My Best Wife

Chapter 2273: The obedient Fang Zhiqiang

The breakfast didn’t last long, but the atmosphere was very good. It started with laughter and ended with laughter. After a meal, Li Xiaoxiao’s elaborate makeup was also a bit spent. Cosmetics are all good cosmetics. , Under normal circumstances, it would not spend so much.

But Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help eating so much, sometimes laughing, sometimes annoying, and the lipstick on the corner of his mouth was already laced.

Fang Zhiqiang naturally saw it, but he didn't remind her. He even took the initiative to say to Li Xiaoxiao after finishing the tableware and chopsticks: "Xiaoxiao, we finally put on such delicate makeup today, why don't we go out for a tour?"

"Okay!" Li Xiaoxiao naturally couldn't wait. Before, she wanted to go shopping with Fang Zhiqiang, but she never had this opportunity. Now Fang Zhiqiang is not going to work, she naturally won't miss this opportunity, and she immediately agreed. Come down.

Fang Zhiqiang smiled, still did not say the lipstick that was dripping from the corner of her mouth. When she was about to go out, Xiaoma came over to remind Li Xiaoxiao, but Fang Zhiqiang winked all the way to tell Xiaoma not to say it. .

Xiao Ma really cooperated with Fang Zhiqiang. Seeing his eyes, Xiao Ma also smiled helplessly.

"What's the matter, mom?" Li Xiaoxiao noticed her mother's hesitant and unwilling look, and couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, pay attention to safety on the road." Xiao Ma also said casually, and then she got busy again.

Li Xiaoxiao still didn't realize this at the magnetic yoke, and Fang Zhiqiang also succeeded in a treacherous trick, and then happily took Li Xiaoxiao out.

"Hey, these two young people can really mess around!" Xiaoma muttered to herself after turning around.

Li Yonggui also looked up at her, but didn't say anything, and continued to watch TV.


In the hospital, Wang Yaxin felt that her body had almost recovered, and she couldn't wait to be discharged from the hospital during this short night.

"Don't be fooling around, okay? Not to mention how can I explain to Wang Xia if you are discharged from the hospital, what should I do if there is any problem with your body?" Lin Shan looked helplessly at Wang Yaxin and stopped.

"I know my own body, there will be nothing wrong, don't worry." Wang Yaxin continued to insist on lifting the quilt, but Lin Shan refused to agree.

"This matter must not be delayed. The big deal is that when we appeal, we should bypass this link first. The materials we prepared before are enough to gather the British and drink a pot!"

Wang Yaxin was stopped again, and he looked up at Lin Shan somewhat helplessly, and continued.

"Your only job now is to get better as soon as possible. You don't need to worry about other things." Lin Shan still didn't let go, pressing on Wang Yaxin's palm, continued.

Wang Yaxin closed his eyes helplessly, and when he was about to speak again, the phone suddenly rang.

"Xiaoxia, what's the matter?" Wang Yaxin answered the phone and asked in a puzzled tone.

"Sister Yaxin, how are you?" Wang Xia's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"I'm almost getting better, and I'm ready to leave the hospital now. Why doesn't Lin Shan let me go out, you can quickly figure out a solution for me." Wang Yaxin said helplessly.

"Don't let me figure it out. Just listen to Lin Shan's words." Wang Xia said without hesitation. She also knows how Wang Yaxin's health is, even if it seems nothing right now. Something is wrong, but her body is different from others. If she is not careful, serious consequences may occur. How can Wang Xia feel relieved that she will be discharged from the hospital?

"Why are you two doing this? Can I not know how my own body is? You are kidnapping, understand?!" Wang Yaxin said angrily.

"Come on, don't drag your professional knowledge with me. No matter what you say today, we won't agree to you. Please call Lin Shan." Wang Xia still said without any doubt.

Wang Yaxin sighed helplessly, then glanced at Lin Shan again, and had to pass the phone over.

Lin Shan was a little surprised. Her relationship with Wang Xia was not good. What did Wang Xia suddenly ask her for?

"Hello?" Lin Shan was curious.

"Lin Shan, didn't you say yesterday that there are still some things to deal with recently? You don't have to worry about Sister Yaxin's side. I will arrange for someone to take care of it, and then you can tell if there is any use for me." Xia spoke without hesitation.

"You?" Lin Shan was stunned immediately.

"Why? Don't you believe me?" Wang Xia continued listening to Lin Shan's questioning tone.

"It's not that I don't believe you, or I think it's overkill for you to do this kind of thing..." Lin Shan said truthfully.

The former Wang Xia was the genuine president of Mingda! Even though she is no longer the president of Mingda in name, in fact, she still controls all the profits of Mingda.

Such a woman, coming to lay hands on her, she really can't adapt.

"What's the overkill? I did your job before. Speaking of which, let's go together!" Wang Xia said disapprovingly.

"But..." Lin Shan still felt inappropriate and wanted to continue to say something, but she just spoke, but she didn't know how to say it.

"Okay, don't think about it so much. In this special period, you have to be decisive about everything. If you are so hesitant, you have to miss good opportunities!" Wang Xia said anxiously.

"I'll take someone to look for you now, and I'll go with you later." After Wang Xia said this, she hung up the phone, making the incredible color on Lin Shan's face even stronger. .

She had known the former Wang Xia, she was a short-tempered woman who pursued a vigorous and resolute behavior in everything she did. Even many men couldn't compare to her.

