Lin Hai’s face was dark and he said angrily. ”

Get rid of your stinky ass, these hot eyes! “”

That is you do not understand appreciation! Brother Bing shook his tail and then with curiosity, the ice Phoenix moved towards Liu Ruyan’s palm looked up.

And Liu Ruyan’s ice Phoenix also happened to move towards Brother Bing.

Suddenly, the two ice Phoenixes were all happy, and their eyes became obsessed.

“Oh, I’m going, how can I feel a spark burst!”

Lin Hai blinked, surprised.

Liu Ruyan is pretty face slightly red, a little shy.

“My little cutie said she fell in love with Brother Bing at first sight!”

!! forest

Hai heard this, so he didn’t sit on the ground.

Quickly moved towards Liu Ruyan awkwardly smiled, embarrassed to say.

“So what, Brother Bing, he has a heart, he’s a wife!” Liu

When Ru Yan heard it, he could not help but look at Lin Hai in wonder. “

Do you still have an ice Phoenix? “

“That’s not it!” Lin Hai shook the head, “I still have a Fire Phoenix.”

Lin Hai said, the other hand also stretched out.

Suddenly, the flames soared, and Nannan’s silhouette emerged.

“Well, why is there an ice Phoenix here that looks exactly like Brother Bing!”

I also saw the ice Phoenix in Liu Ruyan’s palm, and couldn’t help but strangely said.

“Hey, what’s your name!” Liu

Ruyan Bing Phoenix, when he saw Nannan, his eyes brightened and he asked excitedly. “

My name is Nannan, how about you! “

“My name is cute!” “

Little cute? You are so cute, shall we be good friends? “Nannan said happily.”

Yeah! “Little cute cheering excitedly.”

By the way, this is my husband! “Nannan introduced Brother Bing to Little Cute.

“Hello, Brother Bing! I fell in love with you at first sight, but I changed my mind when I saw Nannan!” “

I’m looking for a Fire Phoenix like Nannan to be my boyfriend! “

… two

Only Phoenix and a Fire Phoenix, chirp chirp twitter twitter chatted, so lively. anti-

I hung Lin Hai and Liu Ruyan there. “

hehe, I didn’t expect them to fate! “Lin Hai shrugged, smiling. Liu

Ru Yan was also slightly smiled, and then she looked pale, moved towards Lin Hai.

“Lin Hai, let’s get out of here.” “

When my lover’s cousin returns, he will certainly make a rumor, maybe someone will find it here soon. “

“En!” Lin Hai nodded, Liu Ruyan made sense, and he thought about it.

“I’m not familiar with Titan City. Where do we go?”

Home cannot be returned! “Liu Ruyan expression went dark, and then Dai Mei raised her eyebrows, indifferently said.”

I know a place, although it is dangerous, but because of this, few people will go! “”

Otherwise, where should we hide? “”

Listen to you! “Lin Hai shrugged, smiling.

“Well, let’s go!” Said

After that, Lin Hai and Liu Ruyan took a step and moved towards the room outside. “

2 places, please hold your steps! “just

I was leaving Wentian Inn, and suddenly one silhouette stopped Lin Hai and Liu Ruyan. with

At that time, a true indistinctly of True Yuan surged in and out of the caller, apparently, all shots could be subsequently taken. willow

As Ruyan’s face changed, she glanced at her, her eyes were cold, coldly said.

“Who are you?”

The face of the man, 56 years old, looks kind and kind, but there is a vicious look between the eyebrows. see

Liu Ruyan asked, grinning.

“No, just ask Tian Inn’s shopkeeper, ask God!”

Stack of shopkeeper?

Lin Hai and Liu Ruyan were both together. Before Liu Ruyan started, Lin Hai took a step forward and moved towards asking Heavenly Dao.

“Ask the shopkeeper, I paid for the room at first!”

“Hehe, it’s not about the room!” Asked Tian laughed, and then his eyes flickered and fell on Liu Ruyan’s body.

