Yue Ziyang heard that, her face suddenly changed, coldly snorted and said. ”

Lin Hai, Liu Ruyan is my nephew, who belongs to my Yue Family. Of course, it ’s my Yue Family who decides her affairs! “”

Although you are friends with Liu Ruyan, it is not too wide! “

“What’s more, what is the relationship between you, it’s unclear!”

Lin Hai’s eyes narrowed for a moment, and he froze suddenly, slowly nodded. “

Yue Patriarch, I have said everything Lin Hai should say. “

“Since you still do that, don’t blame me for being rude!”

After speaking, Lin Hai flipped his palms suddenly, the flames suddenly rose, and the two Fire Phoenix illusory shadows circled and danced. pause

In time, the air waves in the sky are boiling like boiling pots. that

The terrible high temperature will instantly evaporate the trees in Fangyuan’s hunted zhang, the hot air waves, forcing Yue Ziyang and the others to retreat, shocking!

Unexpectedly, the flame of this time is more manic and horrible than just now!

Even Yue Ziyang’s heart was beating wildly, and deep fear rose in her heart. forest

Hai held Fire Phoenix in both hands, the flames beating in his eyes, staring at Yue Ziyang, with a murderous aura, coldly said.

“If you don’t let me see Liu Ruyan, I will burn you to the Yue Family Manor, burn to ashes!” “

Lin Hai, you dare! “Yue Qin was on the side, and when she heard it, she was furious and shouted angrily.”

Ok? “forest

The sea turned sharply, his eyes fell on his body with a Murderous intention. Yue

Qin met Lin Hai’s gaze and suddenly shivered, scaring his neck, and ran to Yue Ziyang.

Although he is the Great Ascension Late Stage, two levels higher than Lin Hai, but he was really scared by Lin Hai.

“Father, Lin Hai was daring and guilty, and killed him!”

Huh! Yue

Qin tone barely fell, Lin Hai flipped his palm fiercely, and a Fire Phoenix suddenly rose into the sky! Chirp

!! One

The sound of Fengming, which sounded through the clear sky, made people tremble, then Fire Phoenix rushed down, and in the blink of an eye, they reached the top of Yue Qin, and circled around Yue Qin! “

not good! “

Seeing this, Yue Ziyang was shocked and had to get rid of Fire Phoenix in the future, but saw Yue Qin’s body suddenly catch fire!


In a blink of an eye, Yue Qin became a fierce man, fiercely painful, burning Yue Qin ran for a while.

“Father, save me, ah !!!”

After the scream, Yue Qin lost his voice, leaving only a blaze of flames, crackling! Chirp

!! and

At this time, Fire Phoenix tweeted again and returned to Lin Hai’s palm.


Shangguan Hong was on the side, couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air, his face was horrified. just

Only then did the appearance of Fire Phoenix make him look stiff and horrified. he

Instantly recognized it, the Fire Phoenix just now is the one that Lin Hai played against him before, summon!

How terrifying Fire Phoenix is, he experienced it personally, and he is still scared.

There is a Great Ascension Late Stage in Yue Qin District. When encountering this Fire Phoenix, there is no hope of survival at all! “

Yue Qin! !! !! “

Seeing this, Yue Ziyang shouted in sorrow, and his muscles jumped wildly.

Yue Qin, but his son, could not imagine being killed in the face by Lin Hai, how could he not be angry!

“Lin Hai, you are courting death!”

Suddenly looking up, Yue Ziyang fiercely stared at Lin Hai, angry roar.

Lin Hai didn’t change his face, and looked at Yue Ziyang indifferently, coldly said. “

Had it not been for Liu Ruyan’s care for family, a shameless person like Yue Qin would have died a long time ago! “

“I killed him today, just to let you know, I Lin Hai must do what I say!”

“If you really don’t let Liu Ruyan go, Yue Qin is the end of everyone in your Yue Family!”

“You …” Yue Ziyang was instantly angry, full of anger, and his whole body was shaking.

