Seeing Tian Tian’s fearless look, Lin Hai’s eyes narrowed and his heart was angry.

“Don’t force me!” “

Force you? Asked heaven laughed, then a cold in his eyes, “What about you? “”

The acquaintance hurry away and let Liu Ruyan follow me, otherwise you can’t afford the consequences! “forest

The sea was coldly snorted, holding Liu Ruyan’s little hand, looking coldly at the sky.

“Ru Yan, let’s go!” Said

Then, Lin Hai pulled Liu Ruyan and walked forward. “

Stop me! “

When asked to see Lin Hai ignored him, he became furious, raised his hands to a rays of light, and moved towards Lin Hai.


Lin Hai screamed, the raging flames, and the horrific heat that burned everything, spewing from the palm of his hand.


The flame was connected with the way of asking the sky, and instantly turned into Fire Phoenix, which was incinerated.

“This is …” asked

The sky was horribly discolored, and I felt a deep threat from this flying Fire Phoenix. also

He didn’t wait for him to react, but saw Fire Phoenix hovering around Sky Inn, circling back and forth. Follow

Then, with a loud bang, I asked Tian Inn that a raging fire burst into flames and was swallowed directly by the fire sea!

At this time, Lin Hai’s cold voice sounded indifferently. “

Didn’t you let me burn your Inn? as you wish! “

Wentian looked at Wentian Inn, which had become a sea of ​​fire. His eyelids leaped wildly, and he was so angry and hateful. “

How dare you, my little beast, destroy my foundation! “

whiz whiz whiz whiz! on

At this time, countless silhouettes in the fire sea, rushing out in succession, with anger and deep terror on all sides. “

what happened? “

“Why is there a fire!”

very terrifying flames! “

Asked the guests of Tian Inn, each and everyone was stunned by the fire, soared into the clouds, and looked at the fire below, a horror.

The power of this fire was too terrifying. on

Just now, almost everyone felt a threat of death. If

It was not this sudden fire, it seemed to be intended to burn Inn, and did not hurt people.

I am afraid that those of them who can escape are definitely not more than one palm!

This group of horrified and frightened people looked down, and soon found Lin Hai Liu Ruyan and Wen Tian who were confronted.

Especially when I saw Liu Ruyan, everyone couldn’t help breathing, and felt that the heartbeat suddenly accelerated. “

Who is this woman? “

“Oh my God, how emotional I am when I see her, my heart is unstable!” “

If this woman is Dao Companion, there is no regret in this life! “Wai

The people watching were immediately shocked by the beauty of Liu Ruyan. For a while, as if drunk and stupefied, they were whimsical. and

A local master of Titan City, seeing everyone in this form, is coldly smiled. “

I advise you, don’t mess around with this idea, this girl is Titan City number one beauty Liu Ruyan, and a famous genius on the list of immortals! “”

Liu Ruyan? !! “

“She is Liu Ruyan!” “

Sure enough, it ’s better to meet. It ’s Fairy, the name speaks for itself! “listen

After Liu Ruyan’s name, this group of people suddenly became amazed. Thai

Liu Ruyan is probably such a stunning woman in Tanzania. and

Asked at this time, his angry face turned purple, pointing at Lin Hai shouting loudly. “

You beast, if I do n’t kill you today, I swear I wo n’t be human! “

Lin Hai burned his question in the eyes of the public. If

Did not kill Lin Hai, he asked that he would not be able to mix in Titan City in the future.

After the words were spoken, I asked the sky to grab the sky, and suddenly an imaginary lance appeared in my hands. spear

Above the tip, the gloomy rays of light flicker, as if a poisonous snake swallows the tongue, the cold atmosphere makes people shudder.

