Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, riding Little Hong, ran all the way straight to the Red Jade Kingdom, which is adjacent to the Tianyun Kingdom. wear

After an endless mountain range, finally reached the boundary of the Red Jade Kingdom. far

Far away, I saw a mountain village, located on the edge of the Red Jade Kingdom.

“Little Hong, go on!”

Lin Hai commanded Little Hong and fell off the edge of the mountain village. small

The strange appearance of the red has long caught the attention of the villagers. only

As soon as it fell, more than a dozen villagers surrounded them with vigilant eyes.

“Who are you, and how expensive are you to our village?” The first dark-skinned middle-aged man looked at Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, he asked.

It’s all Nascent Soul Late Stage!

At first glance, Lin Hai saw through the cultivation base of these villagers, and could not help but secretly shocked. Such as

In this remote village, people ’s cultivation base is so high that it is stronger than the small town in the Tianyun Kingdom.

It seems that Tianyun Guo is weak, and it is true.

Lin Hai slightly smiled, moved towards middle-aged man holding cup one fist in the other hand.

“I am 2 people from the country of Heaven, passing by your land, and want to ask you something.”

“Come from the kingdom of heaven?” A middle-aged man froze, and then a look of contempt appeared on his face. “

What do you want to know? “”

In which direction is the nearest city? “Lin Hai indifferently asked.

“The nearest city is naturally Shiroishi City. As for where it is …”

The middle-aged man suddenly froze the corner of his mouth, stretched out two fingers, and watched Lin Hai twist gently. “

I rely on, asking for a way to pay for it? “

Immortal Zui Jiu was on the side, speechless for an instant, incredible.

Middle-aged man rolled his eyes, whitened Immortal Zui Jiu, and groaned.

“Crap! I don’t know you yet, why can I tell you for nothing?” “

100 Spirit Stones! “”

100 Spirit Stones? Why don’t you grab it! Immortal Zui Jiu sneered, disdainful.


A middle-aged man froze, looking at Immortal Zui Jiu, blinking and blinking, then his eyes flashed sharply. “

Yeah, why don’t I grab it? “”

You are from the country of Heaven, what can you do to rob you? “

“Surround them!” A middle-aged man waved, and dozens of people behind him instantly surrounded Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu.

each and everyone rubbing their fists, grinning, eyes floating on Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu, harboring malicious intentions.

Whoops I go!

Immortal Zui Jiu, seeing this situation, covered her face directly, completely speechless.

Fuck, these people are amazing! from

That is a word of protest, why are they serious and really ready to snatch?

Before you grab it, don’t ask about it yourself. What is the cultivation base for yourself and Lin Hai? “

Seeing you remind us, we only make money, not kill! “”

Leave the treasure on you, and the flying demonic beast, all left, and then you can go! “

middle-aged man both hands crossed near chest, said lazily.

Lin Hai also smiled, with a deep helplessness, shook the head.

“What are you laughing at?” Middle-aged man glared, fiercely said. “

I laugh at you guys, really ignorance is a bliss! “

“You want to rob us? You don’t ask, what is our cultivation base?”

Lin Hai turned his head and glanced at Immortal Zui Jiu, sighed, helplessly said.

“Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, do you do it, or do I do it?” Drunk

Jiuxian shrugged slightly, with a disdainful expression. “

It’s up to you, this kind of merchandise can’t interest me at all. Immortal Zui Jiu said as he took out a bottle of bottle gourd, and nobody drank it. Right

Faced middle-aged man, when he heard Lin Hai’s words, his eyebrow jumped suddenly, suddenly the mouth and said.

“What is your cultivation base?” 噗


Immortal Zui Jiu just took a sip of wine and immediately sprayed it when he heard the words of a middle-aged man.

cough cough cough

Immortal Zui Jiu coughed for a while, then laughed while covering his stomach.

“Ha ha ha ha, fuck, I said buddy, are you going to tease me?”

“Not reminding you to ask, you still can’t remember asking, is it?” Lin

The sea is also laughing for a while, this middle-aged man is also amazing!

“We are Earth Immortal!” Lin

Hai shrugged, said with a smile.

“Earth Immortal ?!”

Hearing Lin Hai’s words, the middle-aged man’s face suddenly changed, but there was no sign of fear. “

Go, please envoy to the village! “

“Yes!” A man behind the middle-aged man turned around and left quickly.

“Resident in the village?” Lin

Both Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu were stunned, and then a look of laughter suddenly appeared.

“Your village, and the ambassador to the village? Who sent it?” Lin Hai asked curiously.

“Hmph, you will understood when you meet!”

The young man just finished talking, and suddenly a lightning-like silhouette came to him in a blink of an eye.

“Pay respects to resident villager!”

When the man saw the man, he hurriedly saluted.

“En!” The comer called Jinfu with a proud look, slightly nodded. Follow

Later, his eyes flashed, looking towards Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu.

“Two Deity Transformation Early Stage?”

At the time, the corner of the resident villager’s mouth slightly skimmed, revealing a disdainful expression. Follow

Then, with his hands on his backs, his chin stood high and lightly saying. “

you two, from the country of heaven? “

Lin Hai pupils shrank, looked up and down this village ambassador, and found that this person turned out to be the Great Ascension.

“Yes, we are from the country of heaven!” Lin

Sea nodded, differently said.

“Hmph!” Lin

Hai Tone barely fell, and this resident village suddenly coldly shouted, and then the powerful breath suddenly released.


A strong coercion fell on Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu. Strong

The big aftermath brought back dozens of villagers and even backed up by shock, revealing astonished expression. “

The strength of the resident village, terrifying well! “

For a time, these dozens of villagers all showed deep awe. with

At that time, with the expression of take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, moved towards Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu looked away. Ground

What about Xian, the resident villager said, but Earth Immortal, who died in his hands, had 800 without 1000! can

After seeing Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu’s calm and calm expression, the villagers couldn’t help but rush.

Why aren’t these two people afraid?

“Little Little Tian’s cultivator of the country, so I do not know the politeness, see the ambassador, don’t you know saluted?”

The resident in the village was coldly shouted, with a powerful True Yuan in his voice, which shocked the surrounding villagers, his head was dizzy, and his heart was even more awed! forest

Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu looked at each other and shook the head helplessly. “

Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, you say this is a pretense, how can it be everywhere? “Lin Hai asked strangely.”

Life is cheap! The cheaper the species, the more can be seen everywhere! It’s like a fly, it can be found in any pit, but have you ever seen a panda in that pit? “”

Makes sense! Lin Hai looked at him with a stunned expression, pointing at the ambassador to the village. “So, is he a bitch?” “

“Eh …” Lin

The words of the sea made the villagers suddenly aggressive and shocked. I

Oh, how dare he say that the resident in the village is a slut?

Is this a new trick for their fate in the Kingdom of Heaven? drunk

Jiuxian is a very nodded, patted Lin Hai’s shoulder, and spoke carefully.

“Brother, your ability to analyze and judge has improved again! What a gratification!”

pu! drunk

The words of Jiuxian made the villagers almost fall on their backs.

These two goods are really living treasures. It is absolutely impossible to leave today. “

shut up! Resident

The village’s face was white at the moment.

Lin Hai and Immortal Zui Jiu were so guilty that they sang him like a reed.

It’s really tired of living!

“You have succeeded in angering me, and today, I scratched your skin!”

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