4 Looking down, since this sea of ​​blood is called forbidden ground, no one would dare to come normally. and

And Lin Jian is cultivation here, not trapped, and there is no need to worry about Lin Jian’s safety. when

In a hurry, go out and rescue Liu Ruyan!

Seeing Lin Jian still immersed in that wonderful state, Lin Hai didn’t bother him. Transport

Turning to transform magic, slowly out of the range of blood sea.

Then, with a thought, the Second Primordial Spirit flew out of within the body of Lin Hai. “

Here is a rare cultivation Holy Land, you stay. “”

One can increase cultivation, and two can take care of Lin Jian! “forest

Hai looked at the Second Primordial Spirit, and said solemnly. “

What about you, without me, I’m afraid you are in danger. “Second Primordial Spirit frowned. Lin

Hai smiled, then calmly said. “

Rest assured, I haven’t come here without you before! “

“You listen to me, stay and cultivation, once there is something, the soul communicates!”

2 Primordial Spirit This is nodded.

“Okay, then you take care!” “

Ok! “forest

The sea was nodded, and the clouds soared under my feet, straight into the sky, and disappeared in a blink!

“oh! ”

The Second Primordial Spirit looked at the silhouette where Lin Hai was gone, and couldn’t help laughing, shaking his head slightly. “

Although I am Second Primordial Spirit, I think that you, as a body, are not as free and easy as I am! “

After that, the Second Primordial Spirit shrugged, with a helpless smile, turned and entered the edge of the sea of ​​blood!

Lin Hai flew all the way, entered Titan City, and went straight to Wentian Inn. fruit

Of course, for a month, Wentian Inn was rebuilt again, just like the previous one.


Lin Hai kicked directly and asked Tian Inn’s door to open it.

“Bold, who dares to ask Tian Inn to make trouble, and eat …”

The guard in the Inn suddenly rushed over, but after seeing the appearance of Lin Hai, the complexion changed suddenly. very

So far, the words of intimidation were stunned back.

each and everyone looked at Lin Hai, full of terror.

“Lin Hai, you, what are you doing!” This

A few guards panicked.

A month ago, Lin Hai burned and asked Tian Inn, but they saw it with their own eyes. when

At that time, the terrible fire was burned for 3 days before it extinguished, but they were terrified. can

No one didd’t expect, and this question Tian Inn has just been repaired, and Lin Hai is here again! forest

The sea flickered in his eyes, and moved towards several guards humming coldly.

“Less nonsense, let me ask you out!”

Every guard saw Lin Hai look angry, Murderous-looking, how dare not?

With a wink, there was a guard immediately, hurried down the stairs and ran up. Do not

After a while of effort, I saw a man, angrily falling from the 7-Layer, falling down. “

Lin Hai, what do you want to do! “

The man pointed at Lin Hai and asked angrily with an angry drink! forest

The sea frowned, with a Murderous intention, and moved towards asked heaven coldly said. “

I ask you, where did you take Liu Ruyan that day? “

Asked for a moment, then a playful smile suddenly appeared on his face, looking at Lin Hai. “

I said Lin Hai, do you still remember Liu Ruyan? “

“Maybe Liu Ruyan, at this moment is married to someone else!” Lin

Hai Wen heard it, and was furious, a horrible murderous intention, suddenly burst out.

“Less nonsense, I ask you, where is Liu Ruyan?”

Asking the sky is also looking cold, moved towards Lin Hai coldly smiled.

“No comment!” Om


Asked about the tone, barely fell, Lin Hai’s arms stretched out, and a Fire Phoenix suddenly fluttered in the palm of Lin Hai’s palm. brake

In that room, a horrific hot heat swept the entire seat and asked Sky Inn. forest

The air around the sea kept crackling, as if burning at any time.

“Lin Hai, what are you doing!”

Asked Tian pupil to shrink sharply, pointing at Lin Hai, shouted angrily. “

What? hmph! ”

Lin Hai coldly snorted, face sank like water, eyes full of anger. “

If you do n’t tell me where Liu Ruyan is, I ’ll burn you again today and ask God! “”

you dare! “As the weather jumped like thunder, pointing at Lin Hai shouting loudly.

The last time Lin Hai lost his Inn, he had lost his face. Chennai

He, he has important things to do, and he needs to take Liu Ruyan to meet a distinguished person, without time to pay attention to Lin Hai. Present

Now, Lin Hai came to the door again, and threatened to burn his Inn, could he not be angry? new

With hatred and old hatred, he asked Murderous intention 4 shots, a horrifying atmosphere, oppressed Lin Hai. “

Boy, today I make you come back! “

Lin Hai is coldly smiled, “then try it out!”

!! words

The sound fell to the ground, Lin Hai’s palm, suddenly appeared the flaming Fire Phoenix, the hot breath, instantly filled the entire Inn.

“Idle people wait, leave quickly, so as not to hurt your life!” Lin

Hai shouted and asked the residents of Tian Inn that all of them ran out in a hurry, his face horrified.

When Wen Tian saw Fire Phoenix reappear, his eyelids jumped suddenly.

But he remembered clearly that the last time this was Fire Phoenix, a circle around Inn, and Inn turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Now that Lin Hai has done his best, how can he make Lin Hai do what he wants?

“Boy, suffer!” Asked

As soon as the sky burst into anger, he started off the wall, shook his hand, threw a gold brick, and flew into the air.

weng! gold

The brick grew long against the wind, and it instantly became as small as a hill. The golden glow flickered, and with horrible coercion, it covered Lin Hai in it and smashed it down!

Lin Hai raised a brow, and unexpectedly asked Tian to launch the magic weapon offering.

Moreover, the oppressive force that this BRICS gave Lin Hai was truly terrifying. Imitate

The flow of the Buddha within the body True Yuan has become slow, and the golden rays of light make Lin Hai seem to fall into a closed space and ignore the things! Of course

However, Lin Hai didn’t have a trace of fear in his heart, but instead smiled evilly.

Playing magic with big brother? that

Isn’t it a gift for big brother?

With a thought, Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin was held in the hand by Lin Hai and moved towards the air with a slight throw!


Ding! Lin

The sea a light shout, the Dropping Treasure Bronze Coin issued a crisp sound, straight into the sky, and flew into the golden light, there was no trace. “

ha ha ha ha! “

When asked to see the situation, he could not help but make a sarcastic laugh. From

When I first saw Lin Hai throw something, I thought it was a great magic weapon.

As soon as it came out, it was devoured by golden light, and there was no trace at all. can

It was next moment, but the smile on Wen Tian suddenly froze, and it suddenly freezes on his face.

Then, a deep panic suddenly appeared in his eyes. only

Seeing that golden light suddenly disappeared, and my magic gold brick suddenly changed back to the prototype, dim and dull! boom

!! also

Before waiting for Tiantian to respond, the gold brick suddenly lost its mana and fell to the ground out of thin air.

“This, this is impossible!”

Wentian was horrified, full of shock and incredible.


Just as he asked Tian Tian a look of aggression, he saw a ray of magnificent light falling on the gold bricks on the ground.

Later, the BRICS were picked up in the air and flew into Lin Hai’s hands. forest

The sea hand held the gold brick, and couldn’t help but have a happy look, moved towards asking the sky, a funny smile.

“I rely on, such a large piece of gold brick, are you trying to bribe me?”

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