The five women heard it, and all of a sudden, with a skeptical look, moved towards Lin Hai. just

With the illusion of terrifying, even if they think with their heels, they can conclude that it must be Lin Hai.

But why did Lin Hai choose obediently surrender when he was about to kill 5 of them?

Is there any fraud?

The five women were wary, staring at Lin Hai with suspicious eyes, silent.

When Lin Hai saw this, he was speechless.

Why did you surrender yourself, but these five beauties did not respond? “

Have you taken it easy? If there is enough rest, let’s go! “forest

As the sea spoke, she took a step and moved towards 5 women.


Seeing this, the woman headed by coldly shouted, a long sword dance, pointed finger towards Lin Hai, full of vigilance.

“What do you want to do?”

Lin Hai covered her forehead and was completely speechless.

“Beauty, did I just say that?” “

You’re going to catch me to see your lord, I’ll go with you? “

The woman froze and moved her mouth, but she didn’t know what to say.

The other four women were also bewildered, and they completely made Lin Hai shy.

They haven’t seen it before, and after taking the upper hand, they have surrendered themselves.

“Where was that person with you just now?”

The headed woman, suddenly light flashed in her head, asked moved towards Lin Hai.

At the same time, the long sword guarded the whole body and looked around all around vigilantly. This

It was so abnormal, she wondered if Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu had any conspiracy.

“This matter has nothing to do with him, he is gone!”

Lin Hai finished speaking, frowned, a little impatient. “

I said, do you still catch me? “”

Grab it if you want to catch it. “”

Uh … “Lin Hai said, letting the five women across the face be black for a while. Neh

Ma, this person has a bad brain, how can there be people to catch it! “

Up posture! “

The five women were completely speechless, winking at each other, holding a long sword and carefully moving towards Lin Hai around.

Shua! will

Lin Hai surrounded the center, 5 long swords, flashing rays of light.

True Yuan’s fluctuating, powerful and powerful breath, completely locked Lin Hai. see

Lin Hai didn’t respond at all, and the woman headed was only slightly relaxed. Do not

However, after having the previous events, the woman did not dare to take the slightest care.

With a hint of doubt again, he glanced at Lin Hai before whispering. “

Follow us and go back to 7 Star Palace! “Female

Zi’s ​​tone seemed to have a negotiating tone, apparently he still had some scruples about Lin Hai.

Lin Hai was funny for a while. I couldn’t think of my own Deity Transformation Early Stage. I scared 5 Great Ascension Late Stages like this. “

it is good! “Lin Hai nodded, said with a slight smile.

“I need to seal your True Yuan!” The woman paused, speaking again, again. “

Please! Lin Hai replied sharply.

“En?” The woman couldn’t help but look at Lin Hai, speechless with an expression of disbelief. To

You know, once True Yuan is blocked, it’s almost equivalent to a mortal one. she was

I thought Lin Hai would refuse, and even shot again.

But how didn’t I expect it, Lin Hai agreed, and promised so much pain. forest

Hai repeatedly did not follow the routine to issue cards, and suddenly the five women were aggressive.

“Hey, hurry up, hurry up!” Lin

The sea was aside, but I was a little impatient, and hurriedly urged. “

See what tricks you play! “for

Coldly snorted in the heart of the first woman, suddenly shot, a True Yuan moved towards Lin Hai dantian’s acupuncture, lasing away. Hum


Suddenly, Lin Hai felt only a powerful force that pierced his acupoint.

The next moment, the True Yuan flow of within the body, suddenly stagnates, and is cut off! a few

At the same time, the magic of Lin Hai ’s left arm suddenly tumbling in the meridian, moved towards the sealed acupoints, and rushed away! Wow


A silent crisp sounded in Lin Hai’s consciousness.

The woman’s seal to Lin Hai True Yuan was instantly broken by magic and turned into invisibleness! Of course

However, the five women did not know that the seal on Lin Hai True Yuan had no effect at all.