But since the fall incident happened later, her former distinctive personality no longer exists. Later, she seems to no longer be as confident as before. When speaking and doing things, she obviously loses her previous sharpness.

But today, Wang Xia's remarks made her realize once again Wang Xia's vigorous past.

"What are you talking about?" Wang Yaxin couldn't help but ask curiously, looking at Lin Shan with a dazed look.

"She said she wants to join our work..." Lin Shan turned her head to look at Wang Yaxin in a daze, and said so.

"Huh?" Wang Yaxin was taken aback when he heard the words.

When Wang Xia handed the position of Mingda's president to Fang Zhiqiang, Wang Yaxin knew exactly what the reason was. On the one hand, she was not as good as before. On the other hand, she did feel that her heart was tired and she didn’t want to do anything common. Tired.

Even she herself has put aside the career of Mingda that she once valued most, but now, with Fang Zhiqiang's abdication, she has chosen to re-emergence again. Is it because she still can't let go of Mingda after all, or is there another reason?

Wang Yaxin was surprised. For her, Wang Xia's comeback was not only aimed at Mingda's comeback, but more likely, it was aimed at the entire market!

It didn't take long for Wang Xia to lead Mingda, but Mingda flourished during that time.

Although Mingda at that time had lost the brilliance of its heyday, under Wang Xia's leadership, he also recovered a lot of losses. From this point, it can be completely seen that Wang Xia definitely has the strength to lead good Mingda.

Once she chooses to come back, the impact of Fang Zhiqiang's abdication on Mingda will naturally be minimized.

But what Wang Yaxin cares about right now is not this, but what Wang Xia really thinks in her heart.

She felt uneasy, and immediately wanted to call Wang Xia again to ask.

However, she was stopped by Lin Shan: "I heard the sound of the car when she was talking just now. She should be on the way now. It's better to wait until she arrives and talk more about it."

Lin Shan's remarks obviously made sense. After Wang Yaxin listened, she nodded, but still frowned. Fang Zhiqiang's decision to abdicate was already a big surprise. Now Wang Xia has come to such a big one. Surprise? what happened?

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang is taking Li Xiaoxiao to stroll leisurely on the pedestrian street. Although it is the early spring season and the temperature is still a bit cold, the pedestrian street is already full of people.

"Qiangzi, have you not bought any clothes for a long time?" Li Xiaoxiao looked sideways at Fang Zhiqiang, who was still wearing a professional windbreaker at the moment.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't like his clothes so formal, it looked like he was working.

Fang Zhiqiang smiled helplessly when he heard this, and then said: "No, when I was in the group, I asked Lao Bi to order it directly for me, and he sent it directly. Last year, it was made to order. Three bodies!"

"Those of you are all formal clothes, they don't look good!" Li Xiaoxiao frowned slightly.

"Where is it not good? I think it's pretty good..." Fang Zhiqiang looked at his clothes with some self-doubt, and still thought it was pretty good.

"I said it is not good to look good! You are obedient, let's go buy some more!" Li Xiaoxiao took Fang Zhiqiang's hand and walked in toward a men's clothing store.

Fang Zhiqiang smiled helplessly, and then he had to follow in obediently.

As soon as Fang Zhiqiang came in, he found that all the clothes sold here were casual clothes. This made Fang Zhiqiang a little embarrassed. It was true that he hadn't worn casual clothes for a long time. When he was in Mingda, almost all his clothes were in work style.

Therefore, Fang Zhiqiang did not refuse. After Li Xiaoxiao chose a few clothes, Fang Zhiqiang entered the fitting room very cooperatively.

After several attempts, Li Xiaoxiao finally picked out a suit, which was still a couple.

Li Xiaoxiao swiped the card with great satisfaction from the salesperson's flamboyant praise that day, and Fang Zhiqiang also pretended to be excited and hugged his clothes in his arms like holding a baby.

"Why are you holding me?" Li Xiaoxiao frowned as she looked at Fang Zhiqiang's appearance.

" mean, don't do it?" Fang Zhiqiang said without knowing why.

"Put it on!" Li Xiaoxiao continued.

"Ah? Wear it now?" Fang Zhiqiang said unexpectedly.

"It's hard to come out for a stroll, are you obedient?" Li Xiaoxiao took Fang Zhiqiang's arm, shook it, and said a little.

Seeing this scene, Fang Zhiqiang almost couldn't hold back a laugh. The blush on the corner of Li Xiaoxiao's mouth looked really funny.

The female saleswoman just stared at Li Xiaoxiao for a long time, and Li Xiaoxiao might still feel that she was admiring her beauty...

"Okay..." Fang Zhiqiang had to agree, and the two entered the fitting room and put on the couple outfits they had just bought.

Fang Zhiqiang's body is sky blue, and there are two naughty white elastic cords on the neckline. If Fang Zhiqiang were to buy clothes by himself, he would never want such casual clothes.

How do I say it is a man in his thirties, wearing this dress, he immediately feels like a high school student...

After a while, Li Xiaoxiao also walked out, seeing that Fang Zhiqiang was already dressed, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly stared at him endlessly.

Fang Zhiqiang thought the clothes were naive, but she didn't think so, stepped forward, took Fang Zhiqiang's arm, and left the shop contentedly.

When she left, the female salesperson in the store didn't forget to stare at Li Xiaoxiao for a long time. After both of them walked away, the smile on the salesman's face did not disappear.

"Qiangzi, I just thought something was wrong..." Li Xiaoxiao walked out and looked at Fang Zhiqiang and said.

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