“Wait until he absorbs the dead air here, let’s talk!” Lin

Hai looked at himself with black hair, helplessly laughed.

This time, the chance is really not small, except for the cultivation base realm, which directly rises two realm, and actually has such a thing. “

Deity Transformation Late Stage, two steps closer to Heavenly Immortal Realm! “One

Thinking of this, Lin Hai’s heart was beautiful and full of joy. can

The next moment, Lin Hai’s face suddenly changed, showing an incredible shock. I

Rub, what’s going on!

Lin Hai was shocked to find that his cultivation base realm was still Deity Transformation Early Stage, and there was no change in simply! This

impossible! forest

The bandits were incredible, and just now they have promoted two realm in succession, Lin Hai felt clearly.

This fuck, why did it take a while to go back?

Could it be … fierce

However, Lin Hai’s gaze fell on the Second Primordial Spirit. “

Deity Transformation Late Stage! “forest

The primordial Spirit of the sea has a seamless connection with the Second Primordial Spirit.

At a glance, Lin Hai took the Second Primordial Spirit and looked at it with incomparable clarity, just like looking at his own Primordial Spirit.

Lin Hai immediately discovered that the cultivation base realm of Second Primordial Spirit is exactly the Deity Transformation Late Stage. you


Lin Hai was completely speechless. After a long time in the realm, Realm mentioned that the Deity Transformation Late Stage was his Second Primordial Spirit.

And his destiny, Primordial Spirit, has not changed at all, or Deity Transformation Early Stage.

What a pity! forest

Hai smiled wryly, and Bai was happy. Do not

Yeah, the reason why the cultivation base realm was promoted was to absorb a lot of baleful qi. Evil

Qi is a kind of magic qi. Even if it is ascended, naturally it is the demonized one. Look

Now, my destiny, Primordial Spirit, has a long way to go to achieve the same realm.

“This kid is absorbing death here, buddies, don’t be idle anymore, take a look at the demon pot.” Lin

As soon as the sea idea moved, it disappeared in place.

There is a Primordial Spirit from Loose Immortal in the demon pot. “

Xian’er, pay respects to Master! “

As soon as Lin Hai came in, Xian’er moved towards Lin Hai. “

Xian’er, what about that Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit? “

Lin Hai asked directly straight to the point.

This was the first time he saw Loose Immortal, Lin Hai’s heart was full of curiosity. “

Wait a minute! “Sin

The child laughed, then held out Bai Nen’s little hand, and volleyed.


A transparent bead flew to Xian’er’s hand, and it was Yun Lingzhu.

Lin Hai took the beads and looked towards them. but

Seeing a reduced version of the Demonic beast, lying with her eyes closed tightly, she seemed to fall asleep. “

This Loose Immortal is no different from ordinary Demoic beast? “forest

The sea looked curious, and fiddled with Yun Lingzhu in his hand, whispered. Immortal

Aside, it was slightly smiled. “

Loose Immortal, except for its strength, is really no different from ordinary Demonic beast. “

“A robbery of Loose Immortal?” Lin Hai sniffed, wondering. “

Xian’er, what does Yijie Loose Immortal mean, is this Loose Immortal also graded? “”

That’s natural! “Xian’er nodded,” Loose Immortal is a Loose Immortal who has experienced a Heavenly Tribulation. “forest

Hai Wen heard, her pupils suddenly shrank. “

You mean, after this Loose Immortal, will he experience Heavenly Tribulation? “”

Of course, Loose Immortal needs to go through 9 Heavenly Tribulation altogether to reach its peak! “”

9 times? !! !! Lin Hai’s eyes suddenly stared at the boss. God

How terrifying the robbery, Lin Hai saw it with his own eyes.

I thought that going through that one would be enough, there are 8 times behind didn’t expect! This

Fuck, isn’t it killing people?

“Well, that’s 9 times!” Xian’er smiled nodded. “However, Loose Immortal, who was able to successfully go through 9 Heavenly Tribulations, belongs to as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, which is extremely rare.”