Seeing that Lin Hai could not resist, she was sealed with True Yuan, and immediately put out a long breath, her inner vigilance finally relaxed.

True Yuan is blocked, and Lin Hai has no other tricks, they can only let them at their mercy! “

take away! “

The headed woman was coldly shouted, and one of them reached out to slap Lin Hai up. Hum


Five auspicious clouds appeared at the feet, and the five women flew into the air and moved towards 5 Star Palace. forest

Although the seal of True Yuan has been lifted, Hai still closes True Yuan to prevent it from being seen as a weak spot.

At the same time, my heart was surprised and rejoicing.

At first, Lin Hai was really prepared for them to seal their True Yuan.

Anyway, it is really dangerous. Lin Hai can sum up Zhu Zizhen, or simply hide in the pot of refining monsters.

It was just didn’t expect, the moment when the seal of True Yuan was sealed, the magic energy turned on automatically and destroyed it instantly.

This is really beyond Lin Hai’s surprise. forest

Hai didn’t even know that the magic of within the body actually had this ability.

In this way, after Lin Hai, he will never be afraid of the seal of True Yuan. “

Surprise! “forest

The corner of the sea mouth was slightly tilted, and he couldn’t help showing a smile of satisfaction.

Although the five women soar into the clouds and mount the mists, they all focused on Lin Hai to prevent changes.

After all, things in Lin Hai obediently surrender are too weird.

They still don’t understand until now. can

As they were puzzled, they suddenly saw a smile on Lin Hai’s face again. Do not

As a result, they became more aggressive.

“Is this man a fool with a mental problem?” 5

The thoughts of a woman came to mind at the same time.

Normal people, who can laugh at this time?

The five women were puzzled in a stomach and brought Lin Hai to the 5th Star Palace!

“Stop!” Just

At the gate of 7 Xinggong Palace, a feast came, and then two heroic women stopped the way. “

5 Senior Sisters, why did you bring a man to the 7 Star Palace? “Two

A guard woman with a cold and severe cold glow flashing in her eyes, moved towards 5 women screamed and asked. “

I was waiting for the order of the 5th house owner to investigate the death of Zhao Zi. Now I have captured the murderer and returned to the 5th house owner! “5

The head of the women reached out and took out a piece of azure token and threw it to the guard.

The guard grabbed the volley, took the azure token in his hand, glanced at it, and returned it respectfully. “

5 Senior Sisters please! “

Five women were nodded, and this led Lin Hai into the 5th Star Palace. “

The 7-star house is very strict in the investigation. Without the house owner’s token, even their own people cannot bring men into it. “

Lin Hai couldn’t help feeling the sight of the previous scene. Enter

After entering the 7th Star Palace, 5 women did not dare to land on the ground soar into the clouds and mount the mists.

“Elder sister, shall we just take him to see the fifth house master?” Qi

One of the women, suddenly hesitating, asked the woman headed towards moved towards. for

The first woman glanced at her and asked with a frown.

“What do you mean?”

“Dig his eyes first!”

pu! Lin

Hai heard this and almost sprayed on the spot. “

Fuck, it’s the most poisonous woman’s heart, isn’t it too cruel? “it is good

The woman, headed for a moment, shook the head slightly.

“Forget it, it would be cruel to do that, cover your eyes!”

Talking, the woman stretched out her hand and tore off a corner of her dress, covering Lin Hai’s eyes. Follow

Then, moved towards Lin Hai with a slight push on his shoulder.

“Go!” Lin

The sea was blindfolded, but it was funny inside.

If the big brother wants to see something, can it be covered by a small piece of cloth? Follow

With 5 women, they walked a long distance and finally stopped.

“Reporting to 5 Gongzhu, the suspect who killed Zhao Zi, has been caught!”

The woman tone barely fell, Lin Hai just felt that a cold and sharp look fell on his body.

Subsequently, the female voice without a trace of emotion sounded in the ear. “

the man? Kill it! ”

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