I can’t wait to shoot immediately, and hold Lin Hai under my palm to relieve my heart’s hatred. Of course

However, when seeing Lin Hai ’s palms, the flying Fire Phoenix circling, Yue Ziyang suddenly jumped inside, feeling a deep taboo!

The Fire Phoenix just now is too terrifying.

If he strikes Lin Hai, he won’t say if he can die in one shot. If

It was Lin Hai who was annoyed and released Fire Phoenix in his hand, and he might not be able to intercept it. This

In that case, the Yue Family really suffered.

Although the Yue Family Manor is built with special materials, it is not afraid of ordinary Taoism. Of course

However, Lin Hai’s hands are sky fire!

Yue Ziyang is not arrogant yet, she thinks her estate can resist the might of the sky fire! One

Once the Tianhuo fire is released, I am afraid that the children of the Yue Family in the manor house will be doomed! “

Mad, damn it! “Do not

As a result, Yue Ziyang’s fists clenched, really angry and angry.

He was dignified immortal dao Paragon and felt helpless against Lin Hai, a little Great Ascension Early-Stage. This

This kind of injustice almost made Yue Ziyang Qi Deviation!

At this time, Lin Hai’s voice rang again. “

Yue Patriarch, my Lin Hai has limited patience. If you do n’t agree, then I ’m sorry, I ’m going to set fire to your estate! “forest

After Hai finished speaking, a cold glow flashed in his eyes, and when he raised his hands, he would release Fire Phoenix.

“Wait a minute!” Yue

Ziyang was frightened, shouted in a hurry, and was frightened to breathe.

“Why, you promised?” Lin Hai coldly asked.

Yue Ziyang took a few deep breaths, only with a little helplessness, said with a bitter smile. “

Lin Hai, frankly, now I don’t agree, it doesn’t matter anymore! “”

Oh? Lin Hai froze, coldly asked, “How do you say that? “

Yue Ziyang’s eyes turned, and her heart secretly sighed.

“This Lin Hai, who controls the sky fire, threatens the family, is really unable to afford to offend.”

For the sake of today, I had to dump the pot to Sapphire. “

“You Lin Hai has the ability, Sapphire is not weak, you two should fight!”

At this point, Yue Ziyang moved towards Lin Hai, differently said. “

You already know that today is the day when Blue Jade Young Master and Liu Ruyan are married. “”

Can you see Liu Ruyan, I’m afraid to ask permission from Lan Jade Young Master! “”

Damn! “Shangguanhong was on the side, and he was shocked when he heard this.

Then, with two cold glows in his eyes, moved towards Yue Ziyang, Murderous aura looked stunned. very

Apparently, Shang Zihong’s intention was immediately seen through Yue Ziyang’s intention.

Yue Ziyang felt Shangguan Hong’s angry murderous intention, and moved towards him, casting a helpless look.

So far, he has other options.

“Sapphire?” Lin Hai nodded, “Okay, let him come out to answer!” Yue

Ziyang shook the head with a bitter smile.

“What’s the joke of Brother Old Lin, Lan Yulan Young Master is distinguished, how can I call it?”

Lin Hai frowned, then sneered nodded. “

OK, I won’t talk to you anymore! “”

If you can’t call it, I’ll call it myself! “

After speaking, Lin Hai was stunned dantian, suddenly shouting loudly! “

Sapphire, a man, get out of me! “

“get out!”

“get out!”


The sea shouting loudly, using the Moon Palace Immortal Sound method, not only the sound shocked the world, but also the penetrating effect. but

Anyone who hears the sound not only buzzes their heads, but also resounds in their ears for a long time.

Lin Hai believes that even if Sapphire hides in the rat’s nest, it is impossible to hear her cry! fruit

Of course, Lin Hai tone barely fell, and suddenly a green rays of light burst out like lightning!

At the same time, an arrogant and despotic voice sounded arrogantly! “

Where’s the rat, yell! ”

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