“Lin Hai, watch out!” 扈

Seeing this, the Third Young Lady hurriedly reached out, ready to pull Lin Hai behind him. Song

How powerful and terrifying Jiang’s fist is, both of them have a deep understanding. Such as

If Lin Hai was smashed by Song Jiang, it would definitely be unpleasant.

“Third Young Lady, don’t worry, watch me accept him!” Lin

Hai a light shout, next moment, the 36-day star star compass appeared out of nowhere.

weng! star

The moment the compass appeared, the star representing Tian Kui Xing flashed sharply. “

go with! “forest

With a wave of the sea, the star compass was directly sacrificed.


In time, the star compass flew into the air, and the rays of light flourished.

The stars of rays of light, radiated above the shadow of the fist, instantly destroyed it.

The opposite Song Jiang, as soon as the Star Compass appeared, felt a deep unease. and

At this time, the stars of rays of light suddenly covered Song Jiang completely.

“Ah !!!” Song

Jiang Qing couldn’t help but send out a terrified roar, and turned around subconsciously and ran away.

However, a horrible suction came from the star compass, like a rope, fastened him tightly, and moved towards the star compass!

“Third Young Lady, don’t you really miss brother, do you start with me?” Song

Jiang knew that asking Hai Lin was useless, and he could not help but moved towards 扈 Third Young Lady, and shouted with grief.

weng! also

Before waiting for the Third Young Lady to speak, the silhouette of Song Jiang has been completely inhaled by the star compass! Follow

Later, the rays of light of the star compass converged, representing Song Jiang’s stars, as bright as a lamp!

ding dong! days

Kui Xing’s spirit returns, the current mission completion (2/36) Lin

Hai looked at the information in his head and could not help exhales one mouthful of impure air. This

It’s been a long time, and finally the essence of the second Celestial Star has been collected. will

72 The earth-sharp compass was closed, Lin Hai turned his head and looked towards the somewhat absent-minded 扈 Third Young Lady.

Just about to speak, suddenly WeChat rang, it was Xia Houchuan’s mobile phone.

Lin Hai opened WeChat and instantly stared. because

Because it is not someone else who sent the message, it is Song Jiang who has just been included in the star compass! Song

Jiang: Lin Hai, destroy my spirit, I have written it down! The next day must let you die without a burial site! (Behind is a bloody knife expression) “

Song Jiang is not dead, he still has the spirit to survive! “forest

The sea couldn’t help but cry out in surprise.

扈 Third Young Lady is aside, it is a quiet sigh, expression is a bit lonely.

“Yes, Song Jiang is not at all dead!” Lin

Hai turned his head, looked towards 扈 Third Young Lady, and asked puzzledly. “

Third Young Lady, what is going on here? “”

Also, how can Song Jiang’s strength be so strong! “

扈 Third Young Lady smiled bitterly, and stunned some messy hair with a soft voice. “

Tian Li Xing is different from my terrestrial star. Once you get rid of **, the spirit will restore its original strength. “

“Although Song Jiang is not good at fighting, it is not surprising that as a Tiankuixing star, he is better than me.”

Lin Hai listened, frowning could not help but indifferently said. “

Song Jiang is so powerful, you have to take revenge, I am afraid it is not easy! “

“That may not be so!” Third Young Lady shook the head gently. “

Song Jiang is strong because of his spirit, which is near Tiankui Star, and I don’t have any strength of Star to use. “

“If it’s inside Tian Kuixing, even if it’s Song Jiang’s natal star, I, Third Young Lady, don’t fear him!”

Far from Tian Kuixing, he is not my opponent! “

Lin Hai listened with a bitter smile. “

What to do then, go to the Red Jade Kingdom and continue to hunt him down? “”

That’s not necessary! 扈 In the eyes of Third Young Lady, there was a sudden flash of cold glow.

“Song Jiang’s spirit can’t be too far away from the destiny star.” “

The essence just now has been taken away by you, and he is bound to separate the essence to come. “”

I just need to wait and see! “

When Lin Hai heard this, it was true, but when thinking of Song Jiang’s strength just now, he was a little worried.

“Even if Song Jiang is here again, he is so close to Tian Kuixing, I am afraid you are not his opponent!”

