“Abandon it all? I rely on it!” Lin

Hai Yi covered his forehead and was speechless.

However, Kou Yixuan was so cold-faced that she looked at Lin Hai and said indifferently like an iceberg. “

I don’t care, you’ve seen my body, and you just revealed to me again. “”

My dignity as a woman is all tied to you. If you want to repent, I will kill you! “Hey

呦 I go! forest

The sea is sad, and I don’t even know what to do. he

Well, this Second Primordial Spirit is really a mess! “

OK, let’s go out and talk, okay? “

Lin Hai waved his hand. There is nothing valuable except the weird old castle.

It doesn’t make any sense to stay here again. forest

Hai decided to return to the bottom of the river first to see if there was a way to return to the top. One

Turning around, Lin Hai moved towards the rays of light. Hum


Upon arriving at the door, a soft mass of energy instantly bounced Lin Hai back.

I depend, can’t I go out?

Lin Hai frowned, and his heart sank. This

If you ca n’t go back, do n’t you just stay here? with

Luohe Dragon King companion?

Lin Hai thought for a while that his back was cold.


Lin Hai turned True Yuan to the extreme, and moved towards the door of rays of light, slamming away.

bang! one

There was a loud noise, and the dead gas was boiling, sweeping the surroundings.

However, that soft power directly resolved Lin Hai’s attack, and it had no effect! This

How to do?

Lin Hai frowned, and Kou Yixuan’s voice sounded indifferently. “

Useless, here seems to be blocked by dead gas, dead air is endless, the passage is not open! “

Although Kou Yixuan was sealed with True Yuan, her knowledge was still there and she immediately saw the problem. forest

Hai nodded, he also saw it.

It seems that if you want to go out, you can only absorb the dead air here. “

Hum, let’s get out of here. “

Lin Hai coldly snorted, and once again gave Second Primordial Spirit to summon.

No one is more suitable to absorb the dead air here. “

Xiao Kou, do you know that although it is only a few minutes to be separated from you, my heart is thinking about you and suffering, but it has been like 10000 years! “

As soon as the Second Primordial Spirit came out, he covered his chest, and moved towards Kou Yixuan with affection, said tenderly.

Kou Yixuan suddenly became pretty face, looked at the Second Primordial Spirit, then lowered her head shyly.

“Who knows, you say true or false!”

Kou Yixuan’s tone, although still cold, brought a touch of joy. Show

Of course, the words of Second Primordial Spirit made her heart very useful and happy.

“I can swear by my destiny, Primordial Spirit, just now …” “

Stop! When Lin Hai heard it, he hurriedly stopped the words of Second Primordial Spirit, and his nose was crooked.

Fuck, you swear, you swear, but take the primordial Spirit of his big brother, what’s going on? “

It’s almost there, I’m asking you to come out, not to pick up girls! Lin Hai gave him a nasty look at the Second Primordial Spirit.

Then, moved towards the sky’s death. “

Saw it, sucked all the dead gas as soon as possible! “

Second Primordial Spirit’s mouth was slightly shrugged with an evil smile.

“A piece of cake, leave it to me!”

After that, Second Primordial Spirit gave Kou Yixuan another affectionate look, and said softly. “

Xiao Kou, I’ll do the business first, and then I will accompany you, good! “

2 Primordial Spirit Having said that, moved towards Kou Yixuan raised her eyebrows, and immediately blew a kiss and threw it away. Kou

Yi Xuan suddenly blushed and hurriedly lowered her head.

“Don’t hesitate anymore, work quickly!” Lin

Hai lifted his leg and gave him a kick. Ny

Ma, big brother dignified upright gentleman, how could he transform such a product into a drunk! First

2 Primordial Spirit again moved towards Kou Yixuan, before she sat down with her knees crossed.

Then, the evil smile on his face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a deep dignity.

Weng weng weng!

Suddenly, the Second Primordial Spirit waved his hands in a series, creating a complicated secret art on his chest. “

Refine! “


With a shout of Second Primordial Spirit, the whole person became a vortex.

That sky of death is like the running tide, and the body of moved towards Second Primordial Spirit is surging. Hum


Above the head of the Second Primordial Spirit, a cloud of black rays of light suddenly appeared, making the whole person look strange and abnormal!

“He’s absorbing death!” Kou

Yi Xuan was on the side, suddenly surprised, covering her mouth and crying out in surprise. “

Could it be said that he is a man who cultivates demons? “”

Yes indeed! “Lin Hai quickly nodded,” I’m not telling you, he’s an unforgiving Big Devil! “”

Xiao Kou, don’t be blinded by his appearance, it’s better to sever his contact with him as soon as possible! “

Lin Hai was on the side, taking the opportunity to speak ill of Second Primordial Spirit, and advised Kou Yixuan. Of course

However, Kou Yixuan is a firm shook the head.

“Meditation and demonism are all going to the same path, I don’t care!”


Lin Hai was completely speechless when he heard this.

Looked at Kou Yixuan, a smile of bitter smile.

“Girl, are you enchanted?” Kou

Yi Xuan’s eyes flickered, with a strong tenderness, staring at the Second Primordial Spirit, sweetly. “

He’s a demon, he’s a demon, and I’m hooked on him, it’s really a demon! “

“Eh …” Lin Hai’s face was black. Finish

There is no common language at all. and

Kou Yixuan suddenly nudged and walked to the side of Second Primordial Spirit, slowly sitting cross-legged.

There are two kinds of beautiful eyes tenderness, staring at the Second Primordial Spirit without blinking.

“He’s my man. He looks so wicked, really handsome!”

“I want to accompany him and be with him forever, no one can separate us!”


Lin Hai heard this and almost sat on the ground. Row

OK, you love me! forest

Hai felt that he could not communicate with Kou Yixuan at all.

In this case, let them go, Lin Hai is too lazy to worry about this. Beside

While looking for a place, Lin Hai simply sat down and tried to run the demons ** to help the Second Primordial Spirit absorb the dead gas.


As soon as the magic was working, Lin Hai only felt a pain in meridian. Follow

Later, a trace of dead air inhaled was instantly defeated by the True Yuan of purple, and became invisible. “

Can’t absorb dead gas? “

Lin Hai frowned, and then exhales one breath saying heavily. First

2 The condensation of Primordial Spirit has a great relationship with the magic of Lin Hai’s left arm. in

At the same time as the Second Primordial Spirit appeared, the magic in the left arm had disappeared. Such as

Now that the Second Primordial Spirit is out of the body, Lin Hai is no longer able to perform magic.

I ca n’t help if I want to help! forest

Hai smiled bitterly. It seems that so much lifelessness can only be achieved by the Second Primordial Spirit alone.

As for when it can be absorbed cleanly, then only heaven knows. This

One side of the space is deadly. Without Spiritual Qi, Lin Hai can’t do it if he wants to cultivate.

Just move your mind, Divine Spirit Art runs in your head, Lin Hai begins to cultivate spirit strength, strengthen the soul!

Time flies in Lin Hai’s cultivation.

I don’t know how long after that, suddenly a powerful breath suddenly moved towards Lin Hai and oppressed. “

Ok? “

Lin Hai was suddenly surprised, his eyes opened.

But when I saw the Second Primordial Spirit sitting cross-legged not far away, a strong black rays of light suddenly bloomed on my body, and the thin thin air around me was shocked and scattered. with

At that time, a piece of information suddenly appeared in Lin Hai’s consciousness, which made Lin Hai’s heart jump suddenly.

Then, with deep surprise, stood up!

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