Lin Hai listened, it was really speechless.

This Kou Yixuan, not only has a cold personality, like an iceberg, but also shots hard. “

Ok? what is that? “suddenly

However, Kou Yixuan turned her head sharply, and looked towards the direction that came before, her eyes narrowed suddenly. “

A lot of anger! “

I saw the distant place, endless death, suddenly inexplicably emerged.

And the place where the dead air appeared was exactly where Transcending Tribulation was before Demonic beast! “

It must be Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit! Kou

Yi Xuan’s eyes flashed suddenly, and she disappeared with a snoring, and her feet moved towards death.

“Damn, you’re crazy!” Lin

Seeing this, he couldn’t help but be taken aback. Scattered

Immortal Primordial Spirit, obviously in his own demon pot, how could it be there?

Moreover, the death of that many suddenly appeared out of thin air, there must be something else.

Maybe there is any unknown danger, it is also very likely!

Fuck, this silly girl! forest

The sea could not help cursing.

After all, I secretly received Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit, and I can’t help Ko Yixuan.

If Kou Yixuan was involved in a murky affair, Lin Hai’s heart would be unhappy.

“Fuck, I gave my life to the stupid girl!”

After a moment’s hesitation, Lin Hai clenched the teeth, driving Little Hong, also chasing after him. “

what! !! !! “from

Lin Hai heard a strong scream with the strong death gas and the long distance. hidden

Between appointments, Lin Hai discovered that an immortal dao Paragon who had intercepted Kou Yixuan before was actually entangled with death. Follow

Later, forcibly corroded the fleshhy body, leaving only a cowardly Primordial Spirit, struggling desperately!

“Save me, save me!”

The immortal dao Paragon’s Primordial Spirit issued a frightened roar, struggling to resist this deadly erosion.

The other immortal dao Paragon saw this, and already scared the soul flew away and scattered.

The sudden death gas was far more horrifying than imagined. Where could they care about saving people?

If they don’t leave again, I am afraid they will die here. Ding

Dong! 9

Li Ju has detected a Primordial Spirit that can be taken, with a success rate of 97%. Is it taken?

Far away, the voice of information ascension rang out in Lin Hai’s mind.

Lin Hai raised a brow and saw that the Primordial Spirit of immortal dao Paragon was completely entangled with death and lost consciousness. fear

Afraid of the instant effort, you will die here! “

Conquer! “鍡?/p>

!! Follow

With Lin Hai’s thoughts, Primordial Spirit, which had almost reached the edge of death, suddenly disappeared.


At this time, the immortal dao Paragon rushed in the direction of moved towards Lin Hai with deep fear.

However, although their speed is faster, their vitality is faster than theirs. One

In the blink of an eye, this strong death gas surpassed them and completely surrounded them. “

Everyone gathers together to resist, otherwise no one will survive! “

With the lesson learned from the immortal dao Paragon before, the rest of them suddenly learned smart.

They knew that with the strength of any one of them, it was impossible to stand alone against this deadly erosion.

Only by gathering together and resisting together can there be a glimmer of life!

Kou Yixuan stopped at a distance of a hundred meters away at this moment.

Looking at the deadly breath that still kept coming out, Dai Mei shuddered, full of shock. “

I rely, you silly girl, go quickly, it’s dangerous here! “

Lin Hai finally caught up, and moved towards Kou Yixuan said in a hurry. just

Only then, the immortal dao Paragon, but without even a trace of resistance, lost the fleshhy body.

This terrible horror is evident.

Even if Kou Yixuan’s strength far surpasses them, in the face of this weird death, there are still many crises! Of course

However, Kou Yixuan was brows tightly frowns, and slightly shook the head.

“This dead gas escaped from where Demonic beast crossed the Heavenly Tribulation just now.”

“It seems that there was a hole in the sky by Tian Lei!”

Kou Yixuan raised her hand, moved towards a distant finger, and said with some uncertainty. “

What a hole, let’s go, the Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit you are looking for is not here either! “Lin Hai said anxiously.”

Do not! “Kou Yixuan shook the head slightly.”

The Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit, which disappeared too unfathomable mystery, may be related to this death! “puff

!! forest

As soon as the sea heard, she almost lay on the ground.

Fuck, this silly girl’s imagination is too rich, right? Whoosh

!! on

When Lin Hai’s face was speechless, Kou Yixuan’s silhouette flickered into the deadness. “

I rely, you do n鈥檛 die! “

Lin Hai noticed that her eyes were almost protruding.

Fuck, this silly girl is really crazy! Hum


As soon as Yi Xuan entered the dead air, her body was instantly surrounded by a wave of water halo, and Yingying flickered with blue ripples, blocking the dead air.

Although the dead gas is extremely corrosive, the water wave halo will soon be corroded. Of course

However, Kou Yixuan is indeed the powerhouse of the Great Ascension Peak. The damage of the water wave halo was instantly repaired without any trace of damage. Kou

According to Xuan’s footsteps, as if entering a realm of no one, quickly moved towards the hole where the dead gas burst out. “

Senior, help! “

“Save us, Senior!” Then

More than a dozen immortal dao Paragons, although at this moment fight against death, they are still defeated by the corruption of death, and have reached an arrow at the end of its flight.

Now, seeing that Kou Yixuan came in so easily and freely, she couldn’t care about the siege of others, and immediately moved towards Kou Yixuan calling for help. Of course

However, Kou Yixuan was indifferent, and she passed by calmly without even looking at these people. This

A few immortal dao Paragons, suddenly frightened and angry, raised deep despair in their hearts. “

Mad, this silly girl, is really troublesome! “

Lin Hai was speechless for a while outside the dead air.

Kou Yixuan entered, and he couldn’t stand stupid outside. Ten thousand

This little girl was a little surprised that Lin Hai had to feel guilty.

“I’m a small Spirit Transformation and worry about a well-known figure in an immortal dao Paragon. It’s fucking a dog!” Lin

Hai smiled bitterly, put away Little Hong, and the silhouette flashed into the death.


Suddenly, the magical energy in Lin Hai’s left arm moved quickly. This

This kind of lifelessness not only did not hurt Lin Hai a bit, but it did not moisturize Lin Hai’s body, which made Lin Hai feel refreshed for a while.

However, Lin Hai has no mood to enjoy. Kou

Yi Xuan had already approached the hole, and I don’t know why, Lin Hai always had an ominous hunch.

“Little brother, save your life, save us!”

More than a dozen immortal dao Paragon of Final Struggle, saw Lin Hai also come in. and

What’s even more weird is that Lin Hai was not afraid of death, and immediately gave them hope again. Do not

As a result, one after another moved towards Lin Hai, crying out for help.

“Isn’t it to give you space for cultivation technique? Just move yourself out.” Lin

At the foot of the sea, while walking, he said slightly ironically.

“Little brother, don’t make fun of us, we’ve all been tricked by you, the cultivation technique is incomplete and useless!” “

Please beg the little brother, save us, after we go out, we will never forget the great grace of the little brother! “

The dozen or so immortal dao Paragon already knew that he had been fooled by Lin Hai.

However, nowadays, how dare you blame Lin Hai? forest

If Hai didn’t save them, then they would be finished today.

However, where does Lin Hai care about them at this moment? straight

Speeding up, I reached Kou Yixuan’s side in a blink of an eye, and the probe moved towards the huge deep hole!

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