According to Kou Yixuan, Lin Hai almost sat down on the ground. Correct

Are you responsible? Big brother doesn’t seem to do anything to you, right? forest

Hai scratched his head and said awkwardly. “

Xiao Kou, just glanced at it, and it was unintentional, didn’t you have to rise to such a height? “forest

Hai tone barely fell, and suddenly a strange cold was released from the ice fog mask. “

Is my clear as ice and clean as jade’s body just what you say? “”

If you don’t want to be responsible to me, then kill me, otherwise I will kill you! “”

Uh … ”Lin Hai heard it, and suddenly his face was black. Neh

Ma, why is this trivial matter?

If one looks at the body and is responsible, Fatty Wang is full of hard disk resources and doesn’t know how many women are responsible.

“Why don’t you talk?” Kou Yixuan said coldly. “

What can i say? “Lin Hai said with a bitter smile, Kou Yixuan’s thoughts are still in the era of feudal society in the world.”

You first find a piece of clothing to put on. As for the irresponsible, let’s leave here and say. Kou

Yi Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said gently differently. “

it is good! “Do not

Soon after, Kou Yixuan took a hint of coyness and hummed. “

My True Yuan is blocked, I can’t open the Storage Ring, I can’t get my clothes out, what should I do? “”

Wait a minute! “It’s hard to slap Lin Hai. It means

With a few thoughts, Lin Hai and Xian’er consciously communicated and asked for a piece of Xian’er’s clothes to take out.

“Here, I don’t know if it’s appropriate, just make it up.”

Lin Hai crossed his halo with his arm and handed the clothes to Kou Yixuan.

Soon, the sound of thin dressing came, and soon it was quiet again. “

I’m dressed! “

Lin Hai took a step and walked into the halo.

Kou Yixuan saw Lin Hai come in, and her pretty face became red, she was so shy, she hurriedly lowered her head. small

The heart-struck peng peng jumped straight, but he didn’t dare to look at Lin Hai. forest

Seeing this, the embarrassing and ambiguous atmosphere suddenly made Lin Hai helpless.

“Kou, this is extremely weird. You stay here and wait for me. I’ll take a look.”

“Good!” Kou Yixuan still lowered her head, but her cold voice seemed to show signs of melting. Hum

!! forest

The silhouette of the sea flickered, except for the halo, which moved directly towards the front.

“Roar!” Go

Just a few miles away, a beast roar suddenly sounded. Follow

Later, a huge huge demonic beast of several ten zhang suddenly emerged from the ground. I

rub! forest

Hai was startled and stopped quickly, but Demonic beast opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and moved towards Lin Hai.


Lin Hai raised her eyebrows and drank with a scream, and her Three Pointed Double Edged Blade split in an instant!

Blue rays of light suddenly appeared, the extremely cold blade glow cut through the space and slashed fiercely on the demonic beast.


Demonic beast’s huge body was split directly into two halves, with a strong death gas, bursting out from within the body. puff

With a sound, Demonic beast fell to the ground, shaking the ground with a tremor. Follow

Later, the corpse disappeared strangely, and instantly turned into endless death, pervading 4 wilds! “

Huh? !! “forest

Hai pumps shrank, hastily for a while.

This Demonic beast dared to be dead, there is no fleshy body and Primordial Spirit at all! forest

The heart of the sea was suddenly full of surprise. This

Such a demonic beast, he had never seen it before.

After killing this Demon Beast, Lin Hai not at all rushed to move forward, but stopped and waited and looked around. blood

Red in the sky, the vitality flowing ceaselessly, as if there was life. and

Moreover, Lin Hai had a strange hunch, like a pair of invisible eyes, staring at himself in the dark. can

Yes, no matter how Lin Hai finds it, he can’t see any clues. This

Party space, simply there is no sign of life! “

A strange place! ”

Lin Hai stepped forward and continued to move forward, but to see what it was.

weng! again

After coming out of a dozen or more li, the dead spirit in front of me suddenly jittered. Follow

Later, a silhouette exactly the same as Lin Hai gradually changed from blur to clear and stopped in front of Lin Hai. “

hehe, Interesting! “

Lin Hai couldn’t help but smile, he knew that the opposite person was deadly. miss you

No, this dead spirit has Spiritual Consciousness, which can be transformed at will, which is really unheard-of! “

Kill me, kill yourself! “Correct

Lin Hai, who turned into a dead face, suddenly showed a smile of evil, said the evil charm moved towards Lin Hai.


As soon as the voice fell, Lin Hai’s heart shuddered, and then he returned to normal.

Ding dong!

At the same time, a message reminder sounded suddenly in Lin Hai’s mind. “

An external force has tried to seduce your Heart Demon. It has been automatically immune, and the immunity rate is 100%. “

Heart Demon !

Hearing this name, Lin Hai could not help but jump. Make trouble

For a long time, the opposite self turned into anger, and between the words, he turned himself on.

Fortunately, I am completely immune to Heart Demon, otherwise unconsciously, I will become passive. Say

Maybe, really like he said, kill him, you have to finish it yourself and be killed by Heart Demon! Shua


Lin Hai swung the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in her hand and looked at the opposite one, coldly smiled.

“Why am I so unbelieving?”

“Don’t believe it? Then you can try it!” Lin Hai on the other side smiled ironically. “

Right on my mind! “boom


Lin Hai finished speaking, a sharp split, split the opposite self directly into two halves. “

I said that killing me is killing you, and as soon as I die, you die! “dead

The imaginary Lin Hai, with a strange smile, dissipated his body and turned into death.

Lin Hai saw this, shrugged slightly, and looked disdainful. “

Kill you, big brother is still not good, pretending to be the best! “

After killing his deadly illusion, Lin Hai stopped no longer and continued to move forward. Pick up

Going down, Lin Hai was surprised that he never encountered any resistance. One

Going mad thousands of miles, and finally a huge stone castle appeared in front of you!

“Here there is a building ?!” Lin

Sea brows slightly wrinkle, stopped in front of the stone castle, and looked closely. but

It was found that the stone fortress several ten zhang, all made of special materials, is completely in the style of ancient Chinese architecture. stone

The surroundings of the fort are surrounded by endless death, accompanied by the raging wind and sand, giving an extremely gloomy feeling.

And from the ancient atmosphere of the ancient castle, Lin Hai can conclude that the age of this ancient castle should be extremely long. surface

Lin Hai not at all rushed into this mysterious castle standing here.

After carefully observing this ancient castle, Lin Hai secretly mentioned True Yuan and yelled. “

Is there anyone in the castle? “”

Can we come out to meet each other! “

Lin Hai’s voice resounded through the sky like a thunder, and echoed over the castle for a long time. One

The melodious echoes sounded instantly in this space, and they spread for thousands of miles!

However, there was no response to Lin Hai’s shout.

As if, on this side of the world, only Lin Hai exists, and there are no other creatures at all!

Lin Hai waited for more than ten minutes, seeing the silence around him, and frowned slightly. difficult

Said this is an empty castle? that

Would you like to go in and explore it yourself?

This side of the space is full of weirdness, and it is absolutely dangerous to rush into the castle.

However, Lin Hai frowned, and had made up his mind. Both

But when you come here, why not not enter?

He would have to see, what is mysterious in this old castle!

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