“impudent !”

When Lin Hai’s words fell, he asked that the complexion was greatly changed, and he scolded sharply. and

Liu Ruyan also changed the pretty face slightly, and pulled Lin Hai slightly, and suddenly opened the mouth and said. “

You said, the one who wants to see me is the one who has climbed the list? “

“Yes!” Asked Tian coldly smiled, and raised his neck. willow

If Yan Dai’s eyebrows are slightly raised, coldly said. “

Is he from Titan City? “”

Exactly! “Get

When Liu Tian asked affirmatively, Liu Ruyan suddenly raised her eyebrows, and Zhu Lip said lightly.

“I know who it is!” “

You call him back, I have something today, I will see him tomorrow! “ask

The sky shook his head slightly. “

The nobleman has commanded that you must see him today! “

Liu Ruyan raised her eyebrows, and the cold breath suddenly burst, her eyes flashing with anger. Do not

It was too fast, but it breathed away, lightly sighed. Follow

Then he looked up and asked Heavenly Dao.

“Okay, I’ll go with you!”

When Liu Ruyan’s words landed, Lin Hai suddenly hesitated, then looked towards Liu Ruyan with a little surprise.

“Ru Yan, you …” Liu

Ru Yan looked at Lin Hai with an apology and smiled bitterly. “

Lin Hai, this person has kindness to my lover, I have to meet! “forest

Hai pumps shrank, before he could talk, Liu Ruyan moved towards and asked the sky to look. “

Lead the way! “

“Okay!” Asked Tian this is nodded, then turned and left.

“I’ll go with you!” Lin Hai hurried to see Liu Ruyan about to leave, worried about her safety.

However, before Liu Ruyan spoke, Wen Tian took the lead in speaking. “

Noble man only lets Liu Ruyan go alone! “forest

The sea brow raised his head and refuted, but was stopped by Liu Ruyan. “

Lin Hai, don’t worry about me, don’t worry! “Say

After that, Liu Ruyan moved towards Lin Hai faintly smiled, turned and followed the sky, leaving in a blink of an eye. Look

With Liu Ruyan’s disappearing back, Lin Hai wandered for a while, exhales one mouthful of impure air after a long time. “

Forget it anyway, Liu Ruyan is not an ordinary person, I think it can be handled well! “

Seeing here because of the burning of Ask Tian Inn, people have gathered more and more, Lin Hai does not want to attract too much attention. meaning

With a thought, Xiangyun soared under his feet, Lin Hai went straight into the sky, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. “

Alas, what is that! “

After flying out thousands of miles, Lin Hai suddenly found that not far ahead, there was a black breath, straight into the sky, blocking the way. go

A closer look, Lin Hai suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air. “

Turns out to be Murderous Aura! “”

very powerful murderous aura! “band

With a touch of shock, Lin Hai poked his head away and looked down from towards towards.

Seen below, it is a boundless sea, and the sea water is red, like plasma! “

What is this place? “

Lin Hai thought, a map of Titan City popped into his mind, and then suddenly suddenly shrank!

“One of Titan City 3 Great Forbidden Land, Sea of ​​Blood!” Blood

The sea has always been listed as a forbidden area in Titan City. Murderous aura over the ocean is just as essential. Once it is hit by Murderous aura, even immortal dao Paragon will fall on the spot! according to

Legend has it that Loose Immortal entered the sea of ​​blood to investigate the mysteries, and was seriously injured after 3 days. only

Say 3 times: terrifying, terrifying, terrifying!

With both extinction, destroy both body and soul! to

Therefore, no one dares to enter the sea of ​​blood. “

It is better to avoid these fierce places! “

Lin Hai was about to turn his head around the sea of ​​blood, but suddenly his eyes were fixed, and he looked with a touch of shock moved towards below.

“That’s it!” Only

Seeing the edge of the sea of ​​blood, a thin silhouette stood on the shore, waving a long sword in his hand, and drew a string of murderous aura, which was actually competing against the murderous aura in the sea of ​​blood! when

Of course, if that’s the case, Lin Hai isn’t scared. true

What makes Lin Hai shake up is that the silhouette below is not others, but Lin Jian! “

Why did Lin Jian come here! “”

Isn’t he in the 6th horoscope? “

Lin Hai remembered the horror rumors of Blood Sea, and suddenly his heart sank.

