“Xinyue !!!”

A huge ecstasy burst into Lin Hai’s heart. forest

The sea shouted, and the woman moved towards Xiangyun pounced.

The woman immediately raised her eyebrows and buzzed a halo, enveloping the lovable body, a huge impact, and popping Lin Hai directly.

“Damn, Lin Hai, you are crazy!”

The situation was too sudden, Immortal Zui Jiu only responded now, and could not cry out in surprise.

Fortunately, Little Hong was very fast, and her wings flew, catching Lin Hai.

Otherwise, Lin Hai fell from a high altitude, and I’m afraid it would have to fall into the mud.

Hearing the shout of Immortal Zui Jiu, Lin Hai suddenly shivered, sobering.

With a trembling body moving towards the woman on the cloud, Lin Hai seemed to fall from the cloud, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley, hurting. “

I’m sorry, I confessed the wrong person and offended! “

Lin Hai bowed her head, apologizing to the woman with deep sorrow and sorrow.

The woman on the cloud, a long blue dress with ice, although beautiful in appearance, is not far from Liu Xinyue. but

But it’s not Liu Xinyue!

Especially the temperament like iceberg is completely different from Liu Xinyue. “

You are an amorous person, and my cultivation technique of cultivation can motivate the soul. This is not to blame you! “

The woman’s voice is not loud. Although it has the coldness of being a thousand li, it sounds extremely soft. “

A spiritual cultivation technique? “

Lin Hai froze, then shook his head with a bitter smile.

That’s what happened for a long time! forest

Hai’s longing for Liu Xinyue has already reached the depths of his soul. Such as

Nowadays, when encountering such a weird cultivation technique, he was suddenly hooked up and a phantom appeared. “

It’s powerful, I’ve never seen it fly so fast at a demonic beast! “

The blue clothed woman pointed at Little Hong and said softly with deep curiosity. “

Dogs have been ravaged too much, and the speed is naturally faster. “Lin Hai shrugged, play with a smile.

However, the blue clothed woman heard Lin Hai’s words without a look on her face.

Lin Hai was embarrassed for a while, Mad, this joke seemed a bit cold! with

A cold-hearted woman tells a cold joke, how boring she is.

Lin Hai was very curious and no longer spoke, and the blue clothed woman did not speak anymore, and in the blink of an eye, she reached the mountain range of the Yingying.

At about the same time, Lin Hai landed with the blue clothed woman.

Immediately, the death-like anger that was as dark as the substance came into view.

At the same time, there are hundreds of close and numerous people who have gathered here. only

Regardless, they all kept a distance from this dead energy, with deep fear in their eyes.

“Even the Great Ascension went in and died without going out of ten meters. The deadly corrosive power is too terrifying!” “

Yeah, I do n’t think there is no cultivation base for the Great Ascension Late Stage, it ’s better not to go in! “

“Even if the Great Ascension Late Stage cultivation base is in, can you come out alive, still talking about it!” Ren

We gathered together discussed spiritedly, looking at the dead gas in front of us, no one dared to enter. Show

Of course, there was the Great Ascension before, but unfortunately died in it, and shocked people. “

Damn, this life is too strong, let’s stop looking for excitement! “

Immortal Zui Jiu just shook his head and said firmly.

Lin Hai brows slightly wrinkle, before I talked, I suddenly saw a flash, and then the fragrance passed by. under

For a moment, the blue clothed woman had passed Lin Hai and reached the deadly front.

“I depend, what is she doing?” Drunk

Jiuxian cry out in surprise, but I haven’t finished talking, but I saw the blue clothed woman, calmly walked into death. “

Damn, who is this girl? !! “”

Fuck, don’t die! “

“Do you think you look good to avoid death?”

The crowd of onlookers suddenly exclaimed, their faces full of astonished expression.

Lin Hai frowned, and was a bit surprised. miss you

Not so bold as this iceberg-like beauty.

or is, boldness of execution stems from superb skill? “

Heavenly Eye Technique, open! “

Lin Hai drank in secret, and immediately opened Heavenly Eye Technique, and moved towards the thick death look. Follow

Later, I saw a blue shadow flash, and the blue clothed woman had disappeared into the depths of death, no trace!

“Sure enough, some way!” Lin

The sea was secretly nodded, and the blue clothed woman disappeared into the depths of death, which shows that its cultivation base is so good.

Being able to walk in without such fear seems to be well prepared and well-founded!

“Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, would you like to go in and see?” Lin

The sea turned around, moved towards Immortal Zui Jiu said with a smile.

Immortal Zui Jiu shook his head like a rattle.

“As I said just now, entering here is purely for excitement. I won’t go!”

“Then I went in by myself!” Lin Hai shrugged, smiling. “

Can you do it? Immortal Zui Jiu’s face was serious. Although he knew Lin Hai ability was good, he was still a little worried.

“Rest assured, death is no threat to me!” Lin

Hai said, put away Little Hong, and then moved towards death.

“Damn, who is this man, don’t you die?” “

Fuck, seeing the cultivation base is a Deity Transformation Early Stage. How dare you go inside? “”

Grass, is it to chase the girl just now? They seem to be coming together! “”

Hey, pick up girls don’t have to be so hard, isn’t this going to die? “Zhong

People looked at Lin Hai and shook their heads one after another, with contempt and disdain, even more pity. Of course

However, Lin Hai turned a deaf ear to the outside world’s discussions, and in the eyes of everyone, went into death. Hum


As soon as he entered, Lin Hai only felt the death of the sky, like the tide of the seabed, moved towards himself. that

Horrible pressure, like the fine tip of each and everyone, moved towards their own skin. If

It’s a common cultivator. Once infiltrated with dead gas, terror will violently die immediately!

However, Lin Hai is coldly smiled. Is there such a thing as non-absorption? boom


Lin Hai’s whole body, black rays of light suddenly flashed, and the magical energy in his left arm swam all over the body instantly!

The next moment, Lin Hai’s eyes, the glimmering light, terrifying, instantly transformed into a man of magic!

Tzzzzzzz zi!

With that rich dead gas entering the body, the magical qi of Lin Hai within the body quickly moved, quickly absorbing and compressing the dead gas into the energy of Lin Hai within the body! “

So comfortable! “

Lin Hai suddenly felt as if soaking in a hot spring. His whole body was four limbs and hundreds of bones, all gently nourished. and

The constant influx of dead gas is like endless energy, absorbed by the magic of within the body.

Lin Hai’s body seemed to become the center of a vortex. After a short time, he breathed all the dead air around him!

“Well, look at it, it seems that the vitality has faded a lot!”

There was an exclamation from outside, and Lin Hai’s heart moved and he stopped quickly. Do not

Can breathe again, otherwise the dead air as a natural barrier disappears, and everyone outside comes in. that

In this case, there are so many people, but it’s better to keep idle people out!

Lin Hai took a look at the magic of within the body and absorbed so much death. The magic of within the body has been significantly strengthened, and it has benefited a lot! “

The rest of the dead gas is still collected when it comes out! “miss you

At this point, Lin Hai took a step forward, casting his body skills, moved towards the depth of death, galloping away!

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