“Hello, what are you trying to do with the Skyless League?”

“Also, I advise you to release us immediately, otherwise my big sister is here and I will not spare you!”

3 The lord of the palace was on the ground, suddenly moved towards Lin Hai, with a cold face shouted. forest

Hai glanced at her and ignored her, but continued to move towards 5 Gong Zhu asked.

“So you know nothing about Skyrim?”

Well, that’s it! “5 The Lord of the Palace is nodded. Lin

The sea was lightly sighed and slightly disappointed.

If this is the case, I am afraid that only by finding the main house owner of the 7th Star Palace may we be able to learn some news about the skyless union.

However, the main house owner, Loose Immortal, will never deal so well with the third house owner and the fifth house owner.

Even if Zhu Zi really shot, he might not be able to win it.

“It’s really a headache!” Lin

The sea was speechless, and the difficulty of investigating the skyless alliance was far beyond his imagination.

Standing up, Lin Hai moved towards the 3 Princess and the 5th house master, slightly cup one fist in the other hand.

“The two palace lords, just want to inquire about the skyless alliance, they have to do this because they have no choice but to offend the two, it is offensive!”

hmph! ”3 The lord of the palace was coldly snorted again, the pretty face was angry, and moved towards Lin Hai coldly said.

“Just talk nonsense and let go of us!” “

After I had shifted with Lao 5, according to the rules La 5 had to confess to the big sister the situation during the duty period. “

“It’s been so long now, our big sister must be doubtful, maybe it’s coming, and you won’t be able to leave by then!” “

what! “After the 3rd house owner said, the 5th house owner suddenly cry out in surprise, his face full of fear.”

How did I forget this? “

“Sister 3, if the big sister sees us in the same room with the man, I’m afraid it won’t spare us!”

3 The palace master’s face is not good-looking either, and moved towards Lin Hai with a whisper of anger and shouted.

“Hurry up and let us go and get out of here immediately!” “

Do you want to stay here to die? “

Lin Hai was about to speak, and suddenly Zhu Zi’s real voice sounded in Lin Hai’s ear again. “

Master, someone is here again, this time there are 5 people in total! “”

However, one of them is terrifying and I am not sure how to deal with it! “”

what? Lin Hai heard it and was shocked. Lian

Zhu Zi really wasn’t sure how to deal with it, so don’t ask, it must be the master of the 7th house. “

It’s the big sister here! “

The 3rd and 5th lords are tragic, and they are frightened!

“You bastard, you were killed!” 3

The palace master gnashing teeth, both afraid and hate, can’t wait to kick Lin Hai out of the hall. “

What to do, what to do? “5 The palace master also looked panic and panic. Lin

Hai brows tightly frowns, with a touch of dignity, moved towards Zhu Zizhen asked. “

Is it too late to leave now? Zhu

The child really shook the head. “

Master, you can walk, but you will definitely be found. “forest

Hai could not help but look silent, and then looked at the 3rd house owner and the 5th house owner, differently said.

“You two were caught by me, even if your big sister found me, wouldn’t blame you?” “

Ah! Just after Lin Hai finished speaking, the third house owner smiled miserably and looked desperate.

“You don’t know our big sister at all. The two of us have been with you for so long. Even if nothing happened, my big sister will not let us go!” “

Oh? Lin Hai froze. “Why is this? “

“Because, our big sister hates men, to an unreasonable level.” “

Although we are involuntarily, my big sister will automatically make up for it, and we have intimate behavior with you. “”

Waiting for us, there will be a dead end! “forest

Hai Wen heard, pump suddenly shrank, couldn’t believe it.

“so serious?”

“What do you think?” The third palace lord gave Lin Hai a nasty look, and his anger was speechless. 3

The palace master sighed, frowning, and said bitterly. “

In the early years of my big sister, I was emotionally hurt. Once I saw men and women getting along, they would kill people! “

pu! Lin

Hearing heard, it was completely silent. Ny

Ma, the master of this 7-star palace is mental illness, right? from

If you have hurt your feelings, you can’t see the love of others?

Besides, there is nothing unsightly about myself and the two palace masters?

“Are you sisters?” Lin Hai asked again. “

That’s natural! “”

Sister, she has to go? “Lin Hai asked in wonder.”

Will people who have lost their mind take care of their family? “3 The palace master pouted and laughed at himself.”

Our sect was not called the 7th house, but the 9th house! “”

9 Star Palace? “Lin Hai froze, then complexion changed greatly, blurt out.”

Could it be that you had two sisters before, and that was your big sister … “

“Lao 7 and Lao 9 have their lovers outside, they were executed by the big sister, and the man was destroyed.” 5

The indifferent voice of the palace master sounded, although the sound was not loud, it made people have one’s hair stand on end, shuddering! Ny

Ma, the master of this 7-star house is simply a lunatic! Do not

As a result, Lin Hai raised endless aversion and disgust to the main house owner of the 7th Star Palace.

This kind of woman is simply selfish and evil to the extreme, and simply doesn’t look good on others.

Even her own sisters and sisters were extremely cruel. “

Master, they are less than 1000 meters away from the hall! Zhu

Zi Zhen’s voice came again, with a touch of urgency.

The 3rd and 5th lords suddenly lost color, and then smiled bitterly. “

Sister 3, I didn’t expect us to be such an ending. It will be executed by the big sister like old 7 old 9. “5 The host’s words were sad and desperate.

3 The palace host’s face was extremely pale, and his tone was equally deep in despair.

“Where can we compare to Lao 7 and Lao 9? Before they died, at least they tasted the taste of love.”

“But we both died because of this bastard!”

3 The palace master raised his fingers and pointed at Lin Hai, eyes full of hatred. forest

The sea is also a moment of guilt, lacking hatred and enmity, he not at all harms the 3rd house owner and the 5th house owner.

However, the main house of the 7th Star Palace is a pervert, which greatly exceeded Lin Hai’s expectations.

I didn’t kill Bo Ren, Bo Ren died for me. forest

The sea was out of conscience and could not accept this fact.

“Rest assured that none of you can die!”

“Hehe, don’t you think you can escape?” The third house smirked. “

Stop dreaming, we are dead and you have to be buried as well! “”

It ’s too late to tell you more. Think about it yourself, how to confuse your big sister! “forest

The sea already felt that there were 5 powerful breaths outside, approaching at a rapid speed. especially

Dao Aura in the middle of it made Lin Hai far away. Do not

You can also guess by guessing that it must be the main house of the 7 star house!

“Unlock their seals!” Lin Hai commanded Zhu Zi anxiously. Zhu

Zizhen pointed with one finger, two rays of light fell on the 3rd and 5th lords, and the seals of the two were immediately released! Whoosh


Just as the 3rd and 5th house masters were bewildered, Lin Hai moved into the pot of demon monsters with a thought.

At the same time, the real silhouette of Zhu Zi disappeared, and Lin Hai was put into the pot of the demon monster.

“This … what about them?” 3

The palace master and 5 palace masters were suddenly shocked and dumbfounded. How

I still don’t understand why the two living people disappeared out of thin air under their eyes? boom

!! also

Without waiting for the two to wake up from shock, the door of the hall was suddenly opened. Follow

Later, 5 Qianqian flashed and appeared in the hall with a look of vigilance. can

When you see the 3rd house owner and the 5th house owner, all 5 people are stunned. Follow

Then, a majestic voice suddenly sounded. “

you two, what are you doing! ”

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