
Yue Qin waved his arms. Suddenly, numerous azure vines spurted out from the the sky, like flying blades, moving towards Lin Hai swept through.


Suddenly, the space was split, the hurricane howled, and the fearful murderous intention filled 4 fields. Yue

Ziyang aside, seeing Yue Qin’s shot, could not help secretly nodded. “

Yue Qin is good and his strength has been improved. “”

Just to deal with a small Great Ascension Early-Stage, and use the vine to kill the blade, but it is a bit of a big deal! “positive

When Yue Ziyang thought Yue Qin would win, suddenly a satire sounded coldly. “

defeated, dare to speak! “Ok


Yue Ziyang suddenly froze, then turned to look. but

Seeing Lin Hai faced with the sky, instead of being scared, he was full of disdain.

“Is this child dependent?”

“Also, defeated 4 words, what is the explanation?”

Just when Yue Ziyang was surprised, she saw Lin Hai’s eyes flashing a hot flame suddenly. “

what! “Yue

Seeing this, Ziyang was shocked.

Because Lin Hai’s eyes, the flash of flame made him feel a palpitation!

This child is not easy! on

At this moment, Lin Hai poked out his palm, twirled his arm, shouting loudly in his mouth! “

fire! “


Time, a manic flame, spit out from the palm of Lin Hai.

Then, the flame grew up against the wind, with almost all the waves of incineration, like a giant beast with an open mouth, moved towards the vines and swallowed away!

“Skyfire !!!”

Yue Ziyang turned pale with fright, could not help crying out in surprise. he

Although expected, Lin Hai’s Dao of Fire is likely to be extremely overbearing. but

Yes, how didn’t expect it, Lin Hai showed it, it turned out to be Skyfire! day

Fire, that’s a great opportunity, not for the Great Destiny!

No wonder, Lin Hai was so arrogant that he couldn’t think of Skyfire as his support! difficult

Tao said, is this Lin Hai a character on the list? Yue

Ziyang was suspicious. Although there were people with the surname Lin on the list of immortals, they were not called Lin Hai! on

When Yue Ziyang was shocked and miserable, Lin Hai ’s prestige of the fire was already colliding with Yue Qin ’s vine. Hum


Suddenly, the rays of light of green and red are intertwined, and the sky is boiling and roaring constantly!

“Lin Hai has the power of sky fire, and Yue Qin has the advantage of cultivation base. The outcome of this battle is unpredictable!” Yue

Ziyang brows tightly knit, could not help but concentrate attention completely, moved towards the sky. Of course

However, soon his face suddenly abruptly, secretly thought badly!

I saw Yue Qin’s vine killing the blade. When encountering the sky fire, it suddenly shrank and was swallowed by the flame.

As if, like a natural nemesis, there is no resistance! “

impossible! “

Yue Ziyang was shocked. Although Tianhuo was terrifying, Yue Qin was a Great Ascension Late Stage. On the cultivation base, she completely crushed Lin Hai. on

Counting the vine killing is a Wood Element method, restrained by Dao of Fire, but not so unable to withstand a single blow!

“what happened?”

When Yue Ziyang’s face was horrified, Yue Qin’s eyes were terrified, showing the deep fear.

The reason why he just stepped forward to solve Lin Hai himself.

One reason was that Lin Hai was asking Tian Inn, burning his arabesque, which made him extremely dissatisfied, thinking that Lin Hai was a fluke and wanted to find his place.

On the other hand, the attitude of Yue Ziyang just now completely covered Lin Hai. in

According to Yue Qin, where Lin Hai can stand the shock of Yue Ziyang, it must have scared the court entirely to break.

Even with him, he must be cowering, and he could not exert his strength at all. This

In this way, as long as he takes a shot, Lin Hai’s fiasco is almost a foregone conclusion. can

Until now, he was terrified to discover that the direction of things was completely different from what he imagined! forest

The sky fire of the sea is a little bit stronger than the question of asking Sky Inn. from

My Wood Element doctrine, in front of Lin Hai, was actually unable to withstand a single blow!

Seeing that the vine was burned to ashes by the sky fire, but the sky fire was in full force, crackling the air burning, and whistling moved towards him. Yue

Qin was so scared that he almost urinated his pants. This hot flame boiled the air.

The scorching hot waves, like the tide that opened the pot, rushed.

Before getting close, Yue Qin’s skin felt a burning pain, and she even felt burnt. he

It is completely foreseeable, as long as you encounter even a fire star, there will be no residue left! This

A moment, Yue Qin was really scared, and couldn’t help secretly regret it. early

Knowing that Lin Hai is so powerful and perverted, why did he have to make such a fuss? He really killed himself! “

father save me! Dangerous

In a hurry, Yue Qin couldn’t care less about his face, and with deep fear, moved towards Yue Ziyang screamed. Yue

Ziyang browses tightly knit, naturally it is impossible to watch Yue Qin killed by Lin Hai on the spot.

Raising a finger, a spirit of azure, moved towards the sky, blasted away.

Halfway through, the azure spirit suddenly turned into a towering tree, and then the violet wind erupted, the branches were dense and madly growing, and the flame was completely wrapped in a blink.

weng! tight

Next, close and numerous leaves, filling all the gaps, completely covering the flames, leaving no gaps.

Without air, the flame cannot burn naturally, so is the sky fire!

Lin Hai only felt that the induction with Tianhuo suddenly broke, and he could not help but take two steps back, brows tightly frowns, and looked up. but

Seeing Yue Ziyang’s somber complexion, playing secret art with both hands, controlling the towering trees in midair, still growing branches and leaves, it became like a huge cage in a blink of an eye!

“Go!” Steep

However, Yue Ziyang shouted loudly, and his arms trembled. He threw the towering tree directly to a distance of several thousand meters.

After a while, the flames rose into the air again, and the towering tree was slightly ashes. Do not

However, at this time the flames were far apart, but there was no threat to Yue Qin. “

Skyfire might be so terrifying! “straight

At this moment, Yue Ziyang took a deep shock, moved towards the re-burning sky fire, and glanced. Inside

My heart is terrified, and my complexion is even stronger!

Although Yue Ziyang was not the first to see the person who released Skyfire, it was the first time that he had faced Skyfire directly.

I thought that with the much higher cultivation base realm than Lin Hai, the sky fire could be easily extinct. but

I didn’t expect, it took a lot of effort, but it was just removing the sky fire, and it was impossible to extinguish it! “

Lin Hai is in control of Skyfire, and indeed has arrogant capital. “

Yue Ziyang became more and more white, Lin Hai was so unpopular. Have

The fire is on this day, I am afraid that below Immortal dao Paragon, Lin Hai has few opponents.

While Yue Ziyang was shocked, Lin Hai was also brows tightly frowns. This

But for the first time, he used the Greater Five Elements Technique to perform the Dao of Fire. Formidable power is simpler than before, and he doesn’t know how much more powerful. can

didn’t expect, it was still cracked by Yue Ziyang. “

It seems that I’m too weak! “forest

Hai Qing lightly sighed, said involuntarily disappointed.


Lin Hai’s words made Yue Ziyang at the foot of the opposite side stunned, almost lying on the ground.

Fuck, still complaining about too weak?

And he didn’t let people live, it was so pretentious!

I just opened my mouth, but saw Lin Hai suddenly lifts the head, a flash of cold light flashed out.

“Yue Patriarch, I read that you and Liu Ruyan are related. I really don’t want to do things that are bad for your Yue Family, but don’t force me too much!

“I finally make a solemn statement, please send Liu Ruyan out immediately!” “

Otherwise, Yue Family will face disasters you can’t afford! ”

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