After Lin Hai heard Gu Yanxi’s words, he couldn’t help but stunned and speechless. grass

!! forest

Hai stared at the boss, and couldn’t help but carefully looked at Gu Yanxi and looked surprised. “

Odd woman! “

Lin Hai couldn’t help but be a little surprised. From

From the realm to the Earth Immortal realm, Lin Hai came along all the way, and almost all of them encountered no brain villains!

Even though Lin Hai is not the strongest in terms of strength, IQ alone is basically crushed all the way. can

It was didn’t expect, and today I suddenly encountered a long brain.

It’s so awkward.

“Come on, who are you!” See you

Lin Hai looked at himself with a weird look, but without saying a word, Gu Yanxi suddenly raised her eyebrows and asked again.

“oh! ”

Lin Hai was sighed heavily, showing helplessness, shook his head with a bitter smile, and glanced at Gu Yanxi. “

Yan Xi! “

“En?” Gu Yanxi’s face suddenly changed, and Lin Hai’s voice turned out to be a male voice! and

In addition, her own title, such an intimacy, suddenly made Gu Yanxi uncomfortable for a while.

“You are a man, who are you!” Gu

Yanxi asked again, and her complexion became extremely dignified. From

At first, she thought it was a disciple in the 7th house, posing as the 5th house master, and there was any plot. can

It is now known that this man turned out to be a man.

In this case, this matter can be a big deal. 7

There are women in the palace, and no man is allowed to enter, otherwise kill without mercy!

However, the man posing as the 5th house owner came from the inside of sect. especially

It is posing as the 5th house master, even her guard leader who often contacts the 5th house master, can not see the slightest weak spot from the appearance.

This is enough to show that the man in front of him must have a very close relationship with the 5th house owner.

Otherwise, it is impossible to pose so wonderfully.

“Is it really the owner of the 5th house, who is colluding with the man and hiding in the 7th house?”

Suddenly, the idea of ​​terrifying came out of Gu Yanxi’s mind, which really surprised her.

If this is the case, then the 5th house owner will probably be worse!

“Of course I am a man!” Lin Hai grinned at this time. Follow

Later, watching Gu Yanxi with affection, said with affection. “

Yan Xi, I’ve been in love with you for a long time, and this time I went up the mountain, I came to court you! “

“Yan Xi, I love you, just like mice love rice, marry me and leave this ghost place with me!”

!! forest

As soon as Hai had finished saying this, Gu Yanxi was very unstable at his feet and almost lay on the ground.

Then his face changed instantly. “

Shut me up, don’t talk nonsense, I simply don’t know you! “

Gu Yanxi’s heart was beating for a while, and at the same time a deep fear rose instantly in the mind. Panic

In a hurry, Gu Yanxi secretly checked the expressions of the guards behind him.

But they found that the guards, each and everyone were all confused, staring at themselves with a shocked expression.

Apparently, Lin Hai was shocked by all the guards. “

Yan Xi, why are you so ruthless, I risked mortal danger and came to you in the 7th Star Palace, can’t I still express my love for you? “

Lin Hai pretended to be sorrowful, clutching his chest in pain and looking at Gu Yanxi.

In his heart, Lin Hai sneered. Let

When you go out with your mind, the big brother can’t get out.

big brother ca n’t do it, do n’t think about it! 7

Is n’t Xinggong forbidden to associate with men, then the big brother will come up with your boyfriend and kill you! and

Moreover, looking at the expressions of the guards, Lin Hai was even more proud. very

Obviously, his words are effective, even if the guards do not have full faith, they are beginning to doubt.

After all, not many villains go out with their minds, Gu Yanxi is just an alternative.

“Stop, you need to talk nonsense!”

Gu Yanxi was mad at Lin Hai’s words, and was anxious inside.

As the head of the guard, she knew the perverted and distorted psychology of the Omiya master.

