“Your Second Primordial Spirit, cultivation base realm has reached Great Ascension Early-Stage!” Brain

This message in the sea really surprised and delighted Lin Hai! Ma

De, Lord of Great Ascension!

This Second Primordial Spirit has only been born for a while. Didn’t expect has become the Great Ascension. on

This speed is definitely no one before, and no one comes after.

The Second Primordial Spirit entered the Great Ascension realm, and its strength will definitely be a lot stronger again, and the assistance to Lin Hai will be even more powerful. forest

If Hai is not excited or unhappy, it is absolutely false. Do not

However, Lin Hai was bitter while feeling happy. he

Well, if your own Primordial Spirit reaches the Great Ascension, that would be great!

In that case, you leave Celestial Immortal, meet Xinyue, and go one step further. miss you

From Liu Xinyue, Lin Hai’s heart suddenly fell into a deep miss.

“Great Ascension!”

Kou Yixuan, sitting next to the Second Primordial Spirit, naturally saw the realm change of the Second Primordial Spirit.

The two beautiful eyes were full of joy, and the tenderness became more intense.

The dead air in this space, although absorbed almost by Second Primordial Spirit, has become extremely thin.

But trying to open the door of rays of light, still can’t do it. No

There is a way, Second Primordial Spirit continues to cultivation, madly absorbing death.

After another full week, the sky’s dead air was finally absorbed into a clean.

Second Primordial Spirit suddenly opened eyes, a glimmer of gloom flashed, evil charm strange! “

haha ,本命Primordial Spirit ,我已经落下你3 个realm 了,你可得努力了!”

Second Primordial Spirit looked at Lin Hai with a smile on his face.

Lin Hai froze, disdainful. “

So what, even if you leave me ten realm, you still have to listen to me? “

2 Primordial Spirit 闻听,脸色不由一变,顿时somewhat guilty 的curl one’s lip 。“

Do not rely on strength and origin, purely hooligan! “

“Unexpectedly, you broke through to the Great Ascension like this!” Kou Yixuan looked at the Second Primordial Spirit with tender feelings and said softly. although

Although the tone is still cold, but anyone can hear it, the deep meaning of admiration. First

2 Primordial Spirit 头发一甩,随后饱含深情的看着寇依萱,伸手挑起了寇依萱的下巴。“

I can be seen by you, naturally the best in the world! “

Kou Yixuan was touched by the Second Primordial Spirit, and she was instantly shameless, with a smile, and bowed her head.


Lin Hai was on the side, gagging for a while. Ny

Ma, this Second Primordial Spirit is too thick.

And Kou Yixuan is really enough, dignified immortal dao!

It turns out that like a little girl who is not worldly, she is fascinated by Divine Soul by Second Primordial Spirit.

Ridiculous, ridiculous! forest

The idea of ​​the sea moved directly to the Second Primordial Spirit.

Kou Yixuan froze for a moment, then pretty face Han Shuang, watching Lin Hai coldly said.

“What about others?”

“Close up!” Lin Hai said angrily. “

Why put it away? Kou Yixuan Dai’s eyebrows frowned slightly, and she was dissatisfied.

“Blatant dog abuse is immoral!” Lin Hai said indignantly.

“Dog abuse?” Kou Yixuan looked blank, apparently did not understand Lin Hai’s words.

“You let him out, okay?” Kou Yixuan said to Lin Hai with a hint of pleading.

“Go out and talk!” Lin

Hai now, seeing the Second Primordial Spirit’s extreme discomfort, he didn’t want to let him out!

Having said that, regardless of Kou Yixuan’s unhappiness, Lin Hai moved again towards the door of rays of light, one step forward!


The ripples flickered, Lin Hai just felt his body shake, and the vision of the next moment seemed to change, returning to the bottom of the river.

“Master, you are back!”

十2 生肖都守在rays of light 大门处,见Lin Hai 出来,立刻上前paid respect 。“

Ok! “Lin Hai nodded,” “Nothing here? “

“No, everything is as usual, not even a living body!” Zishu shook his head.

Lin Hai nodded, this is also expected.

After seeing the scene on the other side of the rays of light gate, Lin Hai had already guessed the situation here.

There is nothing less deadly here than on the other side. very

Apparently, it was the original creatures, all of which were infiltrated by the Luo River Dragon King’s response qi, all killed. “

Come on, Xiaokou! “

Seeing that there was no danger here, Lin Hai was moved towards Kou Yixuan on the other side and shouted. it is good

Now, the doors of rays of light are not soundproofed. When Kou Yixuan heard the news, the silhouette flashed and she came out.

“Master, how can we leave here?” Zi

The mouse looked at the endless river, and asked moved towards Lin Hai.

“If you’re expecting good, absorb all the dead air here, the sealed True Yuan should be unsealed!”

The rat and the others heard it, and suddenly the bros tightly frowns. This

How could endless death be absorbed?

Besides, they are all monks, and no one can absorb death. forest

The sea didn’t speak, and thought directly, summoning the Second Primordial Spirit again.

The rat and the others were startled, and after seeing the appearance of the Second Primordial Spirit, they were even more surprised when the mouth opened wide. “

Master, this, this … “

They were shocked to find that the man who appeared suddenly looked exactly like Lin Hai!

“Don’t be surprised, this is my Second Primordial Spirit!” Lin Hai indifferently said. child

The rat and the others, dumbfounded, the stormy sea surged inside!

Second Primordial Spirit, they seem to have seen records in an ancient book.

However, even the ancient book, the record of the Second Primordial Spirit is extremely fuzzy.

Even many people doubt whether the Second Primordial Spirit can really cultivate success.

But didn’t expect, I saw them alive today, so how can they not be surprised!

“Even the legendary abilities like Second Primordial Spirit can cultivate success, and following the master Lin Hai may not be a bad thing!”

For a time, the rats and the others recognized Lin Hai as the main indignant, as if all of a sudden disappeared.

“Kou, I haven’t seen you for a while, but my heart seems to have spent 10000 years … Whoops, who hit me!”

2 Primordial Spirit 一出来,就深情款款的走向了寇依萱。结

The result was half-closed, and Lin Hai slapped him on the head. “

Don’t hesitate to know Sister-in-law as soon as he comes out, tell you to come out and work! “forest

The sea gave him a nasty look, and then moved towards the bottom of the river with a strong finger of death.

“Come on, let me refining all the dead air here!”

2 Primordial Spirit 一脸不满的揉了揉头,随后looked towards 寇依萱,立刻换上了一副笑脸。

Moved towards Lin Hai with a finger, said quite gentlemanly.

“He is too rude, we don’t care about him!” “

Xiao Kou, wait for me. I can only protect you, my beloved woman, by constantly improving my strength! “

Huh! First

2 Primordial Spirit 说完,再次给了寇依萱一个飞吻。把

Kou Yixuan hurriedly lowered her head, but there was a deep sweetness in the beautiful eyes! forest

The sea was aside, and the eyes were red. Ma

De, this Second Primordial Spirit is purely a flowery Young Master.

It seems that some time is needed for A’hua to discuss with him! also

After moving towards Kou Yixuan’s winking eyes, the Second Primordial Spirit took a look and regained its dignified expression.

“It’s so full of life, you can eat it again!”

Second Primordial Spirit’s eyes flashed brilliantly, and the corner of his mouth with a smile of evil charm, slowly sitting cross-legged on the river bottom.


The next moment, endless death, like the surging tide, drowned the Second Primordial Spirit in it!

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