Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu were suddenly surprised, only feeling a terrifying coercion, never falling from the sky.

Looking up in horror, but seeing the endless tide, like a tsunami, moved towards 2 people swept through.


The faces of the two men suddenly changed. This

The sudden attack was too powerful. forest

Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, no matter who they are, have no strength to resist this attack. forest

The sea is okay. If you lose, you can hide in the demon pot, but in this way, Immortal Zui Jiu will suffer.

“View treasure!” Wei

In a hurry, Lin Hai shouting loudly, throwing a sudden thing!

Then, he pulled Immortal Zui Jiu and flew back in a hurry!

boom! that

The horrible water wave attack struck Lin Hai’s throw.

“Ao! Yeah, yeah, it hurts !!!!” Ah

Hua uttered a terrible howl, and his body was directly hit by the fly and fell heavily on the ground. and

Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu also took advantage of this instantaneous gap to escape the attack of the tide. Follow

Afterwards, they looked on guard, and moved towards looking forward.


An auspicious cloud dropped from the sky and fell in front of two people.

Above Xiangyun, a young woman wearing a long dark green dress, tall and arrogant, with a cool and beautiful face, jumped down. Two

Only charming within both eyes, with shameful anger, fiercely staring at Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, murderous intention 4 shot! “

Friend, who are you, why did you shoot at me? “forest

The sea frowned, moved towards the beauty opposite, coldly asked. “

Alas, two apprentices dare to speak lightly to me, and I will kill you today! “

The woman was tenderly shouted, and the dark green dress agitated without wind. “

Wait! “forest

Hai Wen heard and hurriedly stopped drinking, stopping the woman.

Afterwards, they looked at each other with Immortal Zui Jiu, all of them a little cyanosis.

Fuck, isn’t it so coincidental?

Listen to the woman, is she like Murong Yanran?

“Hmph, you’re dead, what else do you have to say?”

Lin Hai smiled, scratched his head, and asked a little embarrassedly. “

What, are you Murong Yanran? “”

Hum, it is this ambassador! “

Whoops I go! listen

To Murong Yanran’s affirmative answer, Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu looked at each other in blank dismay, and their faces were hot and hot. This

Fuck, it’s awesome, and it’s been heard, it’s really big. “

What, girl Murong, misunderstanding, all misunderstanding! “Lin Hai explained with a smile.”

You also know, men, especially men who drink alcohol, especially like bragging. “”

Goddess with in mind in his back, joking, although very insignificant, but it is not blasphemy, but a deep love. “forest

The sea sighed as she spoke, and moved towards Immortal Zui Jiu with a finger. “

Just like my big brother, who didn’t drink before, but after seeing Murong’s face by accident, he has fallen in love with you deeply. “

“Since then, you can’t extricate yourself, you can only use wine to dispel sorrow, in order to pin your miss on the girl.”

“Speaking of which, my big brother is also a poor passionate seed, oh!”

Lin Hai shook his head and sighed. Correct

The face of Murong Yanran, expression was obviously stunned.

And Immortal Zui Jiu is the boss with his mouth open, while looking at Lin Hai in wonder, he wants to cry without tears. Ny

Ma, when did the buddies adore her?

Immortal Zui Jiu was about to speak, and Lin Hai hurriedly moved towards his eyes. “

big brother, your Goddess is right in front of you, you have nothing to say to Goddess? “Say

? I said your sister!

Immortal Zui Jiu almost cried, fuck, Lin Hai, it’s too bad. Do not

However, Murong Yanran is the Great Ascension Late Stage, and she and Lin Hai have to ask her about the skyless alliance.

In this way, Murong Yanran really cannot be offended. hemp

Bi, go back and settle with Lin Hai, the samely brat!

Immortal Zui Jiu slowly raised his head, pretending to be deep and decadent, and glanced at Murong.

“For the girl’s face, I think about it day and night, but I have no chance to see each other. What else can I do besides sending acacia in the wine?”

Immortal Zui Jiu smiled bitterly, “If you draw a knife and cut off water, the water will flow more.

After finishing, drinking the wine from bottle gourd, just like a sentimental prodigal son.

“If you draw a knife and cut off water, the water will flow more.

Murong Yanran’s heart, for some reason, suddenly felt a strange feeling.

When looking towards Immortal Zui Jiu again, it seemed as if the previous disgust was gone. “

wa ha ha ha, father, the way you guys pick up girls is too old-fashioned, laugh at me, hahaha! “One

Exaggerated laughter sounded, but when A’hua was lying on the ground, covering her stomach, she laughed.

Shua! Adore

Rong Yanran’s pretty face suddenly changed, and she just felt good about Immortal Zui Jiu’s rise, and instantly disappeared without a trace! “

Do you want to bubble me? What you just said are fake? “

“Courting death!” Mu

Rong Yanran drank, with anger, ready to shoot again! “

Wait! “

Immortal Zui Jiu cry out in surprise, and hurried to stop Murong Yanran. “

Pooh! You shameless, you’re dying, what else to say! “

Immortal Zui Jiu’s eyes rolled sharply, then frivolous. “

The girl is really exceptionally intelligent. Now that you can see it, let me tell you the truth. “

Immortal Zui Jiu said, suddenly reaching out, moved towards Lin Hai with a finger.

“Actually, it’s my brother Lin Hai. I’m after you.” “

I did it just to cooperate with him! “Say

After that, Immortal Zui Jiu hurriedly thought about taking a step back, and distanced himself from Lin Hai, looking out of the way.

pu! Lin

Hai heard this and almost planted the ground.

With deep grievances, Lin Hai gave a scornful look at Immortal Zui Jiu.

Fuck, what about brother?

“Damn!” Mu

Rong Yanran was almost out of breath, Immortal Zui Jiu was undoubtedly teasing her! she was

How can you not hear it! “

Girl Murong, don’t do it! “

Lin Hai saw that Murong Yanran was about to run away again, and hurriedly opened the mouth and said.

“We were wrong. I am willing to offer the girl treasure for the girl’s forgiveness!”

Speaking, Lin Hai didn’t look back, grabbed it in the volley, A’hua’s huge body flew into the volley in an instant. “

ao ah ah ah! father what are you doing, i’m afraid “boom


A’hua didn’t finish talking, and fell directly in front of Murong Yanran, rolling his tongue and rolling his eyes. “

Girl Murong, as long as you forgive us, this pet dog will give you away! “forest

The sea pointed at A’hua and said weakly. Adore

Rong Yanran bowed his head subconsciously, and after seeing A’hua’s look, he could not help but shine. “

Wow, what a cute dog! Mu

Rong Yanran seemed to change into a person at once, with deep joy, squatting down.

He stretched out his tender little hand, stroking A’hua’s dog hair tenderly, his face full of joy. amount

… is this OK? drunk

Jiuxian was on the side, his eyes staring round, his face was incredible.

Lin Hai was relaxed, a helpless smile.

Mad, Teddy, this species is really loved by girls, especially beautiful girls!

Even the fairy of the Great Ascension is no exception! Woo

Wu wu ……

Seeing Murong’s beautiful beauty, A’hua has been bubbling long ago. One

While wu wu’s humming, she arched her head into Murong Yanran’s arms coquettishly. “

Giggle! “

Murong Yanran was tickled by A’hua and laughed for a while, it was really devastatingly beautiful. Finish

I didn’t notice that A’hua had a peach blossom in his eyes and drooled all over. forest

Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu saw this scene, their noses were sour, and they almost cried.

You’re paralyzed, buddies are alive, really a man is worse than a dog!

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