My Best Wife

Chapter 2271: Manage this little thing

This is what Huang Wanting is most worried about. Just like she thought, although it has not happened yet, once it happens, the pressure on Yueting Media will rise.

Whenever she thinks of these problems, Huang Wanting will have severe headaches. She really doesn’t want to step into such disputes again, but she also knows very well that if Xiaowu’s stomach can deal with these, it is obviously impossible for the woman surnamed Yang. Opponent, when the time comes, he may have to be involved in such disputes again.

A simple and small music company, a company that has just started, has encountered all kinds of troubles, and there are countless potential troubles, before setting sail. This makes Huang Wanting's worried.

However, it’s useless to think about things that haven’t happened yet. Huang Wanting knows that she should still focus on management. First of all, employees should be regulated. Only in this way can the company go on in the longer term.

Thinking of this, Huang Wanting didn't hesitate to stand in the office area and clapped her hands to the people in the entire office area.

Everyone looked at Huang Wanting blankly. Obviously they didn't know what Huang Wanting was doing. You know, they didn't put Huang Wanting in their eyes at all.

Even now, they still don't know what identity Huang Wanting is.

I just saw Huang Wanting always wandering around in the company, but I didn't see what she had done. No one even paid close attention to her appearance. Naturally, no one recognized her, she was the female singer who was once so popular. .

"Why? It's so scary this morning?" Someone in the office area was taken aback by Huang Wanting's sudden clapping movement, and then he looked at Huang Wanting with a puzzled look and said.

Huang Wanting looked at the man with a blank expression, and immediately said, "Mr. Zhang asked me to speak. At ten o'clock, there will be a meeting in the conference room."

"Meeting? What kind of meeting? We had a meeting on the first day of work, and we have never had a meeting since then. Why did we suddenly say that we are going to have a meeting today?" The man immediately continued to speak in a puzzled voice. .

"Yeah? Seeing that there is no business in this newly opened company, it looks like it's going to be dysfunctional. What kind of meeting is there?"

"Furthermore, who are you? In the post establishment, your position is not shown?"

Doubtful and impatient voices one after another, making the expression on Huang Wanting's face more and more unsightly, but she always held back the breath in her heart, she was indeed not in the editor, and she was indeed not qualified to reprimand them.

"I've already brought the words, ten o'clock, and the meeting will be on time." Huang Wanting took a deep breath, and after speaking again, she turned and left.

Seeing Huang Wanting leave, everyone whispered again.

"Who is this man? Isn't it Mr. Zhang's sister?"

"How is it possible! If it is Mr. Zhang's sister, how can you still talk to us in that tone?"

"I think she looks a bit like a person..."


"Do you remember the female singer of the Great Fire two years ago? Huang Wanting?"

"Ah? How could it be her! She is so good-looking and so temperamental. How did that person resemble her just now?"


Huang Wanting heard some of these voices more or less, but she still turned her back to stop it. It doesn’t make any sense to say these now. They don’t know what they are responsible for. The whole team is a mess, except for chatting and gossip. , Will not discuss anything related to work at all!

This was not entirely their responsibility. At the time of recruitment, due to the relatively large demand for personnel, many people with unmatched professions were recruited. At the same time, many requirements were lowered. Naturally, this result may be caused.

Huang Wanting went to the financial room, checked yesterday's bill with the accountant, and returned to the office with a sad face.

At this moment, Xiaoman still seemed to be staring at the wall without a master. Huang Wanting stepped forward helplessly when she saw this, and said to her, "I'll discuss something with you."

Xiaoman turned his head to look at Huang Wanting, but still did not speak.

"There will be a meeting at ten o'clock, and the five people from the bottom of the first month's performance will be opened." Huang Wanting said flatly.

"Done? Why?" Xiaoman asked with a puzzled look.

"You go to see their current working status, what do you want these people to stay here for?" Huang Wanting said angrily.

"But, we are in urgent need of people now. How can we recruit people at this time? You know, we don't have much money, and Xiao Wu doesn't have much money now..."

"That must be done too! First of all, the company's rules and regulations must be laid down, and then the future development will be discussed. The current situation of loose sand is not good at all!

Huang Wanting interrupted Xiaoman, and continued to insist.

"But Sister Qingqing, we are not good managers. You also know me. Although as the president, I often avoid meeting with them because I think once they contact me too much, the prestige in me will increase. The lower."

Xiaoman's words are true. It is not because she is not confident enough. Perhaps the tone and appearance of her words are related to her. Several previous examples can prove this.

"Don't worry, just do it according to your own ideas. If it doesn't work, I will help you." Huang Wanting said seriously.

"Then... I'll try..." Xiaoman still nodded helplessly, but didn't continue to refuse. Since Huang Wanting has already said this, naturally there is no reason to continue.

"Let's chat, wait for the content of the meeting." Huang Wanting sat on the sofa, took out a pen and paper, and began to make preparations for a cross-legged conversation.

Seeing this, Xiaoman couldn't help but smiled, and then said: "Sister Qingqing, looking at you like this, I can't help but think of the previous you..."

Huang Wanting glanced at her sideways, and did not answer her words, just said: "First, we need to establish a complete work performance scoring system to rank the performance of each employee every month, and then find the bottom few people. , Given warning and training for the first time, and directly expelled the second time."

"Direct expulsion, will it be...a bit serious? After all, most of them are not professional counterparts, which is excusable..." Xiaoman said with some worry.

"Then what do you say? Just let them sit and eat in the company as lazy?" Huang Wanting also said with an impatient expression.

Xiaoman looked up at the ceiling, thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a good way, and then suddenly muttered to himself: "Hey...if he is allowed to come, he will definitely have endless ways..."

"Who?" Although Xiaoman muttered to herself, Huang Wanting heard it clearly, and immediately asked curiously.

Xiaoman heard this and looked at Huang Wanting again, but smiled and shook his head: "No one..."

But Huang Wanting had actually guessed it. The "him" Xiaoman was referring to was obviously Fang Zhiqiang.

Speaking of this, Xiaoman is really right. For a company as big as Mingda, I don’t know what methods Fang Zhiqiang has used to make so many people twisted into a single rope, and they are consistent in everything they encounter. This was clearly reflected when Mingda was experiencing difficulties before.

Therefore, if Fang Zhiqiang has a strong talent in management, Huang Wanting will definitely not take advantage of it.

"Sister Qingqing, there is one more thing, I think it is necessary." Xiaoman looked at Huang Wanting's thoughtful expression, and then turned the subject away again.

"You said." Huang Wanting said seriously.

"To count all those who are not in the right profession, we need to make them clearly aware that it is not easy for them to have this job, and they must cherish it."

Xiaoman said affirmatively.

However, after Huang Wanting finished listening, she shook her head helplessly.

Afterwards, Huang Wanting dragged her forehead with the palm of her hand, thinking for a long time but still couldn't think of a good way.

In the end, helpless, she sighed and said again: "After Xiaowu arrives, let’s discuss it together. Today’s ten o’clock meeting will be held as usual. Let’s talk about the points just mentioned, and the rest Discuss with Xiaowu again."

Obviously, both women had no idea.

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