriage is not love, but a mutual responsibility.

After leaving the bald-headed house, Fang Zhiqiang looked back again. One day, bald-headed and Nan Ling'er will become in the same state as Li Xiaoxiao and himself. Even the one who used to be so active is now The same will be tired, the same will be tired.

Maybe, life is like this and fall together, or maybe, love is like this, go and stop.

After returning home, Fang Zhiqiang did not find Li Xiaoxiao. At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao had not returned from the hospital. Fang Zhiqiang silently walked to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Li Yonggui, who was sitting next to him, looked at the phone intently. Fang Zhiqiang said hello when he just came back, and said nothing afterwards.

Fang Zhiqiang looked at him silently, and he felt more and more uneasy. If Li Yonggui's attitude towards him was really because of his abdication, then he really needs to explain to him.

"Dad, are you still worried about Xiaoxiao's affairs?" Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but asked when he looked at Li Yonggui.

"What do I have to worry about? So, what else can happen to her if you are an adult?" Li Yonggui said suddenly disapprovingly.

Fang Zhiqiang naturally heard that he was angry, and then he said again: "Although it is said that, but I think, after all, Xiaoxiao has been resting at home for so long, and she is really struggling to deal with the messy things. ,so I……"

"I have already told you, this time no one cares about her, let her experience and experience what your life was like!" Li Yonggui interrupted before Fang Zhiqiang had finished speaking.

Fang Zhiqiang pursed his lips helplessly, looking at Li Yonggui's slightly angry state at the moment, but Fang Zhiqiang didn't know whether it was because of him or Li Xiaoxiao.

Fang Zhiqiang did not continue, because Li Yonggui's attitude at the moment seemed that if he continued to say more, he might be in a bad mood.

Immediately, Fang Zhiqiang fell silent and watched TV.

In fact, what Fang Zhiqiang planned before was that if Li Xiaoxiao really took over the position of executive director, then Bi Luochun would be in charge. If he could not make a decision on any major issue, he might be able to give some advice. As for Li Xiaoxiao, the executive director, She has her own advice, but in fact, she is not too stressed.

Of course, Fang Zhiqiang had the same idea as Li Yonggui. He wanted to let Li Xiaoxiao experience that feeling. So at the beginning, Fang Zhiqiang did not intend to give her any help, but he did not expect Li Xiaoxiao to agree so soon. In response to this request of her own, when she took over the position of executive director, she just caught up with the very important task of appealing. Even for Fang Zhiqiang, this task is under pressure. After all, she is not like Wang Yaxin. Professionals do not particularly understand this aspect, so most of the burden lies on Wang Yaxin's body.

So now Fang Zhiqiang is naturally not difficult to imagine how much pressure Li Xiaoxiao is.

"Zhiqiang, don't think about it. I mentioned it before that Xiaoxiao has been idle at home like this is not the way. I even said that she could start a company for her and let her have something to do. She herself never agreed." Li Yonggui Having said this, he stopped suddenly, but Fang Zhiqiang looked at him and obviously wanted to continue.

Fang Zhiqiang naturally understood Li Yonggui’s pause. He knew what Li Yonggui was going to say next. When he said that Li Xiaoxiao would start a company casually, it meant that Li Xiaoxiao would go to work without any pressure, but he would be the implementation of the mind. Director, that’s not such a simple matter. Now Mingda is troubled. No position is easy, let alone the important position of executive director.

"Actually, the idea of ​​letting Xiaoxiao be the executive director was proposed by me, but I didn't expect that Xiaoxiao would agree so soon." Fang Zhiqiang also said truthfully to Li Yonggui at this moment.

Li Yonggui was taken aback when he heard the words. When he looked at Fang Zhiqiang again, there was already a trace of puzzlement in his eyes, but he quickly resolved it, and then said again: "Could it be that you agree with my ideas? ?"

Fang Zhiqiang smiled and continued: "I’m telling you that I did have some misunderstandings with Xiaoxiao recently. This also made the relationship between the two of us a little nervous, so I thought of such a way. Now it seems that this idea is obviously Somewhat unreasonable."

"No, if you say that, I can understand it. The most difficult thing is to think about it from another place. But if you do this, you can make the two of you think about each other from the perspective of each other perfectly. This is for you. In terms of feelings, it is indeed a good thing!"

Li Yonggui's attitude surprised Fang Zhiqiang. He agreed with his point of view, and the tone of his speech at the moment became more relaxed.

"Anyway, it's the first step now. It doesn't matter what the result is. Now that the misunderstanding between Xiaoxiao and I have been resolved, I will definitely treat her better and better in the future." Fang Zhiqiang slightly lowered his head. , Groaned.

Hearing this, Li Yonggui nodded again. Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's attitude, as Li Xiaoxiao's father, he was naturally extremely relieved.

However, no one thought that Mingda's destiny, with this decision, finally completely changed.

After the night, no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

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