“Presumably this girl is on the list of the fairy tale, Titan City number one beauty, Liu Ruyan, right?”

Liu Ruyan raised a brow, looked at the sky indifferently, and then said differently. “

It’s me, what’s the matter? “

“Hehe, someone wants to see the girl.” Wentian said haha.

“See me?” Liu Ruyan asked, surprised, “Who?”

The girl can come with me and go understood when I go! “willow

If the smoke smelled, his face suddenly changed, and he groaned.

“I never knew you, why should I follow you?” “

Please let me go, I’m leaving! “

Wen Tian saw Liu Ruyan getting angry, but he was not annoyed, only laughed. True Yuan on his body rolled more and more fiercely like boiling water.

“I’m sorry, if Miss Liu doesn’t follow me, then I can’t help you!” Asked

As soon as the words of the heavens fell, Lin Hai flashed a cold glow in his eyes, coldly said. “

Why, Miss Liu is not willing, do you still have to use power? “

Wen Tian glanced at Lin Hai, his lips slightly skimmed, revealing contempt. “

If Miss Liu didn’t cooperate, it would only offend him to ask! “Say

Then, Wen Tian shot abruptly, and one arm protruded forward, as if Poison Dragon was out of the hole, pulling out a string of illusory shadows in the space, grabbing the moving wrist towards Liu Ruyan.

“Impudent!” Willow

Seeing the smoke, suddenly angry, tenderly shouted, waving his hands moved towards Qin Tian’s arm split! Hum


Suddenly, a cold glow glow seemed to emerge from the void, turned into an ice skate, and fell on Wen Tian’s arm.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, the ice skates shattered and turned into endless frost, drifting down. and

Wentian grabbed this, and suddenly stagnate, his arm was frozen into icicles, and stopped a foot away from Liu Ruyan.

Oh la la !

Almost instantly, the icicles shattered, and asked Tian’s arm to withdraw like lightning, his face flashed with shock. Over

After a long time, I was slowly nodded with a hint of surprise. “

No wonder Miss Liu just entered the immortal dao Paragon for the first time, and he can be on the list. “

“Unexpectedly, the way of ice has been refined to such a degree that it is terrifying, so that everyone has suffered a small loss!”

Liu Ruyan had a cold face, and moved towards asking it to be cold.

“Get out, and dare to stop, just blame me for being ruthless!” “

he he he! “Qian Tian shook the head with a smile,” Miss Liu, do you think I’m afraid of your way of ice? “

“If you think so, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed!”

“I would like to advise you again and follow me immediately, otherwise I’m really welcome!” Liu

Ru Yan hadn’t waited for a reply, Lin Hai took a step forward and blocked Liu Ruyan behind him. willow

Seeing like smoke, could not help but be surprised.

The question in front of me, even her, dare not say that she is fully confident in dealing with it. forest

What is the sea doing now?

Just about to speak, let Lin Hai back, don’t want Lin Hai to move back towards her slightly smiled.

“Ru Yan, give me this old fellow!”

After speaking, Lin Hai tilted his head and squinted at Tian Tian, ​​his face disdainful.

“You’re welcome, what can you do?” Asked

Tian frowned, showing a cold disdainful smile, sarcastic. “

Boy, are you going to be a messenger? “

“Just relying on your cultivation base, being careful not to protect the flowers, but losing your life is not worth it!”

“Less nonsense!” Lin Hai interrupted Wen Tian’s discourse, then smiled indifferently.

“It’s really disdainful that you, the one who started Inn, don’t study the way of business well, but are willing to be a henchman for others.”

“Interesting, give me up now and let Miss Liu go!” “

Otherwise, don’t blame me for burning your Inn and making you a stray dog! “

“Haha, ha ha ha ha!” Asked Tian Wen to hear, he laughed suddenly, watching Lin Hai disdain for a while.

“A big breath, it’s up to you, and you want to burn my Inn?”

“Okay, there is capability, you can burn one and let me see!”

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