His body flashed, Lin Hai held the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hand, and moved very cautiously towards the castle, step by step. squeak


Just when Lin Hai was still a few feet away from the castle, the heavy door suddenly opened automatically. Hum

!! pause

Time is like a tide of baleful qi, like a tide, flowing out of the castle! forest

The sea pump suddenly shrank, taking a few steps back in a hurry, and moved towards the side. boom

!! This

Baleful qi, passing by with Lin Hai in an instant, filled the sky in an instant! “

Good terrifying baleful qi! “forest

The sea stood aside, her eyelids jumping wildly. Such as

If so many baleful qis are placed in a place like mortal realm, I am afraid it will directly destroy the World! This

In the old castle, what is there that will produce such terrifying baleful qi.

Moreover, this baleful qi looks like an endless response qi, which has been accumulated for a long time. difficult

Tao said, who is in this old castle who has accumulated huge amounts of residential qi? Wait

After this baleful qi like a flood, Lin Hai came out frowning and moved towards the castle! Hum

!! pause

Time, the eerie baleful qi, like a wave, hit Lin Hai’s body.

The magic of Lin Hai within the body suddenly circulated, and a group of black rays of light protected Lin Hai’s body.

“The baleful qi here is extremely rich, without even a trace of impurities, which is really rare!”

Lin Hai was so moved that he didn’t want to waste this excellent resource for magical magic, and immediately turned into magical magic **. Slap

噼 pa pa!

Suddenly, the black rays of light on Lin Hai’s body surface suddenly felt like flames, burning fiercely. fry

A bean-like crisp sound came, and the baleful qi around Lin Hai actually gathered into countless tiny streams of juice, madly drilling into the capillary blood holes of Lin Hai’s body.

“It’s so comfortable!”

Lin Hai paused for a while, like bathing in a hot spring.

Among the meridian, the black magic also seems to have life, and it even passed on to Lin Hai a cheering excitedly emotion.

Obviously, after absorbing the magic of Baleful qi and Lin Hai within the body, I was also extremely excited and excited. Crazy

While absorbing the baleful qi madly, it did not affect Lin Hai’s progress in any way, and soon Lin Hai entered the dark castle. “

fire! “

Lin Hai flicked the fingers, a small Fire Phoenix, suspended in front of Lin Hai, illuminating all around.

However, Fire Phoenix has just appeared, and suddenly it was darkened by the surrounding baleful qi Annihilation.

“En?” Lin

The sight was startled, and his eyes were filled with deep shock!

“How is this possible?” Lin

The Dao of Fire in the sea today is the Dao of Fire. It is totally different from the fire!

However, how can such a high rank flame be directly annihilation by the baleful qi here?

Even if the baleful qi is stronger and stronger, isn’t it? “

Could it be … “Lin Hai’s heart jumped, thinking of a possibility, and then he got excited!

“Is the baleful qi here, with one’s own sky fire, Xuanbing, one level?”

With this in mind, Lin Hai was instantly excited, and if that is the case, it would make a lot of money today!

First look at what’s in this old castle. If

There is no treasure, just absorb the baleful qi here, and your demonic path will definitely go up a step!

“Heavenly Eye Technique, open!” Both

Although the flames could not be illuminated, Lin Hai directly opened Heavenly Eye Technique and searched carefully in the castle.

“Dry bone ?!”

Soon, Lin Hai was surprised to find that there were some dead bones on the ground of the ancient castle! go

Just before, Lin Hai leaned down and looked towards the bones on the ground. but

Seeing these few pieces of bones, although I do not know the date, there is still a gleam of light shining.

“It seems that these boneless masters should be the inhabitants or guards of the castle!”

Lin Hai stood up, ready to move on.

But as soon as he stood up, his eyes suddenly stared, revealing a shocked expression! only

Seeing the few dead bones on the ground, as Lin Hai got up, he turned into a fly ash, floated in the air and disappeared! I

by! forest

Hai couldn’t help exclaiming, and suddenly remembered some news that he had seen in the world.

Archaeologists will find some well-preserved corpses when they discover some ancient tombs.

But as soon as it comes into contact with the outside air, it will immediately weather and dissipate in the air. difficult

The Tao said that the sudden disappearance of these dead bones is also the principle?

Helplessly shook the head, no matter why these dead bones dissipated, Lin Hai couldn’t stop it.

Moreover, Lin Hai is not an archeologist and has no interest in these dead bones.

Moving forward, Lin Hai searched the first floor of the castle. but

It was found that there was nothing left except the few bones.

“Nothing, right?” Lin

With a hint of curiosity, the sea boarded the 2-Layer of the castle with great vigilance.

As a result, Lin Hai was disappointed that 2-Layer had nothing else but a few dead bones!

What do I rely on?

Lin Hai continued to go up, and the 3rd floor and 4-Layer turned out to be exactly the same.

The castle has a total of 5-Layer, and now, only the last layer is left. “

It seems that all the secrets are in this Fifth Layer! “

Lin Hai stood at the entrance of the 4-Layer and entered the 5-Layer staircase, and suddenly a sudden unfathomable mystery jumped in his heart.

I don’t know why, Lin Hai felt an unprecedented pressure that made him awed. Imitate

This Fifth Layer of Buddha has a powerful existence that needs Lin Hai to look up to! and

And, at the entrance of this Fifth Layer, baleful qi is obviously richer than other places. very

By Lin Hai, it can be concluded that the baleful qi in the entire castle was released by the Fifth Layer! “

hu ~ ”

Lin Hai put out a breath deeply, then clenched the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hand suddenly, his eyes flashed brilliantly!

“Look up!”

However, the terrifying coercion made Lin Hai realize that there was a terrifying existence on it that he absolutely could not fight.

However, since we have reached this point. If

It’s not clear what is going on in this old castle, Lin Hai will never be reconciled!

Anyway, there is a magic weapon like the demon pot, which can save lives at a critical moment, and Lin Hai has nothing to worry about. One

Gritting his teeth, Lin Hai took ten thousand 20000 points of vigilance, took a step, and moved towards Fifth Layer! Hum


When I first entered the Fifth Layer, the extremely turbulent baleful qi struck Lin Hai’s body instantly. “

hmph! ”

Lin Hai a groan, I just felt dizzy, internal organs almost shifted, and the painful face suddenly changed!

Good terrifying! which is

Then Lin Hai has been running the demon **, and absorbed the baleful qi continuously.

But it was still baleful qi rich and scary here, fiercely hit it.

If it weren’t for Lin Hai cultivation for the demonic path cultivation technique, I’m afraid that some of them will directly destroy both body and soul. Strong

Enduring the powerful impact of baleful qi, Lin Hai gritted his teeth, and deng deng deng boarded the 5-Layer of the castle in one breath. Follow

Later, Heavenly Eye Technique rays of light flickered, and moved towards 5-Layer looked carefully.

However, the 5-Layer of the old castle is completely different from the 4-Layer below.

Relatively speaking, this Fifth Layer is more like an ancient altar! band

With a touch of tension and surprise, Lin Hai walked carefully, moving towards the depths of 5-Layer.

Soon, at the end of the 5-Layer, a tall, six-sided stone platform appeared in Lin Hai’s sight!

“It really is an altar!”

Lin Hai pupils shrank, moved towards 6 above the angled stone platform.

Then, complexion changed greatly, revealing incredible expression of panic!

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