“Suck!” Lin

Hai An sighed, with deep anticipation, to speed up the operation of magic.


In time, the baleful qi, which had begun to fade, was like a tide, boiling again.

As the murderous aura flooded into Lin Hai’s within the body, above Lin Hai’s head, the black mist began to rise.

In the end, there are more and more, and it gradually turns into an illusory shadow of a man like able to support both heaven and earth. forest

If Hai could see it, he would definitely find that this man’s illusory shadow is clearly the Chi You reflected in his mind before!

The time passed by one second, the magic of magic turned faster and faster, the magic of Lin Hai within the body became more and more solid, and even began to boil cheerfully.

Lin Hai is completely immersed in cultivation, and has no feelings for the ebbing of time.

I don’t know how long after that, a buzz, an invisible shock exploded in Lin Hai’s within the body. forest

Hai’s body trembled, her eyes opened sharply, and suddenly a cold, blaze burst out!

At this moment, Lin Hai exudes a Qi of Evil Yin, and the momentum of the whole person has completely changed! Head

The light swept the surrounding space, and the rich and substantial baleful qi before was swept away at this moment!

“Hehe, he he he!” Lin

He grinned at the corner of the mouth, and suddenly laughed, but this laughter was full of eerie and weirdness.

“Unexpectedly, I went up two levels in a row and became Deity Transformation Late Stage!”

Lin Hai felt the change in her cultivation base realm, except for a touch of emotion, she had no joy or sorrow. double

Gently grasping the palm, the two groups of black magic suddenly rose and hovered. Boo


After flying overhead for a while, the two groups of magical energy suddenly burst.

The next moment, the location of the explosion, the air contracted for a while, as if it was corroded, weird and abnormal! “

Corroding Devil Seal? “Lin Hai smirked with a smirk.

This newly learned skill is very suitable for war of attrition! “eclipse

Magic Seal: The magic gas bursts and erodes True Yuan! This

It is the information prompt that came to mind when Lin Hai advanced Deity Transformation Late Stage.

This Corroding Devil Seal is a skill in the Demon Warrior. Its attack power is not strong, but it is extremely overbearing.

Once it is displayed, the exploded magic will fall on the person, and it will continue to erode the True Yuan of the person until the True Yuan is depleted.

Although it cannot damage the target, the corruption of True Yuan will definitely cause the enemy to panic and reduce the battle strength.

This continuous consumption is a lore for protracted warfare!

“Baleful qi absorbs clean and can go!” Lin

Hai corner of the mouth raised, walked up to the stone gate again, and pulled the palm firmly. squeak


Without the squeeze of baleful qi, the stone gate was easy and was opened by Lin Hai. forest

The silhouette of the sea flashed, except for the stone castle, the stone gate slammed and closed automatically.

Looking back, Lin Hai expression calmed down and glanced again at this eerie castle, coldly smiled.

“I really have some doubts now. The unjust death of the King of the Luohe Dragon and the head locked here is a big conspiracy!”

“The purpose is to let him produce endless response qi for some people to absorb and practice!”

“If that’s the case, the people behind me, I’m afraid Heavens, Ah!”

In Lin Hai’s mind, she couldn’t help but think of Yuan Shoucheng, who fortune tells in Chang’an City in Journey to the West.

The death of Luohe Dragon King can be said to have been caused by Yuan Shoucheng.

When I looked at Journey to the West before, Lin Hai just felt that this Yuan Shoucheng was extremely mysterious. but

It is now, it is really terrifying. Yuan

Being honest, I’m afraid it’s never easy! Do not

However, what is going on here, Lin Hai is guessing now. Jing

The King of the Dragon might know the inside story, but he has lost his mind and cannot ask.

“World, so complicated!”

Lin Hai shook the head, and suddenly found many things, far less simple than imagined.

Looking into the distance, Lin Hai was shocked again when he looked at the dead spirit that could not be seen.

“Here, there should have been living things before.”

“It must have been killed by the towering baleful qi in the castle, and then turned into death!”

“Perhaps those corpses in the old castle also died from the erosion of baleful qi!”

Deeply exhales one breath saying, Lin Hai suddenly said to himself, indifferently said. “

You still come out! “Hum


Lin Hai tone barely fell, suddenly his body trembled, and then one silhouette suddenly appeared in front of Lin Hai. Of course

What’s even more incredible is that this person, except his hair is black, looks exactly similar to Lin Hai! black

Lin Hai in the hair, corner of the mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile of evil charm.

“You are really overbearing. This is the body of the two of us. Why did you kick me out?” Bai

Hair Lin Hai frowned, said lightly. “

Don’t be arrogant. Although you were born in this body, you have to remember one thing! “

“You are Second Primordial Spirit. Do you understand 2?” “

In me, you will always be a millennium old 2, and if I can give you birth, I can destroy you! “”

Okay! After hearing this, dark-haired Lin Hai waved his hands in disdain.

“You are so boring, you will be small and big, is it interesting?”

Lin Hai, a white-haired man, had a narrow look, with a strong majesty, said differently. “

It’s fun and boring, you don’t need to worry about it, you just need to remember that there is no difference in respect and respect! “

“Otherwise, I don’t mind and fight you back!”

White Hair Lin Hai finishes speaking, a powerful murderous intention suddenly falls on the black hair Lin Hai. black

Lin Hai’s hair suffocated suddenly, so she put away the cynical expression and lowered her head in fear. “

Yes, I see! “”

Ok! “Lin Hai, the white-haired, then dispersed the diffuse aura, nodded.”

Here, full of lifelessness, is a good nourishment, you go to absorb it! “”

Yes! “Dark-haired Lin Hai, agreed quickly and respectfully.

Later, sitting cross-legged, running the magic **, absorbed crazy. White

Lin Hai, with her hands on her back, looked at Lin Hai with dark hair in a calm complexion, where she absorbed the refining death.

Although the surface ancient wave is not alarmed, the heart has already overflowed with heaven overflowing giant wave. “

It was unexpected, I turned into a Second Primordial Spirit! “

Lin Hai is a little hard to believe till now! on

Before, he broke through the Deity Transformation Late Stage, and when he woke up in the castle, he found that he was within the body, and even a Primordial Spirit came out!

The discovery at that time scared Lin Hai into a jump.

Fortunately, Lin Hai soon discovered that his former Primordial Spirit had absolute power to kill and kill this Second Primordial Spirit. only

If you have a single thought head, you can make this Second Primordial Spirit scattered ashes and dispersed smoke re-enchanted. Do not

However, in addition to being physically the same as themselves, this Second Primordial Spirit has an independent consciousness. can

In other words, in addition to sharing the fleshhy body with themselves, this Second Primordial Spirit is completely another person!

Two Primordial Spirits, with the same fleshhy body, made Lin Hai extremely uncomfortable. and

Moreover, there is no record of Second Primordial Spirit in either the Demon ** or Dao Scripture.

This made Lin Hai more and more confused, and for a moment did not know how to deal with this second self.

“As soon as the Second Primordial Spirit went out, the magic of himself within the body also disappeared.”

It seems that the so-called Second Primordial Spirit is simply the demonized self. “

Looking at the Second Primordial Spirit, madly absorbing the death of Couple Heaven and Earth, Lin Hai brows slightly wrinkle, lost in thought. To

In the end, how do you place this Second Primordial Spirit?

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