My Best Wife

Chapter 2272: No work on the first day

Fang Zhiqiang at home is already busy, but Li Xiaoxiao really can't sleep. The smile on her face while lying on the bed is getting brighter and brighter. When I think of Fang Zhiqiang being so kind to him now, Li Xiaoxiao can't help it. Happy.

Although Fang Zhiqiang abdicated, Li Xiaoxiao also felt it was a pity. Although it was not entirely for her, her heart was still as sweet as honey, and she knew very well that Fang Zhiqiang made this decision. , Definitely a large part of the reason is because of her.

However, in addition to these things that are worth making her happy, there are several things that make her feel uneasy.

One is that after Fang Zhiqiang left Mingda, Mingda naturally fell into a stagnant situation for a while. After all, the major decisions Fang Zhiqiang made in Mingda before were also extremely critical to the development of Mingda.

Now Fang Zhiqiang has left and let Bi Luochun take over again, but Li Xiaoxiao obviously understands Bi Luochun's ability.

After all, Mingda is Wang Xia's painstaking effort after all, and it is impossible for Li Xiaoxiao not to take care of it at all. If Mingda is really going to face the worst outcome in the end, Li Xiaoxiao would not dare to imagine how Wang Xia would feel.

There is another thing that is Wang Yaxin’s physical condition. In order to save herself, Wang Yaxin had this sequelae. Whenever he thinks of this, Li Xiaoxiao’s heart cannot be relieved. Seeing that Wang Yaxin’s body frequently appears in various forms. The problem, Li Xiaoxiao felt more and more uncomfortable, but she had nothing to do.

After getting up, he heard that Fang Zhiqiang and his mother were busy in the kitchen, and Li Xiaoxiao did not bother to go in. He showed that he went to the bathroom. After some washing up and dressing, he walked out with a high spirit. At the same time, Fang Zhiqiang was also already With the newly prepared loving breakfast, I walked to the table. After having the first experience, Fang Zhiqiang made the loving breakfast this time looks very delicious, but for Li Xiaoxiao, it doesn’t really matter whether it is delicious or not. The important thing is that this is Fang Zhiqiang's mind, even if it is particularly unpalatable, it is sweet in her mouth.

When Fang Zhiqiang looked up, he saw Li Xiaoxiao with a delicate makeup.

I haven’t seen this scene for a while. Li Xiaoxiao often stays at home now, so she hasn’t done much makeup, and sometimes she just simply put on makeup when she goes out. After all, Xiao Ai Li is still young. , She does not have so much time to clean up herself.

But today is obviously different. Li Xiaoxiao's makeup looks very delicate, and the whole person looks like a different person.

Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help his eyes light up, and Li Xiaoxiao obviously smiled very satisfied with his reaction like this, and then said: "Why? I don't know him?"

"I just feel...a bit too pretty..." Fang Zhiqiang said blankly, this is what he said in his heart at this moment.

Li Xiaoxiao usually has no makeup. Without makeup, she looks delicate and flawless. If she puts on a light makeup, she is definitely a top-notch beauty. At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang's heart has such a sigh.

Sure enough, after a woman puts on her makeup, there will be a lot of changes. Fang Zhiqiang even feels that he has married a beautiful daughter-in-law and gave away another beautiful daughter-in-law for nothing.

And Xiaoma also walked out at this moment, and seeing Li Xiaoxiao wiped so solemnly, she immediately frowned and said, "What are you doing? Wipe yourself like this?"

Li Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, then looked at her mother's serious expression, and smiled: "Today is the first day for the strong son not to go to work. I am not celebrating!"

"What's to celebrate when you don't go to work, Xiaoxiao, why are you different from other women? People are urging your husband to hurry up and make money, why don't you take the usual path?" Xiaoma immediately continued without hesitation Said.

"Mom, what you said is lacking. Before, you told me to let the strong son take a proper rest. Why do you say this again now?" Li Xiaoxiao pouted.

"It's okay, let's eat quickly, the mouth is so red, don't you have to wipe it off when you eat? Why is this?" Xiaoma frowned while she put the dishes on the table.

And at this time, Li Yonggui also walked out of the bedroom. Hearing what Xiao Ma had just said, he immediately said, "You don't want to say a few words. When you were young, wasn't it the same?"

In a word, Xiaoma was speechless, because there was nothing wrong with Li Yonggui's words.

After having Li Xiaoxiao, Xiaoma was reluctant to quit her job, so she continued to stay in the Asian American Group and worked with Li Yonggui. At that time, she also had very delicate makeup every day.

