Lin Hai flew from Xiangyun, and together with Shang Guanhong, arrived at the gate of Yue Family Manor.

“Stop, who are you!” Very

Quickly, the guard of the Yue Family Manor stepped forward to stop Lin Hai and asked loudly.

“Impudent, blind your dog’s eyes, don’t even the dignified resident in the city know the adults?”

Lin Hai spoke suddenly, moved towards Shangguan Hong with a finger, scolded sharply. “

Uh … “Shang Guanhong was behind Lin Hai, speechless.

However, immediately after Lin Hai, Shang Guanhong’s eyes suddenly widened, and a cold sweat broke out.

“The resident station is here for adults. Let your Patriarch and Sapphire roll out and pick up!”

pu! you


Shangguan Hong almost lay on the ground with an instability. Isn’t this fuck Lin Hai a pitman? Yue

The Patriarch of the house, that’s all, is within its jurisdiction after all. can

Sapphire is distinguished, how can he be qualified to let him come out to meet?

Moreover, the term Lin Hai is also extremely arrogant, still let people get out to take over.

This fuck, if Sapphire is guilty, wouldn’t he just to offend the person. just

To explain, you can’t think of Yue Family’s guards already terrified.

As soon as he turned around, he walked into the manor to report the letter.

The ambassador to the city, for these little guards, that is an unattainable big shot. How dare you neglect? “

Hey … “Shangguanhong moved his mouth, and it was completely silent.

Fuck, this is okay, it is completely unclear. Do not

As a result, Shangguanhong with a hint of dissatisfaction, moved towards Lin Hai seems.

Lin Hai grinned, said moved towards Shangguanhong hehe.

“Shangguan Senior, how do I look like? Deserve your identity?”

Shangguan Hongqi was dumb, and his entire face was black.

This Lin Hai is really a loss. he

From the look of Lin Hai take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, I can already see that it was definitely intentional to do so just now. Look

Come, Lin Hai already knew that he followed, not to help him, but for another purpose.

When Lin Hai saw the embarrassment of Shang Guanhong, he sneered secretly. Do not

Regardless of what purpose you come here, buddy will help you offend people before you talk!

Just then, a loud voice sounded at the Yue Family Manor. “

I do n’t know if the resident will make it to the adults, this Yue excuse me for not going out to meet you “嗖


The sound landed, and a blue silhouette came across the ocean, now in front of Lin Hai and Shang Guanhong. forest

Sea pumps shrank, looking up.

But when I saw someone, he was an old man wearing a blue robe, full of energy, ruddy, with a smile on his face, throwing his hands up, giving the majesty of a long-time superior. Do not

I also know by asking that this must be the Patriarch of the Yue Family. on

Guan Hong saw that the blue robed old man came out and was smiling, laughed.

“Brother Yue is very polite. I am mainly here with this Lin Hai little brother.”

Shangguanhong moved towards Lin Hai, hurriedly set himself aside. “

Oh? “Yue Family Patriarch frowned, and from Shang Guanhong’s words, he heard what he meant to clarify the relationship with Lin Hai. No

With a little surprise, Yue Family Patriarch moved towards Lin Hai.

“Next, it’s Yue Family Patriarch Yue Ziyang, dare to ask the little brother what are you looking for?”

Yue Ziyang was polite to Lin Hai and Lin Hai.

After all, isn’t it an ordinary generation to be able to have Shangguanhong accompanied by the city?

Lin Hai heard that, his face was slightly condensed, and moved towards Yue Ziyang a cup one fist in the other hand.

“Dare to ask Senior, is Lanyu here to marry Liu Ruyan?”

