Lin Hai suddenly startedled, didn’t expect Lin Jian moved towards himself. ”

Kill the army! “forest

The sea screamed loudly, his arms flew, and there was a dark mist lingering. A sharp axe more than 7 feet long turned out, a sword moved towards Lin Jian, chopping away!


Suddenly, the swords and axes intersect, sparking a spark, like the tide of the tide, rolling the Murderous Aura in the sky, rolling 4 times. forest

Under the impact of the Murderous Aura, the sea figure suddenly shook, and the stars flickered on the body, and the star armor appeared indistinctly. It was almost forced by the scary Murderous intention.

Lin Jian and Lin Hai collided with this axe, and suddenly figure stopped, as if bound by an invisible rope, and became a bit sluggish. on

It was this slight slowness, the surrounding Murderous Aura found the gap instantly, and got into Lin Jian’s within the body. puff

!! One

Opening a mouth, Lin Jian spurted a blood arrow and was hit hard in an instant! it is good

Lin Jian was also a fierce character, and immediately returned to normal, waving the long sword again, resisting the Murderous Aura, as if forming a tacit understanding. forest

From a close view of the sea, the Murderous Aura here seems to echo the Lin Jian’s Sword Art. As long as Lin Jian exerts the Sword Art to a certain extent, it will be harmless!

“Sect Master, it’s you!”

At this time, Lin Jian recognized Lin Hai and was taken aback.

“Lin Jian, are you all right?” Lin

Around the sea, the black mist rises, and the demon magic moves quickly. Suck

The clutch palm keeps the Murderous Aura, constantly inhaling within the body, maintaining a balance, and moved towards Lin Jian worriedly asked.

Lin Hai is frowned, with a hint of annoyance. “

Lin Jian is incompetent and stuck here, Sword Art couldn’t stop at all. “”

If you stop, you will be swallowed up by murderous aura and die instantly! “

Lin Hai gently exhales one mouthful of impure air, slowly nodded. forest

He also saw the current situation of the sword, but it was so. its

In fact, this is also thanks to the long sword in the hands of Lin Jian, which is a bloody word given by Demon Venerable. with

At the same time, the Blood Sword method that was applied had a slaughter feature, which resonated with the Murderous Aura here. no

Then, with Lin Jian’s current strength, I am afraid that it will be crushed into pieces by the Murderous Aura here. “

Don’t panic, I save you out! “forest

The sea was so calm, said solemnly.

Although Murderous aura is here, it is only on the edge of the sea of ​​blood, which is relatively thin. forest

It is not difficult for Hai to rely on the transformation of magic and want to go out with Lin Jian. “

Sect Master, Lin Jian doesn’t want to go out yet! “

“Oh?” Lin Jian answered, but Lin Hai was surprised. “

Why is this? Such a dangerous place, you can lose your life if you carelessly! “

Lin Hai is waving the Sword of Blood Sword, while wearing a cold face, moved towards Lin Hai respectfully.

“Sect Master, if you do n’t go deep, Lin Jian can still protect himself. Please rest assured.” “

The reason why his subordinates don’t want to go out is because in this boundless murderous aura, they seem to realize something. “”

Even my subordinates guessed that there might be a great opportunity here! “”

so that’s how it is! Lin Hai raised a frown, and was overjoyed in his heart.

This kind of fate is absolutely impossible to find, and it is extremely precious to cultivator. very

It may be possible to change the fate of cultivator at once.

Lin Jian’s ability to sense this is definitely a great thing for him.

In this case, Lin Hai no longer advised him and simply sat on the ground with her knees crossed. “

You are cultivation here, I protect the law for you! “

Lin Hai doesn’t have any urgent things to do at this moment, so it’s better to be here to guard Lin Jian. “

That’s more Sect Master Xie! “forest

The sword has a straightforward personality and is not polite to Lin Hai. eye

Cold glow flashed in the hand, the Blood Sword in my hand, the dripping water is impervious, and I suddenly saw the sky’s word shadow, murderous intention! forest

Sea sits on the ground, crosses her knees, runs magic, and absorbs Murderous Aura with Magic Absorbing Palm. One

He communicated with Second Primordial Spirit through ideas.

“Murderous aura here, will it work for you?” “

What is useful? “The voice of Second Primordial Spirit, with deep surprise.

“I tell you, such a strong murderous intention is a great supplement to me!”

“I’m not telling you, as long as you let me absorb it, I can even advance directly to the Great Ascension Late Stage.” “

Even demonic path Paragon is just around the corner! “

Lin Hai heard it, it was all a surprise. “

Are you serious? “

“Is there a fake?” “

OK, let’s suck it clean! Lin Hai’s eyes flashed with excitement.

Then, his eyes closed and concentrated attention completely absorbed the murderous aura at the edge of the sea of ​​blood. Time

The lapse of time in cultivation, it was a month later.

ding dong! this

For one month, Lin Hai relied on Magic Absorbing Palm to absorb a lot of murderous aura. The magic of the previous within the body was more than doubled!

Moreover, Magic Absorbing Palm has the advantage that it absorbs Murderous Aura ten times faster than normal cultivation.

Although not a month, Lin Hai has faintly felt that the Realm of Second Primordial Spirit Great Ascension Middle-Stage is more stable.

Continue to absorb it. It is only a matter of time to break through the current realm and advance to the Great Ascension Late Stage.

“I never imagined that this is not only the opportunity for Lin Jian, but also the opportunity for Second Primordial Spirit!”

Lin Hai was smiling, which was a pleasant surprise.

“I don’t know, how is Liu Ruyan.” Liu

Ru Yan followed Wentian and left to meet the nobleman in Wentian’s mouth.

Although Lin Hai was a little worried, Liu Ruyan said that it was her beloved benefactor, and Lin Hai didn’t ask too much.

It’s more than a month now, so there should be some news? lift

At first Lin Hai moved towards Lin Jian, but he saw that Lin Jian had completely entered the state of ecstasy. whole

Individuals seem to be blurred, as if completely merged with the Murderous aura here.

Disturbing Lin Jian at this time is obviously extremely unwise. “

Look back at the phone and look at the phone, and come out immediately! “forest

The sea is here. Magic Absorbing Palm can’t stop at all, even if you want to see the phone.

Therefore, I had no choice but to move to the place where I thought, and entered the pot of refining monsters.

“Xian’er, met the master!”

Lin Hai moved towards Xian’er slightly smiled, then took the phone out and opened WeChat.

Then Lin Hai’s eyes suddenly straightened. “

Damn, it’s broken! “

I saw on Liu Hai’s WeChat, Liu Ruyan has sent several messages. and

The content of the message made Lin Hai move.

The first few were Liu Ruyan telling Lin Hai that she was in a bad situation.

The people who asked her to meet seemed to have misconduct with her. Wait

Later, the crisis had been identified, and Lin Hai was asked to go to her lover’s home to help find assistance. and

The last one has only one word!


Fuck, what does this thunder word mean? “

Lin Hai suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, there was no doubt that Liu Ruyan had an accident.

The thunder word was apparently sent out by Liu Ruyan in haste. can

Yes, from beginning to end, Liu Ruyan didn’t say where he was or who he saw!

A thunderstorm, how does Lin Hai save people? Do not

As a result, Lin Hai was annoyed for a while.

If you were not cultivation for a month, how would you delay time and cause the situation today. Do not

Regardless, you have to find a way to save Liu Ruyan!

With this in mind, Lin Hai thought out and came out of the demon pot. for

The only way to do it today is to ask the sky, and let’s go with it!

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