Murong Yanran was suddenly shocked, looked up in a hurry, but saw a cloud falling.

Then, a young woman in red-clothed, sneered at the corner of her mouth, came to Murong Yanran.

“Zhao Zi, it’s you!”

Murong Yanran pumps shrank, and her face became extremely ugly.

Zhao Zi coldly smiled, with a full face of sarcasm, glanced at Murong Yanran, playing with taste. “

Can’t see it, Murong Yanran, it didn’t take long to become a resident in the city, it turned out to be long! “Say

After that, Zhao Zi’s face suddenly became cold, her eyes with a cold cold glow, said with a malicious smile.

“Hmph, as a ambassador to the city, you not only leave Bai Shicheng, but also eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder, gang up with these two men and take them to the 7th Star Palace!”

“If the palace master knows, I really don’t know what to do with you!” Mu

Rong Yanran frowned, drinking scolded.

“Zhao Zi, don’t talk nonsense, what affiliation becomes adultery, my Murong Yanran is not so shameless!” “

Well, who knows? “Zhao Zi scorned, then took take pleasure in other people’s misfortune.”

Is it possible to gang up and commit adultery, I think 7 palace masters, free conclusion! Mu

When Rong Yanran heard these words, her face was pale and pale, and her heart suddenly mentioned her throat. “

Zhao Zi, both sisters of same sect, is it necessary to do things so absolutely? “

Murong Yanran finished, took a deep breath, and then slowly said.

“You shouldn’t see this. I will be a good return in the future. I beg you!”

Zhao Zi froze, and then haha ​​laughed. laugh

After that, Zhao Zi faced a cold face, with a dark sneer, shouted. “

beg me? Murong Yanran, did you just ask me like that? “

“What do you want?””

Please ask for a gesture of asking someone to kneel down! “Zhao Zi tenderly shouted, Murong Yanran suddenly changed complexion greatly.”

Zhao Zi, don’t go too far! “

Murong Yanran a fire broke out in her heart, she and Zhao Zi have always been in conflict, no less fighting. especially

It was about serving as the ambassador of Baishicheng. Zhao Zi was also a candidate, but Murong Yanran was finally selected. through

In this matter, Zhao Zi and Murong Yanran are even more incompatible as fire and water. only

It was Murong Yanran didn’t expect, so bad luck today, was hit by Zhao Zi.

Once this happened to the ears of the 7 palace masters, she would never eat it and go away!

“Excessive?” Zhao Zi coldly smiled, then moved towards Murong Yan with a provocative tone. “

I’m too much, how can you treat me? “”

Ask you again, do not kneel! “”

If you don’t kneel, I will return to 7 Star Palace immediately to sue the Palace Lord, you just wait to die! “


Zhao Zi tone barely fell, and suddenly a rays of light soared into the sky, instantly covering Zhao Zi with it. Adore

Rong Yanran was suddenly surprised, looking anxiously, but saw a bottle gourd, suspended above Zhao Zi’s head. and

Zhao Zi’s eyes were closed tightly, like a coma, and she was completely conscious. “

what happened? “

When Murong Yanran was shocked, a cold voice suddenly sounded. “

Please baby turn around! “Hum


Suddenly, Zhao Zi’s neck flashed a rays of light. Follow

Later, gu lu said, Zhao Zi’s head rolled to the ground, and the body fell to the ground.

“Ah!” See

This mutation, Murong Yanran cry out in surprise, full of shock! she was

Not afraid, but stunned by Zhao Zi’s sudden death! Whoosh


At this time, bottle gourd turned into a rays of light and flew back into the hands of Immortal Zui Jiu. “

Beep something with her, kill it directly, a hundred! “drunk

Jiuxian said carelessly as he carried Behead Immortal bottle gourd behind his back.

Murong turned back and looked at Immortal Zui Jiu with a shocked look. It took a long time before she stomped! “

How did you kill her? Did you know you’re in trouble! “

“Trouble?” Immortal Zui Jiu looked blank, “What do you mean?”

“What do you mean?” Murong smiled angrily, “This area already belongs to the 7-star house.” “

There is a life card for every disciple in the 7th Star Palace. You kill Zhao Zi, 7 Star Palace already knows! “”

It is estimated that someone has moved towards here at this moment! “

Lin Hai was on the side and didn’t say a word. Until then, he took a dignified look and looked at Murong Yanran.

“Girl Murong, if Zhao Zi does not kill, she will report this to the 7 Star Palace. Do you think the result will be stronger than it is now?”

“This …” Murong Yanran suddenly spoke for a long time, then sighed heavily. forest

Would she not understand the words of the sea?

If Zhao Zi does not die, she will sue to the 7th Star Palace, and she will definitely not be better by then.

“It was really killed by you!” Mu

Rong Yanran fiercely stared at Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, and said angrily. forest

Hai took a serious look at her, lightly saying.

“Girl Murong, I’m really sorry for what happened today, but I can’t save anything!” “

While the people in the 7th Star Palace have not yet arrived, you should leave quickly and don’t get involved! “”

Anyway, Zhao Zi is dead, and no one knows that it is related to you. Leave the rest to us brother! “

Hearing Lin Hai’s words, Murong Yanran moved her mouth, but she didn’t know what to say.

Lin Hai is coldly shouted. “

Hurry up, it’s too late if you don’t leave! “

Lin Hai’s words, like Overhead Bang, made Murong Yanran beating, and then clenched the teeth.

“You two, ask for blessings!”


At the next moment, Murong Yanran’s silhouette flashed and she fled quickly. Raw

Afraid to expose his body, he dare not even soar into the clouds and mount the mists. Look

With Murong disappearing into sight, Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu stared at each other, shrugged with a bitter smile.

“Looks like it’s impossible to hide!” Lin Hai sighed softly.

“Look at this life!” Immortal Zui Jiu shook his head silently. “

Who are you! “At that moment, a loud drink rang in the sky.

Later, 5 auspicious clouds appeared over Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu. Auspicious

Above the clouds, five beautiful women, with vigilant and scrutiny eyes, locked Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu. “

Hi Senior, Lin Hai, this is my friend Immortal Zui Jiu, come here … “

Before Lin Hai finished speaking, the five women on Xiangyun suddenly turned their eyes on Zhao Zi’s body!

“It’s Zhao Zi!”

The five women exclaimed in unison, and then Xiangyun flew down and landed on the ground.


Four of them, each stepping in a direction, surrounded Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu.

The other woman strode in front of Zhao Zi’s head and looked with shock. “

It was really Zhao Zi, beheaded! “

The woman was crying out in surprise, her face horrified. “

broken! “

Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu were upset when they saw this.

Zhao Zi was killed just now, but he forgot to dispose of the corpse. This

All of a sudden, five women in the 7th Star Palace ran into each other directly. Shua

!! steep

However, the four women who surrounded Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu immediately pulled out the long sword around their waists, and the flashes of light flashed. The sword’s tip with an aggressive killing spirit locked Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu completely!

“Where is the madman, dare to kill me 7 Star Palace disciple!” For

The head of the woman flashed a cold glow in her eyes, and moved towards Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu screamed loudly.

Then suddenly gave orders. “

Take me both of them! “Hum


The woman’s voice fell and surrounded the four women of Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu. The sword trembled and turned into countless sword shadows, covering two of them!

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