Yue Ziyang heard that, pump suddenly shrunk, with a hint of vigilance, glanced at Lin Hai. “

Yes, and today is the day of getting married! “

“I don’t know, little brother, did you meet Lan Young Master or Liu Ruyan?” “

Nowadays? oh! ”Lin Hai froze, then sighed. Fortunately

Thank you for coming in time. No

In response to Yue Ziyang’s words, Lin Hai said coldly, coldly said. “

Does Liu Ruyan agree with this marriage? “

When Lin Hai said this, Yue Ziyang’s complexion suddenly changed. Where can I not hear it? Lin Hai belongs to Liu Ruyan’s side? “

hmph! “Can’t help it, Yue Ziyang coldly snorted,” This doesn’t need your worry! “

Lin Hai shook the head slowly and coldly. “

I’m friends with Liu Ruyan. “”

If she was coerced by you, I would never agree! “

After speaking, Lin Hai looked serious and looked at Yue Ziyang.

“I want to see Liu Ruyan. If she speaks personally and agrees with the family, I will leave without saying anything!” “

Otherwise, no one can bully her! “

“Hehe!” Lin Hai immediately made Yue Ziyang laugh.

He looked at Lin Hai with a smirk on his face.

“You and Liu Ruyan, are you close friends?”

“Why didn’t I hear that Liu Ruyan has such a friend?”

With that, Yue Ziyang’s face suddenly showed a weird smile, mystifying.

“Is it Liu Ruyan who has been widow for many years and can’t bear being lonely, what’s inconceivable with you?” Yue

As soon as the Ziyang dialect exited, a cold murderous intention suddenly burst out.

Lin Hai looked up in shock, with cold cold glow in her eyes, moved towards Yue Ziyang coldly said.

“Yue Ziyang, watch out for evil!” “

Dare to spray your dung with your mouth, Liu Ruyan is insulting. Be careful, I suck your mouth! “”

haha! Yue Ziyang sneered, and then his face sank, and he subconsciously glanced at Shangguanhong. But

Seeing Shangguanhong’s expressionless and look steadily forward, Yue Ziyang understood immediately.

This kid named Lin Hai, although accompanied by Shang Guanhong, had no friendship with Shang Guanhong.

Even if he abolished him on the spot, Shangguanhong would never intervene. Such as

Then, why should he be polite with him again?

Thinking of this, Yue Ziyang took a deep sarcasm and looked at Lin Hai with disdain.

“A great Ascension Early-Stage is so arrogant!”

“Do you know what the consequences would be if you talked to me like that?” Lin

The sea was sneered, looking somber, looking at Yue Ziyang Road. “

I just know that if you dare to talk nonsense, you can’t afford the consequences! “

“Impudent!” Lin Hai tone barely fell, Yue Ziyang shouting loudly, with a thunderous voice.

At the same time, a horrible murderous intention suddenly released and enveloped Lin Hai. “

Ignorant Junior, dare to come to my Yue Family to make troubles, let you come back today! “Yue

After Ziyang said, just about to shoot, suddenly one silhouette suddenly appeared beside him. “

Patriarch is slow! “but

Seeing a man in a blue robe coming from the manor, watching Lin Hai sneer. “

Father, to deal with a younger generation, why do you need to do it yourself! “”

Yue Qin? “Yue Ziyang recognized the man, who was his 3 son Yue Qin, and could not help secretly nodded.

Yue Qin is right, if you have to do a little Great Ascension Early-Stage, you have to do it yourself. “

Okay, you immediately start and kill this messy boy! “”

Yes! Yue Qin promised, turning his head, his eyes were cold, smirking and looked towards Lin Hai.

Lin Hai also recognized Yue Qin, who was the same shameless man who had followed Liu Ruyan to ask Tian Inn to persecute Liu Ruyan. “

Lin Hai, it ’s Heaven Has a Way. If you do n’t go, hell has no way to vote. No one can save you today! “

Yue Qin pointed at Lin Hai and shouted in anger. “

Alas, it’s shameless brother! “Lin Hai looked sad and looked at Yue Qin and said playfully.”

shameless brother? “Lin Hai’s words made Yue Ziyang and Shangguan Hongyi be stunned. I don’t know what this is?

And Yue Qin himself understood the sarcasm in Lin Hai’s words and became furious.

“Peace, die!”

Yue Qin angry roar, suddenly shot, moved towards Lin Hai attack!

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