As soon as Lin Hai came out, not far from the door, the two guard women looked back. can

When they saw Lin Hai, the two women were stunned, as if they had seen a ghost.

“5 Palace Lord, you, didn’t you go to the Chamber with the Lord Palace?”

The two guard women asked in amazement.

Just now, the 3rd and 5th lords, and the main hall that left with the main lord, they all saw with their own eyes.

Why did the blink of an eye make the 5th house owner come out of the hall again?

Looking at the aggressive looks of the two women, Lin Hai was funny inside.

It seems that it becomes extremely realistic to become a woman. The two guarding women can’t see the weak spot at all.

“Yeah, I suddenly forgot something, come back and get it, okay?”

Lin Hai uses Moon Palace Immortal Sound to learn the voice of the 5th house owner, coldly said. “

The subordinates have no doubt, please let the 5th house owner be angry! “

Seeing Lin Hai’s wrong tone, the two women panicked and hurriedly bowed their heads to plead guilty.

“hmph! ”

Lin Hai was snorted lightly, passing the two guards like the same gust. One

It wasn’t until the silhouette disappeared that the two guards looked at Lin Hai’s back with a blank expression, completely wondering what was going on.

“Leave the 7th Star Palace first, and then think of another solution!” Ru

Today, the 5th house owner is with the big house owner, and looking for it like this is definitely not enough. can

Once the time for transformation has come, it will inevitably reveal the stuffing, and it will be even worse.

There was no way, Lin Hai decided to leave here before thinking about other ways.

Silhouette flashed, Lin Hai went straight to the entrance of the 7th Star Palace, and then reached his destination in an instant.

However, when he saw the glittering rays of light at the entrance, Lin Hai’s heart sank suddenly. “

broken! “forest

The sea pump suddenly shrank, and with his Formula accomplishment, he could see at a glance that the dazzling rays of light were clearly an extremely complex array! and

At the entrance, more than a dozen women, with swords drawn and bows bent, stood as if they were facing the enemy. One

Seeing Lin Hai coming over, the red clothed woman, headed by them, hurried forward and moved towards Lin Hai on one knee!

“Gu Yanxi, the head of the guard, pay respects to 5 palace masters!”

Lin Hai remained calm, moved towards Gu Yanxi, slightly smiled, opened the mouth and said.

“Get up!” “

Thank you 5 Gongzhu! Gu

Yanxi stood up, then with a hint of doubt, asked moved towards Lin Hai. “

I do n’t know if the 5th house is here. “

“Ah, it’s fine, just walk around and get here!” Lin Hai said casually.

Then, a finger opened in front of moved towards, and asked casually. “

Why did you suddenly start the battle? Are there any powerful enemies coming? “

Gu Yan heard the news, her face suddenly changed, but soon returned to normal.

“I don’t know the specific subordinates. It is the order of the 2nd house owner!” “

Oh, that’s how it is! “Lin Hai nodded, then smiled gently, kindly.

“Open the big array, I’ll go down the mountain!” Gu

Yan Xi glanced strangely at Lin Hai, and then pointed a raised boulder at the entrance of moved towards. “

The 5th house master, just press the boulder lightly, and the big array will open automatically. Does the 5th house master forget it? “

Lin Hai was startled and then slightly laughed.

“Will the lord of the palace forget, I’m just testing you!” Lin

Suddenly a little upset in the sea, Hurry rushed away towards the boulder.

If she doesn’t leave again, she’s really afraid of showing stuffing.

In front of the boulder, Lin Hai stretched out his hand and moved towards the boulder and pressed it down! Hum

!! forest

As soon as Hai’s hand was pressed, a strong rays of light suddenly appeared on top of Lin Hai’s head.

Then, like a large net, with the force of horrible oppression, Lin Hai was enveloped instantly.

“Uh!” Lin

The sea was suddenly oppressed by the huge oppressive force, almost lying on the ground. only

I felt that the internal organs were like being hit by a boulder, a surge of blood surged, and my throat came to me in an instant.


With one mouth, Lin Hai couldn’t help but spit out blood, his face changed in shock!

“On!” Lin

The sea drank loudly, and True Yuan spit in an instant, ready to spread the big net over his head. Of course

But soon, Lin Hai was desperate to find that this big net was so heavy that it felt like a big mountain, pressing on him. forest

The impact of the sea’s hard work, the big net turned out to be completely motionless! “

Broken, this is the power of Formation! “

Lin Hai’s eyelids fluttered, and his heart sank to the bottom. he

Be proficient in the hundred diagrams of Supreme Taoist, where you can’t see the clue of this big net. This

Zhang Dawang is completely a part of Mountain Protecting Great Formation. Although not afraid of lethality, it aims to trap people!

People who are trapped, regardless of the strength of the cultivation base, once they are covered by the net, don’t want to break free unless they are broken. Of course

However, Lin Hai is now trapped under the net, and even if he knows how to break the formation, he cannot escape at all!

“Fuck, I was so embarrassed just now!” Lin Hai couldn’t help but curse and regretted it.

He didn’t expect that the guard chief Gu Yanxi would play with himself.

Otherwise, as long as Lin Hai observes the Formation a little bit, how can he be fooled?

“Gu Yanxi, you are crazy!” Lin

The eyes of the sea were angry, and moved towards Gu Yanxi with an angry drink. Gu

Yanxi is coldly smiled, with beautiful eyes flickering, and moved towards Lin Hai yelled and asked.

“Who the hell are you? How dare you impersonate my 5th house owner!”

Lin Hai heard that, his face suddenly changed.

No wonder Gu Yanxi dare to start against himself, it turned out to be through his own identity.

Mad, at what point did you spot the weak spot? forest

Hai couldn’t understand for a while, but until now, Lin Hai couldn’t admit it.

Otherwise, it is really difficult to escape.

With this in mind, Lin Hai’s eyebrows are upright and moved towards Gu Yanxi coldly shouted! “

Bold! Blind your dog eyes! I’m the 5th house owner, why impersonate? “”

Gu Yanxi, you immediately release the owner of this palace, otherwise I can’t spare you! “

Gu Yan sneered when she heard it, and her eyes were full of disdain. “

Don’t pretend, you simply are not the 5th house master! “”

You say I’m not the 5th house owner, what evidence! “Lin Hai scolded sternly. Gu

Yan Xi coldly smiled, with a deep contempt, gave a glance at Lin Hai.

“It doesn’t seem to make sense, you really don’t give up!” “

You know, I’m guarding here, and starting the battle, who ordered it? “forest

Hai Yiyi blurted, “You mean, is it the order of the 2nd house master? Are you trying to lie to me?” “

ha ha ha ha! “After hearing Hai Lin’s words, Gu Yanxi could not help laughing out loud, and that laughter was full of irony!

Later, his eyes were raised, with a cold light, moved towards Lin Hai said with a sneer. “

And said you are not fake! “

“The guard of the 7th house is always in charge of the 5th house. I opened the Mountain Protecting Great Formation, which is the order sent by the 5th house!”

“But you don’t know it at all. I lied that it was ordered by the 2nd house owner, and you are convinced!”

and also! “Gu Yanxi raised her hand, pointing at the boulder that was moved towards Lin Hai before.”

That boulder is the switch of Qianjun. Even if others don’t know it, wouldn’t you know the 7th house owner responsible for guarding the 5th house? “

“But you, actually use it as a switch to turn down the mountain and press it!”

“Every sign fully shows that you simply are not the 5th house master!” Said

After that, Gu Yanxi raised his hand and moved towards Lin Hai with a finger and sang with a sigh.

“Say, who are you!”

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