“Big sister!” 3

The palace master and 5 palace masters were panicked and were at a loss. although

It’s my sisters, but the owner of the palace has been awesome for a long time, and the two are still very afraid of this big sister.


Seeing that the palace 3 and the palace 5 are different in appearance, the palace master suddenly became dull, his eyes looked with a touch of glance, and swept across the faces of 2 people.

When he saw the fifth house lord lying on the bed, his body was covered with a quilt, his hands trembled, and his back horns were clenched tightly.


The next moment, the silhouette of Omiya Lord, has appeared in front of the 5th Lord’s bed. “

What’s hidden in the quilt! “

The main palace coldly shouted, raised his hand and threw the quilt on the fifth palace directly to the ground.

“Ah!” 5

The palace master immediately screamed, the quilt was removed, and the lovable body was immediately visible. He quickly huddled up, blocking the vital parts, and shy.


The main Omiya saw this scene, and suddenly hesitated. she was

I thought that the owner of the 5th house pulled the quilt nervously, something must have been hidden. can

I didn’t expect, it was such a scene.

Suddenly, the owner of the Omiya frowned, as if he understood something.

Then, with deep indignation, pointing at the 3rd house master and the 5th house master, angrily rebuked.

“Old 3, old 5, you two, really, really shameless!” “

Although I am not allowed to have male sex in the 7 star palace, but you two, as the palace master, do n’t need to do that, right? “

“If this is spread, wouldn’t it make people laugh at big teeth, alas, it’s really alas!”

Omiya shouted and shouted, his body shivering. If

Not the 3rd and 5th house masters, but her pro-younger sister, she couldn’t wait to kill them both on the spot! 3

Gongzhu and 5 Gongzhu are stunned, with blank faces. “

big sister, me and 5 sisters, why don’t you know the shame? “3

The palace master asked with a look of aggression, a little unconvinced. “

Pooh! You are embarrassed to ask, look at the old 5 now, what are you two doing, who does n’t know? “

“What’s the old 5 look like?” The third house owner looked at the fifth house owner, and then his face turned green, and his face was full of anger. 3

The palace master finally knew the meaning of Omiya’s discourse at the moment, and he snorted, ashamed and angry! “

big sister, you do n’t want to spurt people! “”

Me and 5 sisters, it’s not what you think! “5

The palace master shivered coldly, and tears were almost coming out. “

big sister, how can you be so wronged with me and 3 sisters, are we so miserable? “

The main palace heard that it was coldly snorted, and his eyes were full of disdain. “

Hum, if not, you are all handed over, why Lao 5 hasn’t left for a long time, and undressed in bed! “”

you two, what the hell are you doing, can you ever hide it from me? “

“Big sister, you, you have killed us unfairly!” “

Injustice? OK, if I have wronged you, then you give me a reasonable explanation! “Omiya’s face was cold, and he refused to spare.

“We …” The 3rd and 5th lords were suddenly speechless, and for a while they didn’t know what to say. forest

The things that have happened to the sea, they are absolutely not dare to tell them. no

Then, with the distorted mentality of the main palace owner, I am afraid that the killer will be hurt on the spot. can

Yes, without telling Lin Hai, they really couldn’t find a suitable reason to explain this scene.

“Why, nothing to say?” Omiya smirked and scolded!

“It’s really detrimental, and I lost my face in 7th Palace!”

With that said, the main palace owner, with a strong disdain, turned around and walked towards the hall.

As he walked, the majestic unquestionable voice came lightly.

“Get dressed and go to the Chamber to discuss matters!”


The words fell to the ground, the silhouette of the Omiya master has disappeared!

“3 sister, big sister she, too much!” Straight

At this moment, the talented eyes of the 5th house tears, said aggrieved. “

Stop talking, what’s the use? To blame, blame the one named Lin Hai! “

“The next time I see him, I must unload him 8 yuan!”

When it comes to Lin Hai, the face of the third house lord once again expressed a doubtful expression.

“Strange, where did the kid go, why did he suddenly disappear!” “

Does he know the legendary space art? !! “

3 When the palace master thought of it, he suddenly showed a deep shock. air

How mysterious and powerful Martial Arts is, it goes without saying that she has not seen the cultivator of Space Martial Arts until now.

If Lin Hai knows space art, then he must find a way to catch him and force space art out!

In an instant, the 5th house master was already dressed.

With a look of unhappiness, the two went straight to the chamber of the 7th Star Palace. she was

As soon as they left, the silhouette flashed in the hall, and a big dog appeared out of thin air. It was A’hua. A

After taking a look at the 4th, I saw that there was no one in the hall before communicating with Lin Hai through thoughts. “

Father, there isn’t even a single person here. “Ah

The voice of the flower was clearly disappointed. forest

Hai told him just now that all the beauties were out there and let him come out and see. Hum

!! A

As soon as the words of the flower fell, Lin Hai’s silhouette returned to reality from the demon pot. “

Leave so soon? “forest

The sea watched vigilantly and found that the 3rd house owner and the 5th house owner had already left. “

Father, what about good girls? “

A’hua came over and asked with a grudge.

“What, do you miss Little Hong? Okay, I’ll send you back!”

A’hua heard it, shivered all over, and screamed in horror.

“Father, you can’t talk nonsense, when did I miss that silly bird, I won’t return …” Om

!! A

The flower did not finish, it disappeared in situ and was returned to Little Hong’s side. give away

After leaving A’hua, Lin Hai stood in the main hall, brows slightly wrinkle, thinking for a while. just

Before asking, Lin Hai knew inside.

For the entire 7-star house, if you know that there is no news about the sky alliance, I am afraid that only the main house of the 7-star house is alone. Such as

If you want to inquire about the 7th Star Palace, you can only go to the 7th Star Palace owner. can

However, this woman is a bit mentally distorted and can’t see a man.

If you go to her rashly, let alone inquire about the news.

How can this be good? forest

Hay suddenly fretted. “

No matter what, let’s do it! “miss you

At this point, Lin Hai’s thoughts moved, Countless Demonizations were performed, and his body suddenly twisted. blink

The kung fu in the eyes has become the 5th house owner. Look

Lin Hai smiled bitterly as she changed from a man to a hot, beautiful woman.

Mad, unexpectedly, buddies will also become women’s day.

This is for Fatty Wang to see that the big brother must be strangled to death!

Lin Hai suddenly remembered that when they were in college, their dormitory had discussed a topic. Such as

If one day you suddenly become a girl, what do you do first.

Other people’s answers, Lin Hai can’t remember, but Fatty Wang’s answer is to make Lin Hai memorable.

This chubby fat man, with a wry smile, said that if the buddies become female, the first thing is to make the brothers happy. Knot

As a result, there was a nausea in the whole dormitory.

“Fuck, I miss the fat man and the guys in the dorm.”

“When we return to the realm of the world next time, we must have just taken time to get together with them!” Lin

Hai pulled his thoughts back, took a woman’s clothes from Xian’er, then raised a brow and opened the door!

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