If Lin Jian got stuck here, it would be broken. “

Lin Jian, have you ever heard me speak! “

Lin Hai stood in the cloud and drank suddenly, using the Moon Palace Immortal Sound method, the sound is like a pillar, moved towards the bottom of the blood sea, pouring straight down! Hum


The sonic wave only went down to the cloud and never descended 100 meters, but was directly crushed by a massive murderous aura!

Lin Hai’s cry could not reach Lin Jian’s ears. “

This fuck! “

Lin Hai suddenly showed anxiety. Did he keep watching Lin Jian and lost his life in the sea of ​​blood?

Suddenly, a cold glow flashed through Lin Hai’s eyes and made a decision! “

Go down and break into this sea of ​​blood! “”

Lin Jian must not be left alone to get involved here! “One

Thinking of this, Lin Hai thought about it, Xiangyun moved towards the ground, and stopped at the edge of the sea of ​​blood. Hum

!! pause

Time, an invisible horror murderous aura, assaults the senses. forest

He felt instantly, like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses moved towards himself, and he wanted to crush himself into flesh!


Subconsciously, Lin Hai waved with both palms, the Xuanbing Road spurted out, and an ice wall condensed in front of him, colliding with the Murderous Aura. Of course

However, next moment Lin Hai is complexion greatly changed, showing a horrified look. only

Seeing the mysterious ice wall, I dared to crack it, and under the endless Murderous aura collision, there are already signs of unbridled. boom

!! a few

For almost a moment, the ice wall burst and the murderous aura swept again.

Lin Hai’s eyelids leaped wildly, and now I don’t know how to deal with it, suddenly light flashed! Sudden

However, both palms pushed forward sharply, shouting loudly in the mouth!

“Magic Absorbing Palm!” Om


The invisible vortex appeared in Lin Hai’s palm. Follow

Then, the horrible suction suddenly fell on the surging murderous aura in front.

The murderous aura, like a tide, suddenly stagnates, and then, like the flood of a sluice, moved towards Lin Hai within the body, swarming! “

Uh! “forest

The face of the sea changed, and the magical ** was hurriedly turned, and this endless Murderous Aura was guided into the Meridian, so as not to be hit by the Murderous Aura and destroy the fleshy body! boom

!! versus

At the same time, the True Yuan of Lin Hai within the body contracted instantly, all condensed in the Purple Thundergod Dragon Arm. and

The magical gas in his right arm surged out and merged with the infused Murderous Aura, and walked around the sky!

After cycling for a few days, Lin Hai took a breath and showed surprise. This

Although murderous aura is violent, but the demon ** is really Divine Art, and he is not afraid at all.

Not only does this Murderous Aura harmless itself, but it can also be absorbed into a full nourishment.

Although, due to the limitation of Lin Hai’s own cultivation base, Huanmo ** cannot exert all its powers. but

It is enough to resist the Murderous Aura, so that Lin Hai has the ability to walk into the sea of ​​blood. forest

The sea quickly turned into magic, and at the same time took steps, walking hard to the sea of ​​blood.

After walking for a full hour, I finally saw the silhouette of Lin Jian far away. but

Seeing Lin Jian at this moment, with a murderous aura, the silhouette turned out to be fuzzy. hand

In the swing of the long sword, Guanghua flickered, and howling like a whistle from time to time. Imitate

The Buddha, the whole person and this boundless Murderous Aura are all united. “

Murderous aura is so scary here, I really do n’t know how Lin Jian got here! “

Lin Hai watched from a distance, really surprised and suspicious.

It took another half an hour of effort, and Lin Hai finally reached Lin Jian’s voice and opened his mouth and moved towards Lin Jian. “

Lin Jian! “

Shua! forest

The sea tone barely fell, and suddenly a black rays of light flickered, the horrible murderous intention came on!

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