“It has been exposed here, he will not come here directly.” 扈 Third Young Lady said firmly. “

He asked Xia Houchuan to send Yun Lingzhu here because of the spirit here, and he has been too weak to leave the natal star for too long. “

“If more spirits come here, Song Jiang will definitely return to Tiankuixing to replenish his energy, and then find a hidden place to hide.”

“The purpose of staying in the kingdom of Heaven is not to fight, but to stay close to Tian Kuixing and keep the subject alive!” Lin

The sea blinked and heard a mist of water. suddenly

However, I feel that the arrival of these stars is really complicated.

“What can I do?”

Now that I don’t understand, Lin Hai didn’t ask just now, but it’s more practical to see what can help.

扈 Third Young Lady glanced at Lin Hai, Zhu lips opened, and she stopped talking. “

Third Young Lady, between you and me, there is no need to be so polite, let’s talk! “扈

Third Young Lady’s beautiful eyes flashed a glimmer of light, looking at Lin Hai. “

If the officials are free, can I go to the Red Jade Kingdom to destroy Song Jiang’s organization? “

Lin Hai frowned, shocked. “

Are you talking about Skyrim? !! “

“En!” 扈 Third Young Lady nodded, and then a disgusted expression appeared in her eyes.

“Song Jiang’s organization must have blinded many people, and these people will eventually be miserable by him!”

Just like the original Shuibo Liangshan, how many people Song Song killed! “”

I don’t want to let the tragedy repeat! “

Lin Hai listened and was silent for a moment before slowly nodded.

“I promise you!””

When I have leisure, I will go to Tianyun Country! “”

Third Young Lady, thank you, officer! “扈 Third Young Lady moved towards Lin Hai, a little worship, beautiful eyes full of gratitude.

At this time, two people rode on Little Hong and returned to the Flying Star Pavilion.

扈 Third Young Lady directly enters the core of Tiankuixing and prepares to guard the rabbit.

Lin Hai and Ying Ronghan met for a while, and emphasized to Ying Rong that after Chen Yan could represent himself, he left Flying Star Pavilion and returned to Haiyue restaurant. “

The Red Jade Kingdom looks like Thunder Clouds Sect, so be there! “

Thinking of promised Third Young Lady to go to the Red Jade Kingdom to destroy the Sky Alliance, Lin Hai suddenly thought of Thunder Clouds Sect.

I killed Thunder Clouds Sect’s inheritance in the realm of heaven, and repelled Purple Diantang’s Vice Hall Master Lv Hongxiao.

If you are going to the Red Jade Kingdom, I’m afraid you need to make a conclusion. Boom

dong dong!

However, there was a knock outside the door, and the sound was more rapid. “

Get in! “

The door was pushed open, and Immortal Zui Jiu came in, his face solemn.

“Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, is it all right?”

“Lin Hai, I’m here to say goodbye to you, I will rush to the Red Jade Kingdom!”

Oh? Lin Hai heard it, and raised a brow sharply.

Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence that Immortal Zui Jiu was going to the Red Jade Kingdom. “

Immortal Zui Jiu big brother, are you going to Hongyu Kingdom, is there anything wrong? “

Immortal Zui Jiu’s heavy exhales one breath saying, differently said.

“I heard Demon Venerable say, Skyless League is more active in the Red Jade Kingdom.”

“So, I want to travel to the Red Jade Kingdom and investigate the source of the Divine Law treasure.” Lin

Listening to the sea, then it is slightly smiled. “

Coincidentally, I just prepared to go to the Red Jade Kingdom! “”

Why not go together? “

“Really ?!” Immortal Zui Jiu heard it, and immediately rejoiced, “haha, very good, and then Monkey Wine drank again!”

Lin Hai heard that, and suddenly he was speechless, giving him a blindfold. “

Does Demon Venerable follow? “

“He won’t go!” Immortal Zui Jiu shook the head, “He is an infamous Big Devil who actually has patriotic feelings, saying he wants to stay and defend the Tianyun Kingdom from being invaded. He’s really intoxicated!”

It ’s okay if he does n’t go, then let ’s both go and turn the Red Jade Kingdom into Heaven and Earth turning upside down! “

“Haha, okay! What you said is really exciting!” Drunk

Jiuxian laughed and agreed with Lin Hai on the departure time. First

Early in the morning 2 days, Lin Hai sent a message to Chen Yan so that Immortal Zui Jiu could leave the country together!

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