“Rolling Curtains !!!”

Lin Hai’s Rolling Curtains from Sand Monk are engraved in jade slip.

Then, through a ray of Divine Consciousness, it was mapped into the air!

The immortal dao Paragons on the opposite side were shocked, their eyes widened, and the characters moved towards in the sky looked. Follow

Afterwards, everyone’s eyes flashed, and all of them shook with excitement.

“Space spell, really space spell!”

Although the cultivation technique description of Rolling Curtains is quite obscure. but

It’s their immortal dao Paragon, which is not an innate talent. only

After reading the text at the beginning, it was already concluded that the work that Lin Hai did was really a space spell! Hum


In this group of immortal dao Paragon, hungry and thirsty, excitedly browsing Rolling Curtains’ cultivation technique.

But suddenly the golden glow bloomed, and the text in the sky suddenly disappeared.


“Why not!”

The group of immortal dao Paragon, as if peeing and peeing, was stunned and returned, and the heart was uncomfortable, let alone mention it. forest

Hai is faintly smiled, holding jade slip tightly in his hand.

“You guys, although this cultivation technique only showed you half, but true or false, you should have some in your heart, right?” This

Group immortal dao Paragon, I still don’t understand what Lin Hai means.

After checking the goods, it is natural to start talking about the conditions. “

This cultivation technique is true! “”

Hand it over, we let you go! “forest

Hai Wen heard it, and immediately sneered, looking at the talking immortal dao Paragon, shy the head. “

Are you in arrears in IQ, or are you flooding your head? “”

When you say you have to pay it, why? “Say

After that, Lin Hai’s eyes flashed, coldly snorted and said. “

The same condition as before, let me take her away and leave the cultivation technique to you! “forest

The sea moved towards blue clothed woman with a finger, her voice was firm.

The group of immortal dao Paragon heard it, and suddenly you look at me, I look at you, for a while silent. Show

Of course, they are hesitant to choose between space spell and Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit! forest

Seeing the sea, he sneered suddenly.

“Unfortunately, you are still immortal dao Paragon, but in the face of important choices, they are vacillating.”

With such a mentality, what major event can it become! “Say

After that, Lin Hai waved his hand suddenly and threw the jade slip in his hand directly to the distance.

“I want space spell to go, then!”

“Damn!” The group of immortal dao Paragons were shocked and discolored!

No one had thought that Lin Hai was so simple, he threw out such precious space directly. Whoosh


Almost subconsciously, this group of immortal dao Paragon suddenly disappeared in place, and one after another moved towards cultivation technique jade slip. “

haha, space spell, it’s my turn! “

The first immortal dao Paragon rushed to the front, and burst into a loud laugh, full of surprise. One

Reached out, moved towards jade slip close at hand, grabbed the past.

bang! not

When he grabbed jade slip with his palm, suddenly a severe attack suddenly came from behind. “

Leave the cultivation technique! “but

It was another immortal dao Paragon, who arrived in time, took a brave shot, forced the person in front, had to give up the fight, and moved towards the rear to dodge!


The fat that flew to the mouth flew again, and the immortal dao Paragon suddenly became furious and yelled. Of course

However, before he rushed to fight again, he saw several immortal dao Paragon, all rushed over, and moved towards cultivation technique jade slip. “

Leave the cultivation technique! “

“This cultivation technique is mine, and no one wants to steal it!”

“Hmph, the space cultivation technique, the old man is determined to win!”

In an instant, the group of immortal dao Paragon, fighting around the cultivation technique jade slip, formed a ball.

There are only two immortal dao Paragons left, and there is a blue clothed woman beside me. Looking at this scene, there are some buns.

“You silly girl, what are you still doing, let’s go!”

Lin Hai saw that the blue clothed woman was also aggressive, staying there, and suddenly shouted.

The reason he threw out the cultivation technique jade slip was to help the blue clothed woman get out of sleep. it is good

It’s not easy to divert most of the immortal dao Paragon. Why isn’t this silly girl moving?

Mad, the cultivation technique thrown out by myself is only half.

You will be robbed when you wait, but if you find a problem, you can’t go again!

blue clothed woman heard Lin Hai shouting, and then she took a look at Lin Hai with a hint of complex expression.

What Lin Hai did was to save her from difficulties, could she not know?

It’s just that such a precious space cultivation technique, even she was so enthusiastic, that Lin Hai just abandoned it? “

Whoops I go! “forest

Hai Jian blue clothed woman was still stupid there, and suddenly covered her forehead.

Why isn’t this little girl in a hurry? “

Hey, silly girl, hurry up! “

Lin Hai was angry, moved towards blue clothed woman was shouting loudly again, waving again and again. Whoosh

!! blue

The woman in this skirt stepped on Xiangyun, and immediately moved towards Lin Hai. “

stop! “No

There were two immortal dao Paragons fighting for the cultivation technique. When they saw this, they were loudly shouted and rushed up to prepare to intercept the blue clothed woman.

“Hah!” Blue

The skirt woman was tenderly shouted, and suddenly a group of blue water columns, soared into the sky, moved towards the two immortal dao Paragon, rushed away.

“Not good !”

These two immortal dao Paragon, only felt a horrible pressure, hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the complexion was greatly changed. Divergent

Waves of action, law and law fly, resist the attack of this water column. boom

!! One

A loud noise, a burst of water, and a huge impact force shocked the two immortal dao Paragon to spit blood and fly back. Whoosh

!! take advantage of

With this gap, the blue clothed woman rushed over and arrived at Lin Hai. “

go! “forest

Seeing the sea, she couldn’t help but overjoyed, pulling the blue clothed woman and quickly evacuating. small

The speed of red is comparable to the auspicious clouds of blue clothed woman. blink

Kung Fu in the eyes, the two turned into a stream of light, disappearing into the sky. “

Whoops, my mother, I finally escaped! “

Seeing the group of immortal dao Paragon, they are still fighting for cultivation technique jade slip, but they have not caught up. forest

Hai then patted his chest and took a breath, thinking about it all after a while. when

Facing so many immortal dao Paragon faces and rescue the blue clothed woman, Lin Hai, this dangerous one, is really a bit big. blue

The woman in the skirt stepped on Xiangyun and looked at Lin Hai with a frost on her face, but Meimu had deep doubts. “

What am I doing? “

Lin Hai froze, and looked at the blue clothed woman strangely. “

Why did you save me? “

blue clothed woman suddenly spoke, just in tone, but as indifferent as an iceberg.

Lin Hai heard it, and suddenly felt guilty and couldn’t help laughing. “

When the road was uneven, my sword was helped … “

“Honestly!” The blue clothed woman interrupted Lin Hai’s words directly, indifferently said.

“Uh … you saw it?” Lin Hai hesitated, suddenly showing a sense of righteousness. “

Well, since that’s the case, I don’t have to hide it! “”

Let me tell you the truth, in fact, I am the legend, and help others to help others. “”

I started bathing my neighbor ’s little sister at the age of three, and put on pants for the little Luoli at the age of five. At the age of seven, I helped the pretty aunt cross the road … “

“Don’t pull it!” Blue clothed woman black brows slightly wrinkle, interrupting Lin Hai’s words again.

Then, suddenly with a complex expression, Lin Hai glanced indifferently said.

“You want me, how can I repay you?”

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