“Dog, what’s your name? I just heard that you can still talk, it’s amazing!”

Murong Yanran hugged A’hua’s neck and asked with a petite look. Finish

Ignore Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, and treat them as air. “

My name is A’hua. You are the most beautiful human being I have ever seen. No one. Are you a fairy in the sky? “Ah

The flower dress appeared in a cute and cute manner, whispered, and asked with a tilted head. vomit

~ Listen

In A’hua’s pretentious tone, Lin Hai was nauseous and almost vomited.

Fuck, this dead dog can really pretend!

“Giggle!” Murong Yanran was teased by A’hua for a while, the flowers trembled.

“You dog, it’s really pleasing!” “

No, I am serious, are you a fairy in the sky? “A’hua asked solemnly, solemnly.”

Giggle! “A’hua’s words made Murong Yanran smile again, and the eyes looking towards A’hua became softer and softer.

“My name is Murong Yanran, dog, would you like to follow me?”

“Is this true!” A’hua immediately showed to be wild with joy.

“Oh my God, I’m so happy! It’s really a blessing to be able to follow a fairy like you!” “

I will follow you later, eat with you, live together, sleep together, bathe together … uh! “Ah

The flowers rushed behind and swallowed back, Mard accidentally, almost exposed. “

Giggle, you dog, that’s bad! Mu

Rong Yanran not only did not turn his face, but laughed more and more happily, extending the hand, pointing fiercely and nodding A’hua’s forehead, but his eyes were full of spoils.

Woo …

Flowers as a fighter among the old drivers, naturally will not miss such a good opportunity. One

With a soft groan, his head was once again in Murong Yanran’s arms, and he froze vigorously.

“Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, I feel my pride is hurt!” Lin

The sea was on the side and suddenly choked. “

Me too, I feel like I was alive for the first half of my life! “Immortal Zui Jiu looked at A’hua, gnashing teeth!

“Well, Girl Murong, I suddenly changed my mind. I won’t send you this dog. I’m going to kill it. Stew the dog meat and drink it!”

Lin Hai turned black and stared at A’hua. “

Fairy, I’m so scared! “

Lin Hai had just finished speaking, A’hua’s entire body fell into Murong Yanran’s arms, and she felt a lingering moment. face

On the other hand, a pitiful, timid look appeared, and Lin Hai was almost vomiting blood. “

Dogs are not afraid, there is me! Mu

Rong Yanran looked cold, and a murderous intention shot out from her eyes! “

Such a cute dog, you should kill him, believing or not I will kill you first! “

“And!” Murong Yanran’s eyes suddenly burst into a strong anger!

“Just now, I attacked you. How dare you use a dog to resist the attack. Your heart is really poisonous like a snake!”


Lin Hai heard this and almost vomited blood on the spot.

Fuck, since this dead dog has evolved from eating dragon meat, not only does it have a thick skin, but the skin on the whole body is good?

A’hua’s most unique ability is his resistance.

In order to test A’hua’s resistance to crickets, Lin Hai even asked Ouyang Puhui to take his own measures. Knot

As a result, the dead dog forcibly could block the blow of immortal dao Paragon, but it was just a sore howl, without any substantial harm. you

Ya Murong is sweet, but how can a Great Ascension Late Stage hurt A’hua? A

If Hua Zhen can’t resist your blow, the big brother can’t throw him out!

“Girl Murong, things are not what you think …”

“Stop!” Murong Yanran angrily, not listening to Lin Hai at all.

“I’ll kill you now, and give this dog a bad breath!” “

No! A’hua hurriedly stopped Murong Yanran, pitifully.

“Fairies, forget it, they are poor!”

“It’s because I’ve always been jealous of my handsomeness that I’ve been so kind to me!”


A’hua’s words made Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu gag again, this dead dog is too shameless.

“Fairy elder sister, let’s go, I don’t want to see them!”

A’hua showed a distasteful look, not even looking at Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, glaring at Murong Yanran, said.

Murong Yanran then looked at Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu coldly, lightly snorted. “

Look at the dog’s face, I’ll spare you today! “

“Dare to talk behind the nonsense, I will kill you and wait!”

“Also, dog abuse is not allowed in the future!” Said

Afterwards, Murong Yanran immediately put on a beautiful peach-like smile, and moved towards A’hua softly. “

Dog, go, go home with elder sister! “嗖


Xiang Yun soared under Rong Yanran’s feet, and disappeared into the sky with A’hua in a blink of an eye.

Only Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu remained, stunned and messy in the wind. Over

It took a long time for Immortal Zui Jiu to look at Lin Hai with some sympathy. “

What the hell, your dog seems to be betrayed! “forest

Hai shook his fist and bit his teeth. “

Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, do you want to eat dog hot pot, I ask you! “

Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu entered Baishicheng, looked for a hotel, and waited for A’hua’s news while drinking. To

Murong Yanran’s love for A’hua, and it will be easier for A’hua to inquire about the news of the Skyless League than for the two of them. Sudden

However, a small voice came from the mouth of a guest next to him. “

Hey, I heard that there is n’t. There is a terrifying phenomenon in the mountain range in Shiraishi Western District 3000. “”

There is a thick death gas at the entrance of the mountain range. There is a cultivator of Deity Transformation Early Stage. By mistake, it is directly eroded by death gas and turned into dead bones! “

“Now, many people are rushing there to explore. It is said that there is a strong and powerful Demonic beast inside, and the thick death gas is what the Demonic beast can swallow!”

An outside diner, after listening to it, said nodded.

“I also heard that if I can overcome this Demon Beast, I am afraid that my strength will multiply!”

Now that Demonic beast is injured, it’s the best chance! “”

“Oh!” Another person sighed with a grin.

“Even if the Demonic beast is injured, I can’t wait for the thick death gas at the entrance.”

“It’s a good thing, it’s definitely not our turn for Spirit Transformation.”

“Be that as it may, but we used to take a look at the excitement and it was a worthwhile trip. Besides, in the event of a shit, this Demonic beast just happened to be surrendered by us. ? “”

haha, makes sense! Mad, maybe I’ll take the lead in fortune, eat fast, eat quickly, go over and look! “listen

In the words of these diners, Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu glanced at each other, both of them were a little emotional.

“Lin Hai, anyway, let’s wait for the news here, why not, take a look?”

Lin Hai is nodded, with a flash of light in his eyes. “

just to my liking! “Two

The individual smiled, stopped talking, quickly finished eating and drinking, and got up and walked out. “

Little Hong! “

Lin Hai released Little Hong, and the two jumped onto Little Hong’s back and flew straight into the mountain range!

A distance of 3000 miles is, for Little Hong, an instant effort.

Far away, a continuous mountain range appears in Lin Hai’s sight.


At this moment, a sudden cloud came from the side of Lin Hai, just to meet Little Hong.

The people on Xiangyun, seeing someone riding a flying demonic beast, didn’t care and went straight to the mountain range. can

Suddenly, she found that Little Hong’s speed was surprisingly fast, comparable to her auspicious clouds.


With deep surprise, this person curiously moved towards Lin Hai looked.

And Lin Hai looked up at the moment moved towards Xiangyun.

But with this look, Lin Hai’s brain suddenly became blank!

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