“Fuck, this beast!” Lin

Hai felt only his head humming and almost sat on the ground with his butt. far

Far away, I saw the Second Primordial Spirit with one hand on hips and the right leg bowed forward, posing a forceful shape.

At the same time, the other hand and two fingers gently lifted Kou Yixuan’s chin.

Kou Yixuan’s face was shy, and even her white neck became red with shyness, her two powder fists clenched tightly, and her tense breathing was a little quick. “

Xiao Kou, from the first moment I saw you, I fell in love with you deeply! “”

I have to admit that you are my in mind, the perfect girl! “

“Ah!” Kou Yixuan heard the Second Primordial Spirit so straightforward, and suddenly cry out in surprise, shuddered and hurriedly lowered her head, and could not help but step back.

Second Primordial Spirit with affectionate eyes, closely watching Kou Yixuan’s panic eyes, followed closely. end

Yu, Kou Yixuan stepped on his back, and his back was affixed to the wall.

Second Primordial Spirit threw a corner of his mouth, revealing a smile of evil charm, and went straight forward, supporting the wall with one arm, a face almost stuck to Kou Yixuan’s pretty face.

“My sun, this bastard, even playing wall dong!” Lin

The sea ran swiftly, and the heart could not help cursing secretly. This Second Primordial Spirit is simply a fancy Young Master!

“Kou, look into my eyes and you will see that your whole World!”

2 Primordial Spirit uttered softly in Ko Yixuan’s ears.

Then, suddenly moved towards Kou Yixuan’s rosy lips and kissed. “

Quiet, let go of that girl! “

Just then, a loud drink suddenly sounded, and Lin Hai finally rushed forward. One

Reached out, tossed the Second Primordial Spirit aside, and then blocked Kou Yixuan behind him.

“Lin Hai? This, this …” Kou

Yi Xuan had already closed her eyes, and her nervous heart was almost jumping out. hair

After the existing changes, he opened his eyes in haste. but

It was next moment, and suddenly he was aggressive and completely stopped. she was

It was unbelievable that two Lin Hai appeared in front of him.

Except for one black and one white hair, the two people are exactly the same, without any difference. “

Who the hell is Lin Hai, what is going on? “

Kou Yixuan instantly restored her previous indifference, and at the same time an indescribable indignation rose from her heart. Hum


Suddenly, the terrible murderous aura came out suddenly and fell on Lin Hai and Second Primordial Spirit.

Just now, she was almost kissed.

If the black-haired Lin Hai is Lin Hai himself, then it doesn’t matter, after all, he has looked at him and already belongs to Lin Hai. can

If this black-haired Lin Hai is fake, the previous thing would be a shame to Kou Yixuan, and he would never bypass him!

Lin Hai was speechless, grinning bitterly at his hair. “

Can’t you see who is real? Kou

Yi Xuandai raised her eyebrow sharply, her eyes coldly on the body of Second Primordial Spirit, coldly said.

“He said just now that this black hair was when he encountered an old castle and had an accident and was dyed black!”

Lin Hai covered her forehead and looked at Kou Yixuan with a speechless expression.

“Kou, you still immortal dao Paragon, and your mind is too simple. Do you believe this?” Kou

According to Xuan Wen, a horrible murderous intention suddenly locked the Second Primordial Spirit completely.

“Sexy thief, I killed you!” Boom


Kou Yixuan was full of shame and anger, and the Second Primordial Spirit moved towards Lin Hai was shot in the palm of the hand.

boom! Kou

Yi Xuan struck the chest of Second Primordial Spirit with one palm.

However, the Second Primordial Spirit did not move, but instead reached out and held Kou Yixuan’s small hand in the palm of his hand.

“Kou, are you trying to kill me, my heart really hurts!”

Second Primordial Spirit put Kou Yixuan’s small hand in his heart, and said with a sad look. puff


Lin Hai saw the appearance of Second Primordial Spirit and almost vomited on the spot.

Fuck, this product is really disgusting, it’s almost comparable to A’hua.

“Let it go, you let me go!”

Kou Yixuan was caught by Second Primordial Spirit’s small hand, and then she remembered that her True Yuan was sealed. just

I was so angry that I forgot this.

Now, when someone grabbed his small hand, he was so ashamed that he flushed his face and dared not raise his head. “

enough! “forest

Hai really couldn’t see it anymore, rushed to pull Kou Yixuan from the hands of Second Primordial Spirit. Follow

Later, with a look of anger, Lin Hai fiercely glanced at the Second Primordial Spirit. “

You are not allowed to bully Xiaokou! “

2 Primordial Spirit suddenly looked upset, and moved towards Lin Hai rolled his eyes, lazily. “

I said, you are depriving me of my freedom of love! “

“Love your sister!” Lin Hai’s face was all black. How can this Second Primordial Spirit live off a gangster?

Not too lazy to talk nonsense with him, Lin Hai is ready to put Second Primordial Spirit into the pot of demon monsters.

But soon, Lin Hai raised a brow and looked surprised.

He was surprised to find that the refining demon pot did not respond, and this Second Primordial Spirit could not be included in it! “

Come, come, come to my side, I am sincere to you, I am so sad for you! “

2 Primordial Spirit was moved towards Kou Yixuan, extended the hand, and said with a sad face. Kou

Yi Xuan saw this and didn’t know why. Look

With the sad look of Second Primordial Spirit, there was an urge to walk past.

“You give me back!”

Lin Hai was angry and thoughtful, and directly brought Second Primordial Spirit into the body. Both

However, the refining monster pot couldn’t hold him, that would only make him return to his body again.

Let him stay outside and talk, who knows what will happen.

“What about others?”

The Second Primordial Spirit suddenly disappeared, and Kou Yixuan suddenly tightened her heart, and moved towards Lin Hai asked anxiously.

“I’ve put it away,” Lin Hai exhaled.

“Closed up?” Kou Yixuan looked blank, “What do you mean, who is he?”

Although Yi Xuan’s mind is relatively simple, her IQ is not low. I can’t see where it is. There must be a connection between Lin Hai and Second Primordial Spirit. “

Let me tell you so, he is another me. “

“Or he is me, I am him.”

“It’s just that I have two opposite personalities!”

Kou Yixuan heard that, the boss with his mouth open suddenly was full of incredible. “

You mean, you two are one person? “forest

Hai nodded, “You can think so!” Listen

To Lin Hai’s affirmative answer, Kou Yixuan suddenly lowered her head, and the pretty face suddenly became crimson. Follow

Then, suddenly humming like a mosquito, said shyly.

“Lin Hai, you don’t admit it, you will be responsible to others!” “

You said to me just now, wouldn’t you regret it? “

“Ah?” Lin Hai froze, and then suddenly felt a headache.

Lin Hai heard all the words that the Second Primordial Spirit had just said when he was a pirate. This

The sweet words of the goods are not ordinary to Kou Yixuan’s simple-minded girl. what

In addition, Kou Yixuan was conservative in thought, and Lin Hai accidentally saw the body. she was

In my heart, I have been identified as Lin Hai.

In this way, those words of Second Primordial Spirit immediately made Kou Yixuan’s heart unable to tolerate Lin Hai’s unexpected second person. “

Xiao Kou, this matter … how to say, it is more complicated! “

Lin Hai scratched her head, worrying for a while, she didn’t know how to explain to Kou Yixuan.

When Kou Yixuan saw Lin Hai being so hesitant, her face suddenly changed, as if she was greatly humiliated.

“Lin Hai, are you going to give up?”

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