Little Hong is speed, comparable to the Great Ascension soar into the clouds and mount the mists, and in the blink of an eye it caught up with Murong Yanran. ”

A’hua? !! !! “”

You asshole! !! !! “

In the air, Little Hong suddenly saw Murong Yanran beside him, a cheap A’hua. pause

In time, Little Hong was furious.

call out!

Suddenly, Little Hong opened her mouth, and suddenly a flame, moved towards A’hua and flew over. “

Ok? “

Murong Yan was suddenly surprised, and unexpectedly someone unexpectedly shot and attacked A’hua. Follow

Then a wave of anger appeared, intercepting the flames of Little Hong.


In time, the flames extinguished, leaving only a fiery glow in the space.

“Who is attacking Dog Lord?”

A’hua was a rage, lifted the head outrageously, and moved towards the sky.

But after seeing Little Hong in the sky, full of anger, A’hua was scared and shivered. “

Yeah, what a silly bird! “

A’hua’s complexion changed instantly. At the same time, through the thoughts, moved towards Lin Hai wailed. “

Father, you don’t care too much! “”

I’m A’hua for you, willing to show sexual entrapment, even hue has been sacrificed, why did you take the original match to catch Xiao 3! “”

My A’hua I was innocent, and I could n’t wash it when I jumped to the Yellow River! “

Lin Hai heard A’hua so far that he still didn’t forget to pull the calf, and suddenly laughed.

You gangster dog, you have a chicken feather innocence! Chirp

!! and

At this time, Little Hong, with an angry eagle cry, dived down abruptly, and pointed towards her mouth, and moved towards A’hua.

“courting death !”

When Murong saw this, she suddenly flashed a cold light in her eyes, which was a strong intention, and instantly locked Little Hong. “

No, mother, that’s your own person! “

Seeing this, A’hua hurried to cry out in surprise and stopped Murong Yanran.

With Murong Yanran’s cultivation base, if she really does, Little Hong can’t resist it.

“Own people?”

Murong stunned, her face full of doubts, and her murderous aura dispersed.

However, with such a small gap, Little Hong has already rushed to A’hua’s body, pressing A’hua directly under him. Duh


The angry Little Hong, moved towards A’hua’s ass, was a peck, screaming like a pig for a while, ringing through the sky. “

Huh! You stupid bird, do n’t peck it, Gosh never dare, it ’s my father ’s idea! “

Murong Yanran watched A’hua being bullied by Little Hong, her eyelids jumping, and a murderous aura appeared again. Of course

However, Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu have already jumped from Little Hong. “

Girl Murong, this is A’hua’s housework. Don’t mix it up. “

“Family matters?” Murong Yanran wondered, “What family matters, what is the relationship between the eagle and the dog?”

Uh … if I say, they are good friends, do you believe it? Lin Hai said a little awkwardly. Bi

After all, the fact that one dog and one bird is a bit bizarre.

“Ah? Really?” Murong heard it with curiosity and surprise. “

The dog has a companion, and is it an eagle? “”

Dogs are so awesome! “

Instead of being angry, Murong Yanran was surprised and happy.


Murong Yanran’s reaction made Lin Hai’s hair burst for a while. press

As usual, shouldn’t Murong Yanran be angry and angry? “

It is indeed my favorite pet and I can’t think of it so attractive! “Murong Yanran’s eyes glowed, and she stared at A’hua and Little Hong who were in a ball, cheering.”

pet? Lin Hai heard the word, and he couldn’t help but hesitantly, then he put his forehead on it. Hey

呦 I go, what did I think before? Make trouble

After a long while, Murong Yanran, just regarded A’hua as a pet? Partial

I thought that she and A’hua had a very improper relationship!

Lin Hai suddenly felt that his thoughts were simply too insignificant. Pooh

Huh! All

It was misled by the dead rogue dog of A’hua, that made the big brothers impure. forest

In the heart of the sea, once again disdain for A’hua! on

Well, Murong Yanran looks so beautiful and is a dignified Great Ascension Late Stage, how could she and a dog … “

Close! “forest

The sea idea moved A’hua and Little Hong directly into the pot of demon monsters. This

The two goods are fighting here. I don’t know when they will fight. “

Hey, what about A’hua? “

Seeing A’hua suddenly disappear, Murong Yanran suddenly changed her face, cry out in surprise. “

I put it away! “Lin Hai indifferently said.”

Girl Murong, thank you for taking care of A’hua before, let’s hurry up! “

“Where did you collect A’hua?” Murong Yanran looked cold, coldly said.

“Another spacetime!”

“Then, can I still meet A’hua?” Murong Yanran was surprised, then stared at Lin Hai with a chill, and then asked.

“Of course!” “

Hope you don’t lie to me! Murong Yanran was silent for a long time before she was coldly said. Lin

Hai clearly felt that Murong Yanran’s words carried a Murderous intention.

Obviously, Murong Yanran really cares about A’hua. “

This dead dog is really feminine! “

Lin Hai smiled bitterly in his heart, even a little jealous of A’hua.


Suddenly, at the foot of Murong Yanran, Xiangyun soared, flickering with dim rays of light.

“You two, come to my auspicious cloud, this will save some time!”

Murong Yanran said differently, there was no trace of emotion in her tone.

“So many thanks, girl Murong!”

Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu were also rude, and they jumped up and jumped into the clouds of Murong Yanran.


Rong Yanran controlled the auspicious cloud and instantly rose to the sky, moved towards White Rock City.

After flying for about half an hour, I saw a misty mountain in the distance, appearing indistinctly in the clouds and fog ahead. mountain

Above the roof, the splendid architecture, from far away, was given a majestic feeling by Lin Hai, which is very different from any previous Sect.

The peaceful cloud of Murong Yanran, thousands of miles away from this mountain, landed. “

Did you see that mountain just now? “”

Ok! “Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu nodded.

“Girl Murong, is the 7th Star Palace on the top of the mountain?” Mu

Rong Yanran nodded, “Yes, there is a 7-star palace!” Lin

Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu frowned and glanced at each other.

Subsequently, moved towards Murong Yanran a cup one fist in the other hand. “

many thanks Girl Murong! “

Murong Yanran turned her head, looked at Lin Hai with a sound of indifference. “

I can only send you here, remember, I can’t tell anyone, I brought you here! “”

Otherwise, it will bring me disaster! “forest

Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu are all nodded.

“Miss Murong, rest assured, we know this, and will never disclose it to anyone. You brought us here!” Mu

Rong Yanran nodded, suddenly staring at Lin Hai, said with a hint of threatening tone. “

I took the risk and brought you here, all in the face of A’hua. “”

I hope you are kind to A’hua, otherwise I will never go around you! “

“This is natural!” Lin Hai nodded, slightly smiled, “A’hua has been with me for many years, we are actually best friends!” Mu

Rong Yanran then gently exhales one breath saying, and told Lin Hai with a serious face.

“7 The Star Palace is stronger than your imagination. If the palace owner does not see you, you will leave immediately, and do not mess around!” “

Otherwise, you will die a little and do n’t hurt A’hua! “listen

At Murong Yanran’s words, Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu smiled bitterly. Ma

De, in the eyes of Murong Yanran, buddies really don’t live like a dog!

“Well, I’m gone, you guys remember my words!”

After Murong Yanran said, stepping on Xiangyun, she was about to leave.

But at this moment, suddenly coldly shouted, suddenly burst from the sky!

“Courageously, you dare to bring a man back!”

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