Once Lin Hai’s words came to the ears of the main palace owner, his life would be gone if he didn’t make it!

“Don’t believe him, he is pure talk nonsense!”

Gu Yanxi quickly turned her head, and moved towards the guards anxiously explained.

“Well, we don’t believe him!”

The guards kept talking, but everyone’s weird eyes were betrayed.

As if sending a signal, that is, don’t believe him! “

hateful! “

Gu Yanxi held her fists firmly, she was really angry and afraid, and she was going crazy! fierce

However, Gu Yanxi was startled, and moved towards one of the guards, hurriedly instructed.

“Hurry up and sue the fifth house lord, and say we caught a suspicious man!”


The guard promised, a flash of sound and shadow, moved towards the Chamber, galloping away. call

~ To

Therefore, Gu Yanxi spit out one mouthful of impure air for a long time, but the peng peng who was nervous inside jumped.

For the sake of today, you can only report the matter to the 5th house owner and take it!

If this man is really related to the fifth house owner, I believe the fifth house owner will also be afraid. To

At that time, she would take care of herself, so that she could leave it alone? Gu

Yanxi rubbed her forehead, feeling confused in her heart, and didn’t know if she was doing it right. forest

Hai suddenly said in public that it was her boyfriend, and thoroughly savvy Gu Yanxi, who had always been smart and capable. it is good

In a short time, the 5th house lord hurriedly moved towards here and appeared in Gu Yanxi’s sight. Gu

Yanxi had a happy heart, but then trembled suddenly, showing her fear.

Because, she was shocked to find that there was also a great palace master who came with the fifth palace master!

Not only did the main palace lord come, the other five palace lords even came together, and all came here. “

How is this going? Gu

Yan Xi was dumbfounded at once. The 7 main palace owners arrived at the same time. “

Subordinate Gu Yanxi, pay respects to all the hosts! “

Gu Yanxi was far away, and hurried forward, then one-knee kneels, respectfully moved towards the 7 court masters. “

What about people? “Big

The palace’s grim face was cold and majestic, and moved towards Gu Yanxi asked. sound

Although the sound is not great, it makes Gu Yanxi feel a terrifying pressure, and the back is wet with cold sweat. “

Just ahead! Gu

Yan Xi answered carefully, the heart peng peng beating, like a chill. Big

The palace master did not answer, and passed directly to Gu Yanxi kneeling.

The other 6 lords are also expressionless, following closely from behind.

Only 5 palace masters, moved towards Gu Yanxi waved and let her get up. end

After all, Gu Yanxi is a direct subordinate of her. She can’t let Gu Yanxi keep kneeling. Gu

Yanxi then stood up quickly and followed behind the seven palace masters in fear, her heart all referring to her throat. and

At this moment, the Omiya master has reached, with cold and severe cold glow in his eyes, and moved towards Lin Hai.

At the same time, the other six palace masters also set their sights on Lin Hai with shocked faces!

“This, how can it be like the old 5?”

“Oh my God, I can’t tell the difference!”

“He, is he really a man?”

All of a sudden, all the palace masters are dumbfounded, even the grand palace master and the 5 palace masters are all confused and full of incredible faces! very

Up to now, some people have begun to wonder, who is really true who is trapped in this and the 5 house masters around him?

And Lin Hai turned his head at this moment, and moved towards Omiya Lord.

But when I saw the owner of Omiya, she looked beautiful, as cold as ice and frost, with a strong coercion between her brows, giving a strong sense of oppression. single

Looking at the appearance, it is also like a beautiful young woman in her early 30s. The charm is still there, don’t have a taste.

“I can’t see it. Such a charming milf turned out to be a psychologically distorted metamorphosis.”

Lin Hai couldn’t help but regret it, and there were others who continued to move towards Omiya behind him.

But when his gaze fell on a woman in a white dress, Lin Hai could not help but tremble with shock, and his face was shocked. “

I rely, how could it be her! ”

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