“Take her away?”

Lin Hai’s words immediately made this group of immortal dao Paragon laugh out loud. “

You junior, really do n’t know the immensity of heaven and earth, do n’t you think that hero saving the beauty is impossible? “”

Hurry up or you will be killed! “forest

As soon as Hai heard this, the complexion sank suddenly became unhappy. “

I said, what’s your name? “”

With so many of you, the partnership bullies a weak woman, but shameless? “

“Weak woman?” Lin Hai said, almost letting the group of immortal dao Paragon vomit blood.

Fuck, have you ever seen a weak woman who waved an immortal dao Paragon? “

Leave your life without rolling! “

This group of immortal dao Paragon, how can there be a little Spirit Transformation in the ink with Lin Hai. see

Lin Hai didn’t leave, one of them immortal dao Paragon, waved a spell, and moved towards Lin Hai flew over.


Suddenly, spell fell on Lin Hai and devoured Lin Hai.

“Well, overestimate one’s capabilities!”

The immortal dao Paragon, with a corner of his mouth, sneered with contempt.

A Spirit Transformation situation, even dare to arrogant in front of him, is really tired of living. see

Solved Lin Hai, this group of immortal dao Paragon, once again focused on the blue clothed woman. just

To prepare for another shot, a lazy voice suddenly passed over. “

Hey, haven’t you eaten? Why didn’t you have any energy? “”

Ok? “The group of immortal dao Paragon, one after another, looked back.

Afterwards, everyone’s eyes were instantly rounded, revealing a deep incredible color. only

Seeing a white-haired youth standing on a golden wings silver-eyed eagle, moved towards them.

The slouchy look, the sad look, is full of ridicule and disdain!


Immortal dao Paragon, dumbfounded, couldn’t believe their eyes. especially

It was the person who shot Lin Hai just now, and even the boss with his mouth open, like a ghost.

Just now, his spell attack, but he hit Lin Hai firmly. do not

It is said that Lin Hai is just a Spirit Transformation environment, even if it is the Great Ascension Late Stage, there is no chance of it. can

It is now that Lin Hai is standing there well, even the Demonic beast under his feet is intact.

This incredible scene made him feel aggressive.

Even the blue clothed woman, with a deep surprise at this moment, looked towards Lin Hai. clear

The bright and beautiful eyes are full of doubt and confusion. just

Before, she also felt guilty that Lin Hai had been killed. miss you

No, in the blink of an eye, Lin Hai actually appeared again intact.

“Fuck, I won’t believe it!”

Immortal dao Paragon, who shot before, felt a moment of anger. even

An ant-like Spirit Transformation environment has not been killed, which is a shame to him!


With a wave of his arm, there was a ray of light again, with a murmurous aura, heading straight for Lin Hai. instant

In the meantime, the silhouette of Lin Hai, Annihilation, was in this terror attack. “

Hum, this time you’re not dead! “This

Named immortal dao Paragon, with the previous lesson, his eyes have been staring at Lin Hai after the shot. straight

To his spell, Lin Hai was completely swallowed up, without any retreat, only to show a cold sneer.

At this time, he has 100 points of certainty, Lin Hai will surely die! “

Alas, is this just the ability? Really stupid! “One

The Tao was full of sarcastic voice, and instantly made the smile on the face of this immortal dao Paragon freeze.

Then, with a deep shock, moved towards the sound looked. but

Seeing that the rays of light of the Tao had disappeared, Lin Hai and Little Hong, based on the suspension there, looked at him with a strong disdain and disdain.

“This is impossible!!!”

The immortal dao Paragon was completely dumbfounded.

He couldn’t think of it, Lin Hai was engulfed in his way, but why was it unscathed? “

He will space spell! Sudden

However, another immortal dao Paragon issued cry out in surprise. “

Space spell? !! “in

Everyone in the market was shocked and set their sights on Lin Hai. air

Spell! No

Wrong, it must be space spell! no

Then, it is impossible to explain why Lin Hai was attacked by immortal dao Paragon twice without dying! “

Boy, hand over the cultivation cultivation technique of space spell, we can spare you a life! “

Immortal dao Paragon immediately, with deep excitement, moved towards Lin Hai shouted loudly. air

Spell is the most mysterious and unpredictable and scarce of all spells. One

Once cultivation is successful, you can move space and make endless use! a few

The cultivator of almost everyone, the spell of space, is full of desire and longing.

For nothing else, it is because the space spell is so tempting to the cultivator. do not

Not to mention, cultivation space spell, at least the critical moments can save lives! on

Like Lin Hai just now, in the face of an irresistible and evasive attack, he can instantly move himself to another space. which is

In the face of even the most powerful enemy, you can also be invincible!

Lin Hai’s gaze was so cold that he glanced at many immortal dao Paragon, said differently.

“The space spell is extremely demanding on innate talent. Even if it is given to you, you may not be able to learn it!” “

Huh, then you do n’t need to worry about it, you just need to hand over the space spell, otherwise you do n’t want to leave here today! “

This group of immortal dao Paragon has been red-eyed, and moved towards Lin Hai shouted loudly.

At the same time, everyone will fully release the spirit strength and completely lock Lin Hai.

I’m afraid that Lin Hai will use space spell and run away suddenly, so their intestines may be regretful. complete

After all, space spells are too scarce. he

We have been cultivation for tens of thousands of years and have only seen descriptions in an ancient book. We have never encountered a person who cultivated a space spell.

Today, it was so easy for them to meet one, how could they easily give up the chance to get the law of space? very

So, in their in mind, the technical of cultivation of this space spell is more precious than Loose Immortal Primordial Spirit!

Lin Hai heard that, and frowned, showing an embarrassed look. sink

After a moment of silence, he suddenly spit out one mouthful of impure air and sighed. “

In addition, if I don’t hand over the cultivation technique of space spell, I’m afraid I can’t leave here. “

“Hmph, if you understand, what else are you talking about, get it out quickly!” Immortal dao Paragon, each with two eyes shining, can’t wait. forest

The sea moved, holding a jade slip in his hand. This

The group of immortal dao Paragon suddenly flashed in his eyes, staring at the jade slip in Lin Hai’s hand. forest

Haixin sneered, glanced at them again, and then moved towards blue clothed woman with a finger.

“Let her go with me, this space cultivation technique is for you!”

“Otherwise, don’t think of the cultivation technique!” Xian

Paragon heard it, and immediately frowned, sneering. “

Boy, do you think we are 3 years old? “

“Who knows the cultivation technique you have in your hand, true or false?”

Lin Hai corner of the mouth raised, gave them a playful look.

“Do you doubt the authenticity of this cultivation technique?” “

Okay, open your eyes wide and look good! !! !! “forest

Hai said, suddenly sent consciousness into the jade slip, and suddenly jade slip rays of light were in full bloom, a row of characters flashing golden rays of light appeared in the sky!

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