“Once successful, she will shedding body, exchanging bones, and directly become the Great Firmament Golden Immortal!” “

Even more powerful than the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, which is normally advanced from Celestial Immortal! “

Xian’er’s flowers made Lin Hai startled for a while, shocked. “

After 9 times of Heavenly Tribulation, became the Great Firmament Golden Immortal? Fuck, great! “

“By the way, Xian’er!” Lin Hai suddenly wondered, “Why the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, made by Loose Immortal, stronger?” “

Because, Loose Immortal has to spend 9 Heavenly Tribulations, which is more difficult than Celestial Immortal. “”

Once successful, it will naturally be much stronger. “forest

The sea froze and asked, seemingly understandable. “

To say that, his Transcending Tribulation failed and became Loose Immortal, but is it a good thing? “

“You can’t say that.” Xian’er smiled and shook the head. “

Xian’er saw that he is a Demonic beast of ordinary breed. With his innate talent, he wants to successfully go through Heavenly Tribulation several times with zero probability. “”

Xian’er guessed that at most the 3rd Heavenly Tribulation, he would fall, destroy both body and soul. “”

If his life is bad, I’m afraid he won’t be able to survive the second Heavenly Tribulation. “

“Ah? Such a sad reminder!” Lin Hai was stunned, looked at Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit in Yun Lingzhu, his face sympathetic.

But soon, Lin Hai resolutely shook the head. “

No, he is Loose Immortal, and it will definitely be a great help for me to recover. “

“I can’t let him die!”

Lin Hai suddenly remembered that when he first joined the High Heaven Trading Circle group, he once grabbed a Clear Heart Pill.

Later, Mo Liqing replaced Tang Bohu’s Night Royal Hundred Girl Pictures. Sun

Goku once reminded himself that the Magic Li Qing is going to spend 3 9 Heavenly Tribulation and urgently needs Clear Heart Pill.

Although Lin Hai doesn’t know what 3 9 Heavenly Tribulation is, it is clear that Heavenly Court has a medicine pill that can help people to Transcending Tribulation!

At that time, if this Loose Immortal Demonic beast requires 2 Transcending Tribulations, it will be a big deal to find someone at Heavenly Court and get him some medicine pill.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Loose Immortal Demonic beast must be loyal to himself.

“Xian’er, how long does it take for him to wake up?” Lin Hai asked. “

He was very badly wounded. If he hadn’t been put into a pot of demon monsters by his master, and put in the spiritual beads to support him, I would have slept for at least a thousand years. “”

But if you look now, you can wake up for as long as a year or as few months! “”

For months? Is it so long? “Lin Hai sighed. It seemed that for a short time, this Loose Immortal could not help himself.”

Alright, Xian’er, I’m out! “forest

The sea idea moved, and the demon monster pot came out.

“En?” Lin Hai was shocked when he came out.

“What about Fuck, Second Primordial Spirit?”

Lin Hai suddenly found that the sky’s death was still there, but the Second Primordial Spirit was gone! it is good

Between Lin Hai and Second Primordial Spirit, there was a spiritual connection, and his position was immediately recognized.

“Fuck, how did this item go back!” Lin

The sea sensed that the position of the Second Primordial Spirit was the door of rays of light before he came! “

Kou Yixuan is still waiting for herself. Why did the Second Primordial Spirit pass by, is Kou Yixuan in danger? “

Thinking of this, Lin Hai’s heart suddenly became tense.

Although he and the Second Primordial Spirit can sense each other, they cannot communicate from a distance.

If you want to know what happened, you can only go over and see for yourself.

“Don’t worry!” Lin

Hai cast his body, moved towards rays of light, and galloped away.

After a while, Lin Hai approached the door of rays of light. First

2 The silhouette of Primordial Spirit and Kou Yixuan appeared in Lin Hai’s sight.

“It’s okay, not at all is dangerous!”

However, Lin Hai was just sighed in relief, and then his eyes were unbelievably swollen round, unable to resist crying out in surprise.

“I fuck!” Lin

The head of the sea is straight away!

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