“Little pirate, what’s dead?”

“And, what do you give in to?” Lin

With a look of doubt, Hai asked Kou Yixuan.

Kou Yixuan froze, her indifferent eyes, and a light glance at Lin Hai.

“You won’t let me, like them, take control of Divine Pill?”

Lin Hai heard that and suddenly laughed. “

What do I want you to eat Divine Pill? “”

Don’t you let me eat? “Kou Yixuan glanced at it in amazement, then asked with a puzzled look.”

I am now also blocked by True Yuan. If you want to subdue me, force me to control Divine Pill, with no difficulty. “

“You, would you give up such a good opportunity?”

Lin Hai rolled his eyes, his face speechless, moved towards Kou Yixuan, said with a bitter smile. “

Come on, you are my friend. Does Lin Hai look like a friend to me? “

“Friend ?!” Hearing these two words made Kou Yixuan’s indifferent pretty face suddenly change slightly. “

Why don’t you treat me as a friend? Lin Hai tilted his head and said with a smile. Kou

Yi Xuan was black brows slightly wrinkle, and after a long silence, she said indifferently. “

I never had friends! “

Lin Hai shrugged, said with a touch of emotion. “

It ’s not that I say you, this character of you, get rid of an iceberg, it is too cold, who will be friends with you? Kou

Yi Xuan is expressionless, said softly. “

I was born that way. “Say

After that, he looked at Lin Hai with doubt again.

“Are you really prepared to not force me to control Divine Pill?”

“Well, I’ll go, what’s your situation?” Lin Hai was completely speechless.

“Come on, Kouc, I’m a good person, we are friends, I’m fine to let you eat Divine Pill?”

you do not believe me? Are you suffering from paranoia? “forest

Kou Yixuan, looking at a puzzled look, didn’t know what to say. Kou

Yi Xuan frowns, staring at Lin Hai for a long time before he was heavily nodded. “

I believe in you, we are friends! “

“Well, that’s right!” Lin Hai was sighed.

Suddenly found that although Kou Yixuan was immortal dao Paragon, her temperament was a bit simple. difficult

Dao said she doesn’t walk around the rivers and lakes often?

When looking back, ask her where she came from. when

The urgency is to investigate what is going on at the bottom of the river.

Fortunately, under Lin Hai Heavenly Eye Technique, everything at the bottom of the river can be seen very clearly. very

Quickly, Lin Hai noticed that there was a rays of light not far ahead.

“You follow me!” Lin

After the sea was finished, he was the first to move towards the light and walked carefully. Kou

According to Xuan and Zodiac, True Yuan is blocked. In this case, there is no need to be polite with Lin Hai. tight

Immediately following Lin Hai, he watched all around alertly and was ready to respond to unexpected situations.

On the way forward, Xian’er’s lovable body appeared in Lin Hai’s mind.

“Master, that Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit, after entering the Spiritual Pill, has been stabilized.”

“Ask him, what’s weird about his Transcending Tribulation!” Lin Hai told Xian’er as he walked.

After a while, Xian’er appeared in his head and spoke to Lin Hai.

“Master, I asked, he didn’t know.”

“However, he is a rare demon-cultivating species in the Demonic beast and is naturally sensitive to magic.”

“He sensed that there seemed to be a strong magic seal there, which might be helpful to him, so he went to the Transcending Tribulation there.”

Just didn’t expect, terrifying the Heavenly Tribulation, far beyond his imagination, and ultimately failed. “listen

Lin Xian’s brow frowned when it came to Xian’er. Make trouble

For a long time, this Loose Immortal Demonic beast did not know what was going on here.

In this way, you have to explore on your own.

“Okay, I’m understood!”

Ending the exchange with Xian’er, Lin Hai moved on. go

For half an hour, the rays of light in front of it became brighter and brighter, and Lin Hai and the others finally came to an end.

“It’s a door!”

To everyone’s surprise, behind this dazzling rays of light, there is a door that does not know where to lead!

“Be careful!”

Lin Hai immediately became extremely cautious, and no one knew what would happen when he entered this door.

With a thought, Lin Hai held the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hand. “

Follow me! “

Lin Hai held the knife with both hands, with great care, slowly walked towards the door of rays of light. Hum


Passing through the door of rays of light, Lin Hai just felt his body tremble, and then was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. blood

The red sky, the dark earth and the rocks, the whistling wind and sand, make people despise. forest

As soon as the body of the sea stood firmly, it was shaken by the violent wind and sand, lingering endlessly. Such as

This harsh natural environment filled Lin Hai’s eyes with shock and couldn’t believe it! “

Wind and sand are like a knife! “forest

The sea couldn’t help but sigh. I didn’t expect that the wind and sand alone made him, the Spirit Transformation Earth Immortal, unstable.

If ordinary people come here, I am afraid that the skin on their bodies will be blown into flesh and die by death!


Just then, a loud shout rang suddenly behind Lin Hai. forest

The sea was startled and turned back quickly. but

Seeing Kou Yixuan followed her out, without True Yuan’s body protection, violent wind and sand, blow Kou Yixuan’s clothes directly into debris! “

My day! “

Lin Hai saw this scene, the nosebleed almost burst out! “

Don’t come out behind! “

Lin Hai shouted, preventing the twelve zodiac signs from crossing the door of rays of light in case he saw Kou Yixuan’s indecent. with

At that time, a wave of the palm and a glorious ice and snow enveloped Kou Yixuan, covering the body, while also blocking the sand. “

2 Zodiac, stay at the bottom of the river, no matter what happens, do not cross the door without my order! “”

Otherwise, I have no way to protect you! “forest

The ten zodiac signs behind the gate of the sea moved towards rays of light again shouted.

The environment here is really terrible.

Without the protection of True Yuan, the zodiac signs will soon be killed once they come over. and

I can’t defend so many people alone. “

Yes, master! “ten

2 Although the zodiac does not know what happened, they are afraid to listen to Lin Hai’s words.

So, all ten or two people sat down in front of the door of rays of light, thinking hard to lift the seal of True Yuan. “

Are you OK? “forest

Hai then came with a hint of embarrassment, Kou Yixuan in the moving towards the ice and snow halo asked. Kou

Yi Xuan was silent for a long time, and the indifferent voice suddenly sounded, but the voice was much lower than before. “

I’m fine. “Say

After that, Kou Yixuan’s breathing suddenly felt a little tense, her voice trembling, and she whispered.

“Did you see it just now?” “

what did you see? “Lin Hai didn’t respond for a moment, and asked subconsciously.”

to ask a question, when already knows the answer, why are you so bad! “Lin Hai’s words made Kou Yixuan feel ashamed immediately, and she couldn’t help whispering softly.

what? “forest

The sea froze for a while, but quickly raised his brow and reacted.

Fuck, Kou Yixuan asked, did you see her body? forest

The mind of the sea could not help but emerge again. The endless temptation before was suddenly a little dry.

“Kou, I didn’t mean it, the situation just now …”

“I didn’t say you did it on purpose!” Kou Yixuan’s words remained cold, interrupting Lin Hai’s words.

Then he was silent for a moment, and suddenly opened the mouth and said. “

I just want to ask you, will you be responsible to me? ”

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