Looking back at that time, Xiaoma was also very aware of other people’s views of herself at that time. At that time, her position had been promoted to the Chief Financial Officer. Others always felt that she was a very strict person, and many people talked about themselves behind their backs, although not I heard it with my own ears, but Xiaoma has also understood that most of them feel that they are a strong woman, and even Li Yonggui can't help him.

Thinking of these past events now, Xiao Ma's face is nothing but a smile.

In this short period of 20 or 30 years, now and once, it’s a star change. Today is not what it used to be. I used to think that the old lady is always so wordy and talkative, but now when I reach this age. , I discovered that those long-winded and babbled experiences are experiences that no one can escape.

Although a lifetime is not long, there are very obvious signs of several important turning points.

When I was seventeen or eighteen, my parents were very young at that time, but I still felt that they were always so long-winded, even so stingy, it seemed that everything was wrong with them.

But later, when I first became a mother, I will gradually discover that all the traits that I hated my parents can be reflected in my own body.

At this time, the parents have begun to get older, and I still feel that they are long-winded and seem to have endless words every day, but in my heart, I feel that I am already an adult who understands everything. No need for wordy and reminders from parents.

Later, the parents have reached the age of dying, and their verbosity is gradually reduced, and their brains gradually become confused. If many things are left in the past, they will definitely be verbose, but now, they are no longer verbose, as if they have been divided. It's the same as not knowing what's right or wrong, and it seems that they already know that they don't have the strength and qualifications to be wordy.

At this time, as children, they began to feel why their ears suddenly became so quiet? Because what they have to face next is to carry the burden of this family by themselves and turn themselves into the verbose parents.

Soon, when my parents are gone, I will suddenly feel that something is missing at home.

One missing person has been verbose, and one missing person always treats himself as a child.

These things that I once disliked most no longer existed, but I slowly realized that I was moving in that direction step by step.

Although this is a truth that has been said countless times, and although everyone knows this truth, in real life, no one can keep this sentence in mind at all times, and they tend to talk about their parents. When I lose my patience, I even argue with them, trying to prove that my ideas are correct.

But when one day, there is really no one who is nagging in his ears, I will discover how happy it is that someone always treats himself as a child.

Some people say that if the parents are alive, the child will never grow up, even if it is an eighty-year-old child, as long as the parents are still there, he will still be a child.

But once the parents leave forever, the children have to grow up, have to mature, have to realize that death is also approaching themselves step by step.

Therefore, parents are a gate of life and death.

If your parents are alive, you will feel that death is far away from you, but once your parents leave, you will suddenly find that the door is right in front of you. One day, you will lift up your steps and step into the door like them. .

A simple makeup made Xiaoma think so much, at this moment, when she looked at Li Xiaoxiao again, a meaningful smile finally appeared on her face again.

She suddenly realized that maintaining a healthy body for herself and her boss is not only responsible for herself, but also for her children.

Even if they are no longer able to contribute to their lives, as long as they are healthy and continue to live steadily, then it is a very happy thing for children.

At the moment, Li Xiaoxiao was immersed in eating, suddenly raised his head and caught a glimpse of his mother's gaze, Li Xiaoxiao was stunned.

"Mom... why are you looking at me like this?" Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but touched the corner of her mouth, thinking that her food was too ugly.

"It's okay, eat slowly." Xiao Ma smiled softly and said in a soft tone.

Li Xiaoxiao still had a blank face, completely unclear about her mother's behavior, but seeing her not talking, Li Xiaoxiao stopped asking, but when he ate next, he began to pay attention to how he was eating.

When Fang Zhiqiang saw this, she shook her head and smiled helplessly. Li Xiaoxiao was such a real and lovely girl. When she ate instant noodles in the basement, she did not have any restraints and worries. Unforgettable so far.

Nowadays, after being married for so long, he has become more reserved when eating.

"Xiaoxiao, you have to eat this thing!" Fang Zhiqiang said to Li Xiaoxiao with a smile.

"Why?" Li Xiaoxiao asked Fang Zhiqiang with a puzzled face.

"A big bite makes it more delicious!" Fang Zhiqiang continued.

"Really?" Li Xiaoxiao frowned innocently.

"Of course! Just like you did when you ate instant noodles back then, eat big mouthfuls!" Fang Zhiqiang continued with a smirk.

After listening to Li Xiaoxiao, she still didn't react, and after taking two bites again, she noticed that Fang Zhiqiang had been staring at her intently. Then she reacted, and then looked at her parents and shouted unclearly. : "Qianzi, you fix me!"

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