“Repay?” Lin Hai froze, then laughed helplessly. ”

No need to repay! “forest

The words of the sea make the blue clothed woman even stranger. “

No need to repay? “”

Then why are you helping me at mortal danger? Also lost valuable space cultivation technique? “

“I didn’t say that!” Lin Hai shrugged, “I’m a born person who loves to help others, and does nothing against one’s own interests. It’s for the benefit of others!” Lan

The woman in a skirt was in a frown, silent. forest

Of course, she wouldn’t believe it. only

Yes, a Spirit Transformation situation in Lin Hai, despite her safety, rescued her from the siege of immortal dao Paragon.

It even paid such a huge price for the space cultivation technique.

It turned out that she didn’t ask for any retribution. It was really blue clothed woman who couldn’t figure it out. “

Whoops, my silly girl, don’t stop, they will catch up after a while, and we won’t be able to leave! “

Lin Hai saw the blue clothed woman suddenly stop and hurried anxiously. blue

The streamer’s beautiful eyes flickered, and Lin Hai glanced indifferently said.

“I’m not a silly girl. My name is Kou Yixuan!”

“Kou Yixuan?” Lin Hai nodded, “Okay, let’s go, Xiao Kou!”

Kou Yixuan suddenly froze. small


I seem to be immortal dao Paragon, and it is still the more powerful one. forest

Hai what cultivation base? Deity Transformation Early Stage, actually called himself a pirate? band

With a weird expression, Kou Yixuan looked at Lin Hai in surprise, but she couldn’t figure out how this person was confident and called herself a little Kou.

However, Kou Yixuan still stopped there without moving.

“What’s your name?”

“Me? My name is Lin Hai, you just call me Lin Hai big brother!” Lin Hai said with a smile. Kou

Yi Xuan was speechless. Lin Hai was so thick-skinned that he called you big brother?

Think beautiful!

“Hey, Kouk, what else are you trying to do, let’s go!” See you

Kou Yixuan didn’t mean to leave, Lin Hai could not help but urge again.

However, Kou Yixuan shook the head, indifferently said. “

Lin Hai, thank you for saving me, I will report your kindness. “

“But I can’t go!”

I rely! forest

When the sea heard it, it almost rushed.

“Why can’t I go? The immortal dao Paragon is chasing again, but I don’t have room for cultivation technique!” Kou

Yi Xuan Dai raised her eyebrow, and a glimmer of light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

“Just rest assured, they won’t be able to trap me even if they catch up again.”

“But why are you staying?” Lin Hai asked puzzledly. “

Naturally looking for Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit! Kou Yixuan flashed a bright glow in her eyes, coldly said.

“This Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit disappeared inexplicably in my hands, and it is very strange.”

“But I believe that he did not flee even if he fled. I must find him, otherwise he will never leave!”


After Lin Hai heard this, he almost fell on the ground. Ny

Ma, is Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit stolen by the big brother? you

Find a ghost, find it, and find the end of time! forest

Hay suddenly felt anxious, but he couldn’t say anything to Kou Yixuan! “

Little pirate, a Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit, no need to take such a risk? “”

Forget it, while the immortal dao Paragon didn’t catch up, let’s go! “

Lin Hai said, driving Little Hong to Kou Yixuan’s side, pulling Kou Yixuan’s arm and leaving. Of course

However, Kou Yixuan’s lovable body did not move like a mountain. No matter how hard Hai Lin tried, he could not move at all. “

You don’t understand, how important this Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit is to me! “

“My cultivation base has been at the Great Ascension Peak for a long time, but there is no sign of Transcending Tribulation.”

“I have to find Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit and ask clearly, maybe he can let me see the cloud with a single click!”

Kou Yixuan’s words immediately made Lin Hai startled and couldn’t refute. original

Coming to Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit is so important to Kou Yixuan?

This is how to do?

Lin Hai was in a dilemma for a while, or would you tell Ko Yixuan the truth, or give him the Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit? “

smelly brat, you are here, see where you are going this time! “One

An angry scolding sounded suddenly.

Later, when he saw dozens of auspicious clouds rushing forward, he reached Lin Hai in the blink of an eye.

“Is it you?” Lin

Hai frowned and immediately recognized these people.

It was the cultivator of the Great Ascension Late Stage who had intercepted himself before. forest

It was only then that Hai discovered that he and Kou Yixuan ran all the way, and they had already exited the thick dead air area.

“Lin Hai, are these people your enemies?”

Kou Yixuan aside, suddenly pretty face frosty, asked coldly.

Lin Hai didn’t hide either, nodded. This

These people are the ones who want to kill him. “

it is good! I help you, kill them! “

Kou Yixuan finished, before Lin Hai reacted, he shot suddenly! boom

!! pause

In time, a loud noise came, and then the terrifying waves, hiding the sky and covering the earth poured down, and moved towards a dozen Great Ascension Late Stages across from it, crushing them! Correct

In the face of these people, the complexion changed dramatically, revealing a deep shock. he

We were thinking of coming over to clean up Lin Hai, and the woman beside didn’t expect Lin Hai was so horrible.

This shot made them feel powerful oppression, a sense of fear that touched the soul, and instantly filled their hearts. “

withdraw! “

Almost without the courage to resist, these dozens of Great Ascension Late Stage fled into the desert with deep fear!

bang! he

As soon as their bodies moved, a loud noise came suddenly.

Subsequently, a boundless waterfall, as if dropping from the sky, instantly sealed all their retreats. “

not good! “This

More than a dozen Great Ascension Late Stages were shocked.

Retreat was sealed, there is no other way than to resist Kou Yixuan’s attack! “

Fight with her! “although

Of course, these dozens of people felt the unparalleled force of terror from the wave of hiding the sky and covering the earth. Chennai

He, they have no choice but to fight hard! boom

bang bang bang!

In time, dozens of people shot together. The violent faculties of various departments flew across the sky, with a rolling wave of waves, and instantly met Kou Yixuan’s attack.

weng! down

For a moment, the tide of the sky, one after the other, turned this side of Heaven and Earth into an instant Annihilation. This

Dozens of ways of the Great Ascension Late Stage, like candles in the wind, go out instantly and disappear.

After a few breaths, the tide receded and the sky returned to tranquility.

Kou Yixuan was expressionless, standing lonely in the clouds, as if what happened before had nothing to do with her. Of course

However, Lin Hai’s mouth opened wide in shock, and the inner shock was beyond words!

I saw the dozens of former Great Ascension Late Stage masters, but now they are all gone. Nothing

Undoubtedly, in the attack by Kou Yixuan, these more than ten people have already been destroyed both body and soul from this World!

Great Ascension Late Stage, tens of millions of cultivators may not be able to produce such a powerhouse.

Just now, more than a dozen Great Ascension Late Stage were killed by Kou Yixuan!

For a while, Lin Hai couldn’t tell what it was like. Yes

Shocked Kou Yixuan’s strength, or is he sorry for these dozens of Great Ascension Late Stage? “

There is no need to kill them. “forest

The sea finally, lightly sighed, bitterly said with a smile. Say

In the end, of the more than a dozen Great Ascension Late Stages, only the one named Lao Zhang, and the one who is tall and tall, want to Murdering to seize the treasures. its

His people can only say that they followed bad luck.

Kou Yixuan looked at it for a moment, then looked at Lin Hai puzzledly. “

Kill and kill, what’s the big deal! “

“Not to mention, kill them, I’m gracious!”

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