When Lin Hai saw the expression of the resident villager, he couldn’t guess where he must know.

“Tell me everything you know!” Lin Hai solemnly said.

“Yes!” Zhu

The village swallowed, obviously expressing some nervousness and fear. “

Wutianmeng is an extremely mysterious and powerful organization. 100 years ago, the Moyu religion that controlled Baishicheng, such as Sun Zhongtian, has numerous teaching masters, has huge power, but was extinguished by the Wumeng League overnight. Since Sect Lord No one survives! “”

Subsequently, White Rock City fell into a state of no ownership, and after more than 20 years of contention and slaughter, it was finally controlled by today’s 7-star palace. “

Lin Hai was unmoved after listening.

Xia Houchuan was able to easily call a dozen immortal dao Paragon on that day, which is enough to show the power of the skyless alliance. This

Waiting for strength, killing a Sect is not yet with no difficulty.

“What else? For example, where is the sect of the skyless union, and how to find their Alliance Leader?”

The village stunned and then shook the head.

“Don’t you know?” Lin Hai frowned. “

Senior, Skyless League is extremely mysterious. It suddenly appeared in White Rock City 100 years ago. After killing Mo Yujiao, there is no news of Skyless League. “

“At least, I haven’t heard of it. Would you like to ask about it in the city?”

Lin Hai nodded, “What is the name of City Lord in White Rock and what is the cultivation base?” “

Senior, the Red Jade Kingdom is not called the City Lord, it is called the resident of the city. “

“The resident ambassador of White Rock is the Official Disciple of 7 Star Palace, called Murong Yanran, and the cultivation base is Great Ascension Late Stage!”

“Murong Yanran?” Lin Hai froze, “female?” “

Yes, the 7 Star Palace, including the 7 palace masters, are all women! “

“Hehe, interesting!” Lin Hai laughed, all women’s sect, the first time I saw it. “

Want to find out more about Wutianmeng, can only find this Murong Yanran? “Lin Hai asked.”

Yes, Murong City Lord is the supreme ruler of White Rock and should know some news. “

“If she isn’t sure, she can only find 7 Star Palace.” Lin

Hai nodded, “Is there a map of the Ruby Country?”

Upon hearing this, the village ambassador hurriedly took out a jade slip and took it to Lin Hai with both hands. “

The ruby ​​kingdom is really too big, and I only have a map of the sphere of influence of the 7 stars. “

Lin Hai took it, and immersed himself in it.

Including Shiroishi Castle, there are exactly 7 cities controlled by the 7 Star Palace.

A sect composed entirely of women, capable of expanding such a large force, could not help Lin Hai’s attention.

“Well, you go out first, something will call you!” Lin

Hai waved his hand and sent the village envoy and Duan De out.

Then Lin Hai turned his head and looked towards Immortal Zui Jiu.

“Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, what should I do? This skyless alliance is more mysterious, and it seems that it is not easy to find!” Drunk

Jiuxian brows slightly wrinkle, said a moment’s silence. “

The strength of the Red Jade Kingdom, I heard Demon Venerable said, is far from being able to compare with the country of heaven. “

“We can’t be in a hurry. Mysterious skyless alliance, let’s start at White Rock City and ask someone to ask!”

“If Murong Yanran doesn’t know it, she will find the 7th Star Palace.”

7 Star Palace can control 7 cities, the strength is evident, finally know something! “”

Okay, I mean that too! “Lin Hai nodded, the two decided to rest here for a day, and then went to White Rock City on the second day to ask Murong Yanran about the situation.

I heard that Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu were going to stay in the village. Duan De immediately greeted people and set up a banquet.

In the evening, the goods were arranged for several beautiful chicks and delivered to Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu’s room.

Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu were speechless. They kicked the beautiful woman out of the room and spent the night in cultivation.

As soon as the second day dawned, Lin Hai saw the ambassador to the village.

“We are going to Baishicheng now. Can you help and introduce Murong Yanran?” Zhu

The village ambassador heard it, scaring her neck and showing timidity. “

Senior, it ’s not that you do n’t recommend for two people. The resident in the city has rules, and the resident in the village leaves the village without permission. It is a capital crime! “

“Then, could you tell her in advance on WeChat?”

“WeChat?” The village resident laughed bitterly.

“Two people don’t know, Murong Yan looks beautiful like Celestial Immortal, I don’t know how many men are fighting her idea, because of her strong defense, and WeChat is confidential.”

Not to mention that my little ambassador to the village, my boss’s ambassador to the town, and even the Great Clans patriarch in White Rock City, may not get her WeChat. “

Lin Hai frowned suddenly after listening. “

So how do we find her? “

The resident village shook the head directly.

“I want to see Murong Yanran, I can only go directly to her house. As for seeing two of her, I will not understood.” Lin

Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu smiled at each other, showing a helpless expression.

However, they can also understand that as a high-weight beauty, naturally, men’s favor is indispensable. Adore

If Rong Yanran had not been a little wary, it would be annoying to be annoying. meaning

With a few thoughts, Lin Hai took out an upgraded version of Ning Ying Dan and threw it to Duan De. segment

Germany subconsciously caught it, and in a daze, Lin Hai’s voice sounded lightly. “

This medicine pill has a certain chance to let you unite the Primordial Spirit and achieve the position of Earth Immortal. “”

Whether it will succeed depends on your own life! “”

As for you! “Lin Hai also looked towards the ambassador to the village.” The cultivation base has reached the Great Ascension, which is higher than me. I have nothing for you, but as long as you don’t betray me, you will have your benefit in the future! “

Lin Hai finished talking, and with Immortal Zui Jiu, jumped on Little Hong’s back and headed straight towards the sky. “

Ah, Ahhhh! !! !! “straight

When Lin Hai disappeared, Duan Decai woke up from a huge shock. Follow

Later, holding Ning Ying Dan with great care, ecstatic!

“Earth Immortal, am I going to be Earth Immortal?”

“I’m not dreaming, right? Ha ha ha ha ha!”


With the map given by the village ambassador, Lin Hai easily found the location of White Rock.

A hundred miles away from the city, Little Hong landed and was retrieved by Lin Hai. “

Lin Hai, let’s go directly to Murong Yanran? “Asked Immortal Zui Jiu.

“What else?” Lin Hai helplessly said.

“What if he’s gone?” “

not see? “Lin Hai shrugged,” Big deal, sacrifice hue! “drunk

Jiuxian gave Lin Hai a punch directly, “It is me who wants to sacrifice the hue. He is handsome, unrestrained, and unscrupulous. Absolutely the ideal white horse Prince in the heart of beautiful women!”

As for you … “Immortal Zui Jiu looked up and down Lin Hai a bit,” Although he is a little handsome, but lacks manliness, I’m just so rosy and won’t look at you! “forest

The corner of the sea mouth slipped, and his lips screamed.

“Do you mean manly, drunk?”

“Well, what’s so drunk?” Immortal Zui Jiu’s eyes glared. “Are you calling a man without drinking?” “

You believing or not, buddy, after drinking, when the man’s momentum comes out, Murong Yanran immediately throws his arms in his arms, and I am fascinated by Divine Soul? “”

hahaha, just blow it, can Murong Yanran see you? How much she lacks a man! “Lin Hai pointed to Immortal Zui Jiu, said with a big smile.”

Alas, who knows for sure, maybe she lacks a man! “drunk

Jiuxian tone barely fell, and suddenly an angry coquettish sounded suddenly. “

Shameless, apprentice, die! !! !! ”

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