“Kill!” Asked

Holding the lance, shouting loudly, the whole person turned into a green light, like a giant snake, moved towards Lin Hai’s head, flying towards him! forest

The sea brow raised his head and looked up coldly. This

The luminous light of the regiment green, before approaching, had a stinking gas that penetrated the nostrils, making people almost nauseous. with

At that time, the cold atmosphere was like countless poisonous snakes, which entangled Lin Hai’s body, making Lin Hai True Yuan stagnate, and there was a feeling of being sealed. “

Lin Hai, be careful! “willow

Seeing the smoke, cry out in surprise, we have to step forward to defend Lin Hai against Wen Tian’s attack. Of course

However, Lin Hai held Liu Ruyan tightly, then coldly smiled, and shook the head. “

Ruyan, I come! “ask

Tian Inn was burned by his Lin Hai. At this time, how can Liu Ruyan be able to fight for his enemy?

Besides, Lin Hai dignified a 7-foot man. In this case, let a woman stand in front. He can’t afford to lose this person!

Seeing Wen Tian’s attack approaching, Lin Hai’s lips fluttered, showing a disdainful smile. “

fire! “steep

However, Lin Hai drank in secret, the Greater Five Elements Technique suddenly launched, within the body of Dao of Fire, out of nowhere!

bang! one

The huge flame suddenly appeared around Lin Hai, completely protecting Lin Hai. with

At that time, the fierce and fiery flame suddenly Shape Transformation transformed into a fire Phoenix of several ten zhang!

Huh! Nan

I slammed a phoenix, spit out the blazing flame, and swallowed the green light directly. boom


The luminous light suddenly burst, and the silhouette of Wentian appeared, and he trembled back, his face terrified.

And the lance in that hand has long disappeared, and was destroyed by Lin Hai’s move! Deng

噔 deng deng!

After asking the sky to fall to the ground, he took a few steps to stand still. startle

However, looking up, moved towards was surrounded by flames, just like Lin Hai, the flame of War God, and the eyelids jumped endlessly!

“This, it’s not all fire!” Asked

The heart of the sky, the stormy sea surged in an instant, terrifying! on

Just now, as soon as he came into contact with Fire Phoenix, his lance was actually unable to withstand a single blow, and instantly broke. and

What’s more frightening is that the flame made him feel a strong threat of life and death.

If it wasn’t for him to see the opportunity quickly, he would destroy the way and use the secret technique to escape, I’m afraid he’s buried in the fire sea at this moment!

Until this moment, when thinking of the fierce danger just now, I still had a lingering fear in the sky, and I was afraid! “

Who are you on the list? “ask

Tian shrinks, stares at Lin Hai, hoarse and asks in horror.

“My name is Lin Hai!” “

Lin Hai? Impossible, there is no such name on the list of immortals! “Asked Tian Zhenhai. Lin

The sea is a corner of the mouth, cold with a sneer.

“I’m not on the list, I’m naturally on the list!” “

Stop talking nonsense, get out of here, and let Ruyan and me leave! “

“No matter how dare to stop, it’s not so cheap!” Asked

After hearing the words, his complexion suddenly changed, his eyebrows twisted into a frown.

“Hmph, with your Realm of Great Ascension Early-Stage, is able to fight beyond the ranks and force me to retreat. If you are not the person on the list, it is impossible!” Said

At this point, I asked Tian’s tone and suddenly eased a bit, moved towards Lin Hai said.

“Frankly, the noble person who wants to see Ruyan Girl is also a famous person on the list of immortals.”

“Yes, I hope the little brother will tell the real name, and at the same time, the famous person on the list of immortals may be familiar with that noble person, especially unknown!” “

If there is any misunderstanding, it is bad! “

When Lin Hai heard that, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, with a hint of helplessness, differently said. “

Having said that, my name is Lin Hai, and I am not a person on the list! “

“Moreover, when I first entered Titan City, I would never meet the nobleman in your mouth.”

“So please hurry up, otherwise I’m really welcome!”

Asked Tian expression was surprised, silent for a moment, and then firmly shook the head.

“The nobleman has an order, and Liu Ruyan must be taken to see him, otherwise he cannot be guilty of being guilty!” Lin

As soon as the sea heard it, he was immediately angry.

Looking cold, moved towards asked heaven coldly said. “

Shit’s noble, what qualifications does he have for Ruyan to see him? “

“A mouse who hides his head and doesn’t dare to see anyone, you let him get out!”

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