
Lin Hai saw that the situation was urgent, and instantly gave the 72 earth evil compass to the sacrifice. Hum

!! star

On the compass, suddenly the rays of light are booming, and the countless sword shadows are popped up! with

At that time, the stars were blooming, densely like a waterfall, and the five women were all enveloped in an instant! “

not good! “This

Five women, suddenly complexion changed greatly, as if suddenly caught in the endless night sky!

call! also

Without knowing what happened, stars suddenly flickered in the night sky, and then fell suddenly! fear

The horrible falling momentum seemed to smash through Heaven and Earth. The huge impact speed and the huge friction with the air turned out a long spark in the air! “

defense! “

The headed woman yelled, but after yelling, she realized in shock that the other 4 people had completely disappeared from her sight! “

Imaginary, dare to show ugliness! “

The woman frowned, not panicking, waving a long sword, dancing out of countless sword shadows, moved towards the falling stars, attacking away!

clang clang clang clang! One

Daodao’s harsh impact sounded, and the successive stars were stopped by the women’s resistance.

However, the woman was also strenched by the Strength of Star, and her shock and blood rolled back, her face horrified.

After a collision, the woman’s complexion finally changed!

very terrifying illusion! “

She was shocked to find that, with her strength of Great Ascension Late Stage, she was just able to withstand the attacks of the stars.

If you come back for a few more rounds, maybe you will have life worries! can

Regrettably, she has not yet eased from shock. The stars that had been hit by her before whistling and smashing over again. “

hateful! “

The woman cursed, and her heart sank. This

If the stars fall endlessly, I’m afraid she really can’t get away!


In desperation, the woman deserves to fight against the stars’ attack with the sword dance’s tigers.

While this woman was trapped, the other 4 women were in the same situation!

The four women can’t see the others at all now, and they are all caught in the hard battle of being attacked by the stars.

Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, standing leisurely in the distance, looked at the five women and made Stranded Beast’s Struggle. Do not

It was clear that both people’s faces were a little heavy.

“Hey, what do you do?” Immortal Zui Jiu sighed after a moment, moved towards Lin Hai asked.

“Zhao Zi’s death, we can’t get out of touch!” Lin Hai brows slightly wrinkle, differently said.

“Or else, kill these five?” Immortal Zui Jiu looked cold, coldly said. “

Can’t kill anymore! “Lin Hai shook the head.”

The death of a Zhao Zi has already caused 7 Xing Palace, if you kill these 5 people, I am afraid that 7 Xing Palace will be irreconcilable with us! “”

When we came to the 7th Star Palace, we were asking about Heavenless Alliance, not to make enemies! “

“Then what do you say?” Immortal Zui Jiu looked at Lin Hai with some worry.

Lin Hai was silent for a moment, and suddenly looked at Immortal Zui Jiu, with a serious face.

“Otherwise, you leave immediately and go back to Baishicheng to hide.”

I followed them into the 5 star house and met their house master! “drunk

When Jiuxian heard it, he jumped up.

“I rely, what do you say! I killed someone, and you go to the 7th house to convict?” “

Lin Hai, is this kind of person in my mind, Immortal Zui Jiu? “

Lin Hai looked at Immortal Zui Jiu with an angry look, and could not help but smile.

“Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, you misunderstood!” “

The purpose of our coming here is not to meet the palace master of the 7th Star Palace? “”

Besides, you have no idea of ​​my ability? If I want to escape, no one can catch me! “

Immortal Zui Jiu froze, then suddenly realized, pointing at Lin Hai. “

Are you ready to take this opportunity to enter the 7 star house, find a way to control their house master, and then explore the situation of the skyless alliance? “forest

The sea pinched his chin, slowly nodded, then a serious road. “

It is not necessary to control their palace master, maybe, just my beauty is enough! “


“Hahaha, pull it down, you are still beautiful!” Immortal Zui Jiu was immediately teased by Lin Hai, and moved towards Lin Hai with a punch on his shoulder. Follow

Later, Immortal Zui Jiu smile restrained, with a grim expression on his face.

“Brother Lin Hai, since that’s the case, I won’t say much more.”

“I know, I can only follow the burden, you go in yourself, be careful!” “

If something can’t be done, we should rush out and let us think of another way! “

Lin Hai was slightly smiled, and reaching out gave Immortal Zui Jiu a light punch.

“Speaking to a wise man is just happy!” “

Then I say goodbye, waiting for your news! Immortal Zui Jiu finished, but suddenly remembered something.

He reached out and took the Behead Immortal flying knife behind him.

“You hold this, the secret is …” Lin

Hai quickly reached out and stopped the words behind Immortal Zui Jiu. “

Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, I have the heart, but I am not going to kill, this magic weapon, you still keep it! “

Immortal Zui Jiu froze, then laughed bitterly, moved towards Lin Hai a cup one fist in the other hand!

“Take care!”

!! Say

After that, Immortal Zui Jiu silhouette flashed, several flashed, and disappeared! Wait

Immortal Zui Jiu completely disappeared into sight, and it took a while before Lin Hai set his sights on the five 5 Xinggong women. only

Seeing these 5 women who were attacked by the Star Compass is already sweating, battered and exhausted! although

Although they are both Great Ascension Late Stage, Lin Hai now has 10000 and 1000 years of experience and can mobilize eleven stars.

Therefore, although Lin Hai cultivation base realm is far from 5 women, it is more than enough to trap them with the power of Divine Item! and

And, as long as Lin Hai within the body has enough strength of Star, you can always control the star compass, even if tired, these 5 women can be exhausted to death!

However, the purpose of Lin Hai was not to kill them. eye

Seeing that they were almost unable to persist, it was an arrow at the end of its flight.

Lin Hai raised a brow, grabbed the palm in the air, and drank secretly in his mouth.



The next moment, the 72 Earth Compass, rays of light converged and flew back into Lin Hai’s hands.

When Lin Hai thought about it, he recovered it into the pot of demon monsters. Follow

Then, carrying her hands on her back, with a faintly discernable smile, moved towards 5 women looking away.

“Hu ~ hu ~”

Five women, all at this moment with long sword trembling to the ground, their chests swelled and their mouths panted.

The lovable body of Linglong Suona, all of which were soaked in sweat, were tightly wrapped and looked extremely attractive. Of course

However, the faces of the five women were extremely ugly. although

Although the terrifying illusions of the stars had all disappeared, they still had deep fear in their eyes.

The heart of each of them is very clear. where

Afraid that if there are one or two reincarnation attacks, they will be smashed by the stars, destroy both body and soul.

However, even when they had reached the critical moment, even when they thought they would die, the stars disappeared.

Could not help but, with deep confusion and confusion, the five women turned their heads and looked towards Lin Hai.

When Lin Hai saw this, it was slightly smiled, and the indifferent opened the mouth and said.

“Aren’t you trying to catch me?” “

No need to do it, I will go with you! ”

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