
The answer to Lin Hai was a loud roar, as if the entire castle was shaken by the dragon roar. “

Hey, can you hear me! “

Lin Hai True Yuan once again, using the method of Moon Palace Immortal Sound, shouted again. Hum

!! pause

In time, the invisible sound waves converged into a line and directly penetrated into the ears of the head of Luohe Dragon King. Jing

The Dragon King’s head suddenly stunned and stopped violent swinging. Two

A huge eye, shaking back and forth, showing a blank expression.

Suddenly, Floating Light Sweeping Shadow-like brilliance burst out from the eyes of Luohe Dragon King, and suddenly fell on Lin Hai. I


Lin Hai cursed, feeling as if being hit by two sharp swords. Do not

Obviously, Luohe Dragon King finally noticed himself. “

Luohe Dragon King, what is this place? How will you be here? “Lin Hai asked urgently.”

roar! ”

Just after Lin Hai asked, the King of Luohe Dragon was angry again, and he was generally moved towards Lin Hai. head

The six chains on the skull made a sound of hua hua being pulled, and the whole castle shook.


Lin Hai was shocked by the mighty head of Luohe Dragon King’s head, and his face was shocked. Do not

Later, Lin Hai also understood that this Luohe Dragon King had lost his mind. from

He couldn’t understand what he had said to him. Such as

The only mind left in this skull today is probably endless resentment.

“Forget it, leave here!” Lin

Hai jumped and jumped off the altar. Jing

This situation of the River Dragon King could not communicate at all, and it would be useless to stay here.

Along the steps, Lin Hai stepped out of the castle one by one, but at the door, Lin Hai was dumbfounded. only

Seeing the huge stone gate of the castle, it was closed at this moment. Bad


In Lin Hai’s heart, a bang, this door is closed, how can he get out?

Passing through the rich baleful qi, Lin Hai walked to the stone gate and pressed his palms on the door.

Then, within the body True Yuan violently circulated, Lin Hai mouthed loudly!

“On !!!” Om


Suddenly, the powerful True Yuan spewed out from the palm of Lin Hai, pulled the stone gate inward, and shocked the surrounding baleful qi.

However, at the next moment, Lin Hai’s pupils suddenly shrank, his face horrified.

Mard, the stone gate hasn’t moved! anti-

However, a terrifying force shook Lin Hai back 3 steps, shaking his body for a while. “

It’s baleful qi! “forest

The sea brow raised his head and immediately understood the reason. This

In the old castle, baleful qi is too much and too heavy, squeezing the stone gate, making the stone gate as heavy as ever. Rao

It was Lin Hai who exerted his whole strength, but couldn’t compete with this dense baleful qi. call

~ Lin

The sea spit out one mouthful of impure air, and a bright glow flashed in his eyes. Both

Of course, these baleful qis block themselves from going out, then it is here, and they have absorbed all the baleful qis!

With this in mind, Lin Hai sat directly on the ground with her knees crossed, and the magical power ran quickly.



Lin Hai cursed, and then the baleful qi in the space immediately boiled.

Lin Hai seems to be a huge vortex, attracting these crazy, moving towards Lin Hai within the body, the tide is pouring in!

Cool! Evil

The gas entered within the body and was immediately absorbed by the demon **, and was sent into Lin Hai’s four limbs and skeletons very gently. forest

Hai only felt that he felt as if he were bathing in a hot spring. Every capillary hole in his body felt extremely comfortable.

Baleful qi enters within the body, and under the traction of the magical **, every weekday, he is integrated into the magic of Lin Hai within the body. Follow

Over time, little by little, the magic of Lin Hai within the body started to get thicker and thicker, and the speed of circulation was getting faster and faster.

Unconsciously, a shocking picture appeared in Lin Hai’s mind.

In the picture, a man who is capable to support both heaven and earth, with red fruit on his upper body, long hair floating, showing fierce light, walks on the withered ground.

All kinds of powerful Demonic beast, madly moved towards the man, but was caught in the hands of each and everyone, cruelly torn. male

The son walked all the way, leaving Demonic beast corpses everywhere, blood flowing into a river!

Until the end of the earth, the man stopped and stood like a god! and

In front of him, countless Demonic beasts trembled, as if kneeling down to worship the gods. “

ha ha ha ha ha! “

disheveled hair man Yangtianchangxiao, the sound of the world, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth, only the silhouette of the disheveled hair man.

As if, the entire world has been stomped under him. Hum


Suddenly, Lin Hai trembled and awoke from the terrifying scene.

However, when thinking of the disheveled hair man that just appeared in the fantasy, Lin Hai had some inexplicable familiarity.

“He, is Chiyou?”

Lin Hai could not help but come up with the name. complete

After all, Chi You inherited the cultivation magic of her cultivation. miss you

Qiu You went forward all the way, tearing Demonic beast, making countless scenes of Demonic beast worship, Lin Hai felt a stir in her heart, and felt blood boiling. on

Ancient big witch, it really is not ordinary Niubi! from

I have also cultivated this magic **, but I do n’t know when it will be able to reach Chiyou’s powerful level!

I’m afraid at that time, let alone the Earth Immortal world, even Heavenly Court will have its own place, right? “

Alas, it seems that baleful qi has faded a lot! “

Soon, Lin Hai discovered an anomaly, the baleful qi that was condensed into reality, but it was much thinner at the moment. “

Have you absorbed it so fast? “

Lin Hai was surprised for a while, but then he was shocked suddenly, with an incredible shock on his face! “

Damn, Deity Transformation Middle Stage, how did I become a Deity Transformation Middle Stage! “forest

Only then did Hai discover that, in unconsciously, his realm was actually elevated! shock

After being shocked, Lin Hai’s heart was ecstatic.

Unexpectedly, this realm that is so difficult to break through is actually such an unfathomable mystery breakthrough!

haha, cool!

Lin Hai laughed loudly, looking inside at the magical spirit that was still running wildly, and it was a surprise again.

He found that the dark magic was now more than twice as thick as before.

With the magical madness walking in his own meridian, his own meridian has also been continuously expanded.

Today, the meridian within the body is like countless tenacious channels.

Every time magic flowed, Lin Hai felt the power of within the body, much stronger. Imitate

The Buddha has a terror explosive power that it is hard to believe, and it may release terror at any time! “

Today’s strength is ten times higher than before! “

Lin Hai’s heart was extremely excited, and his eyes were bright.

He originally had the ability to fight beyond the ranks, and now his strength has increased again, Lin Hai suddenly felt full of confidence. Present

Now, even if Great Ascension Middle-Stage is standing in front, Lin Hai is confident to kill it! on

It’s a Great Ascension Late Stage. Even if Lin Hai loses, he still has enough confidence to retreat calmly! “

The baleful qi here is really my chance! “more

What excites Lin Hai is that only about half of the baleful qi in this ancient castle has been absorbed!

If you absorb the remaining half and all of it, will you let your cultivation base realm go straight up? forest

There are so many bright eyes in the sea that it can’t wait anymore!

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